» Adventure » Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Savior, Jordan Wilson [which ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wilson

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eyes that could look into the most sheltered of souls and see them for who they are. He had brown hair that matched his uncle, but no facial hair. He saw this, too, as a distraction. He was seen as handsome by most of the girls that he attended school with. From time to time, he would have a girl ‘hit’ on him, but he never showed much interest. He was interested in girls for characteristics beyond their physical appearance, but had yet to find one that had a likeable personality.
Jason attended a school that was nearly across the country in a town called Branson, Indiana. Jason would flew off early in the morning and train after school. On the weekends the intensity of the practices picked up. He knew today was going to be tough on the mind and body. When he saw his uncle high in the sky, something happened that he didn’t see every day. His uncle began to gather his flaming heat power into a visible orb, around the size of a globe. He held it in his hand and threw it downward at Jason. He hadn’t used this trick too often. Jason could feel the heat approaching fast and had to react. He used his own flames as another force and tried to push