» Adventure » Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wilson

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to be isolated so early?
Jason flew high into the air, watching the rest of the home burn. It was time to begin anew. He soared away from the sight and began his journey home. His wounds were beginning to feel better now, so he was able to make the journey go quicker. The darkness of night had blanketed the town by the time he had returned. He landed on the edge of the cliff and entered his home. He half expected to find his home trashed too, but fortunately found it as he left it.
He didn’t bother to make anything to eat. All he wanted now was sleep. He plopped down on his bed and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to overcome him. He hoped he would dream of happy memories that night. He wanted to dream about his uncle. He wouldn’t have minded dreaming of Sarah either. Instead, he dreamt of something he had never seen before. He was walking through a desolate wasteland, just wandering.
He finally came across a shadowy figure standing several hundred feet away. Jason began to run towards the man. As he got close, the figure turned around and starred back at him with the most frightening red eyes Jason had ever seen. The eyes could only be described as evil in its purest form. His body was suddenly struck with paralyses. The figure pointed a pale, bony finger at him and darkness began to surround him. All he could here was a man laugh a wicked laugh. Jason screamed as though the darkness was growing closer to him. Then, as though the night had come and gone, he awoke to sunlight of the morning.
He got up and placed a hand on his head. His dream seemed almost real in parts. The red eyes that he had seen still haunted him. He got dressed for the day and grabbed a quick bite to eat. He walked trying to focus on happier things. It was hard not to think of his uncle’s murder. He figured the best way to start looking for this man was to search the internet for clues. He trudged into the school hallway and found his locker. He had almost forgotten what books he needed that day. He hoped today wasn’t going to be too complex of a day.
In his last class before lunch, a topic out of the ordinary came up. The class was about modern events and conflicts. Throughout the past couple of class days, they had been focusing on the problems in the Middle East. That was not the case today, however. Today, they were going to be talking about something that Jason knew better than anyone.
“Well, class. I trust all of you heard of the incident that happened last night?” the teacher asked. The students all began to whisper to one another and there were a few nods in agreement. Jason was really hoping that it wasn’t what he feared.
“Just in case some of you had your head in the ground last night, there was some sort of an earthquake that caused massive damage to the roads on the edge of town.” the teacher stated.
“I heard it was a fight,” a boy remarked.
“Yeah,” a girl agreed, “I heard that is was an alien fight!”
“Now that is just ridiculous!” laughed the teacher, along with the rest of the class, “Shard, you often have smart theories, what do you think occurred last night?”
Everyone was now starring at Jason. He knew exactly what had happened. He was in fact the one who had caused the damage. He couldn’t tell everyone though. He had to play this one of smooth.
“Well, I…uhh…I’m not entirely sure,” Jason responded.
“Nonsense! You must have some thought on this topic!” the teacher declared.
“Umm well…I don’t think that the idea of alien life should be completely tossed aside. Maybe it was an alien fight. It makes more sense than an earthquake in this state.”
“Yeah!” cried another boy, “Maybe it was that guy on the news!”
People suddenly began to talk about aliens. Before long, the class gotten so far off topic that Jason didn’t have to say a word the rest of class. The bell rang and he began to make his way to lunchroom. His day was going a lot slower than usual. He was almost to the stairs when he heard a girl scream. He turned in the direction of the voice and saw a guy shaking a girl. The guy had two other thuggish guys with him. It took him a moment to realize it, but the girl was none other than Sarah Williams.
Jason rushed over to the scene and saw that the boy was yelling in her face. The other two guys had grins on their faces and the biggest guy of them all seemed to be enjoying himself. Sarah was struggling to get loose from the big guy’s grip
“Hey!” Jason cried, “Let her go!”
The big guy looked up at him and snickered.
“What are you gonna do? Huh? You gonna stop me or somethin’?”
“Just let her go,” he said trying to stay calm.
“Why don’t you make me!”
Jason took a step forward and the big guy’s thugs stepped towards Jason. Jason really didn’t want to use violence on humans, but these guys weren’t about to reason. He would use as little strength as possible and avoid direct hits. The two thugs stepped between Jason and Sarah. They tried to intimidate Jason with dirty looks. Jason just starred back at them. When he took another step, one thug threw a punch at Jason. Before the fist reached Jason’s face, he grabbed it with his hand. The thug tried to pull back but couldn’t break Jason’s grip. The other thug lunged in Jason’s direction. Before the second guy reached Jason, Jason twisted the first guy’s arm behind his back. The punch that the second thug threw hit the first thug right in the face. Once the punch had settled in, Jason pushed the first thug into the other, causing them both to fall to the ground.
Jason stepped toward the guy who was holding Sarah again. He let her go and brought his fists up in a fighting stance. Jason really couldn’t hurt these guys so he allowed the guy to throw punches at him. Jason dodged punch after punch until the big guy was breathing heavily. When he threw about his fifth punch, Jason kicked the big guy’s legs out from under him, causing him fall flat on his back. The guy was still tired from throwing all of the failed punches and didn’t get up.
“I tried to be polite,” Jason said looking down at the big guy. He then turned his attention to Sarah, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” she said catching her breath from struggling, “Thanks,”
“Come on,” Jason said, “We should leave.”
The two of them left the hallway and began down the stairs. Jason led Sarah outside so that they could talk about what had happened. He liked talking to her. She gave him a good feeling inside. Jason pushed open the doors that led to the front lawn of the school. Kids were scattered across the grass enjoying their lunches. Jason made his way to the flag pole with Sarah where they finally sat down. He looked at the beautiful girl next to him. For a moment, he forgot that he had any pain inside him. It was as though everything was calm once again.
“What did those guys want back there?” Jason asked.
“Just a bunch of creeps who were trying to have their way with me,” Sarah said as she looked up at Jason, “They probably would have too if you hadn’t come along.”
Jason smiled and said, “I wasn’t about to stand by and let them hurt you,”
“Well it’s good to know I have someone looking out for me,” Sarah said smiling back at him, “Nice moves too. Where did you learn to fight like that?”
“Uhh my uncle taught me when I was little. I grew up with him and he taught me how to defend myself.
“That’s pretty cool. So you and your uncle are pretty close?”
“Yeah…we were,” Jason said looking back at the ground. The painful memory came back to his head again.
“Oh…I’m sorry, Jason,” Sarah said sincerely, “Who do you live with now?”
“I live on my own now,” said Jason looking back into Sarah’s eyes. He loved how blue and innocent they were. It helped him feel calm.
“Oh, all by yourself? Where are your parents?”
“They died…a long time ago,”
“Oh god…I’m so sorry. I keep bringing up bad things.”
“It’s alright. I didn’t really know my parents. The only family I really had was my uncle. Now it’s just me and me alone.”
“That doesn’t mean you are alone.” Sarah said as she looked back into his eyes, “You still have them in your heart. You also have friends who are there for you.”
Sarah placed her hand on his. They locked eyes with one another. Jason couldn’t get over how incredible this girl was. Even when he felt like he’d hit rock bottom, she managed to lift his spirits.
“So, what about you?” Jason asked, “What’s your story?”
“Well, I live with my parents for now. They are usually fighting with one another though. I want to move to the city when I graduate. I’m ready for something bigger in my life. This town is getting to be too small. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah,” agreed Jason. His life was big enough for now.
“So I was thinking about this Friday. Would you like to meet somewhere for dinner?”
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” Jason said with a smile.
“Well I have to run to lunch. I will see you Friday at…?”
“Why don’t we just meet in the park and decide from there?” proposed Jason.
With a smile and a nod in agreement, Sarah left. Jason sat there a moment watching her leave. Even the way she walked was beautiful. When she smiled, Jason got lost in the moment. He didn’t even try to question his feelings anymore. He didn’t care what the reason was that he felt this way. He just liked it. He got up slowly and began for the lunchroom again. Today, his friends were back to normal.
Josh was talking about his game this Friday, while Tony talked about changing his workout routine. Jason sat down and for the first time anyone could remember, brought up something that got all of their attention.
“So…I have a date this Friday.” Jason said, continuing to eat his food like nothing had been said. His friends stopped talking and starred at Jason in disbelief. No one said anything for a moment. They were all just starring. Josh had had a spoon full of jell-o that plopped back onto his tray. Matt’s eyebrows rose. It was as though he had told them he was an alien.
“You? A date?” Josh asked looking amazed.
“Yep, I’m going out to dinner with her this Friday.”
“Who?” Tony questioned, “Williams?”
“Yep, she asked me out today,” Jason said with a small smile. Josh slammed his spoon down onto the table and looked up at Jason.
“Jay, what did I tell you about lying?” yelled Josh.
“He isn’t lying,” Matt said with a laugh, “He really is going out with her,”
“Oh yeah?” Josh spat, “How do you know?”
“Well he did save her from Brett and what would have most likely turned into sexual assault.” Matt declared. Jason didn’t want to think what would have happened if he hadn’t been there.
“I hate that kid!” Josh yelled, directing his anger elsewhere, “There was this time in football when…”
“Yeah, Josh,” Tony groaned, “We’ve heard this story before,”
“Well excuse me for liking a story that
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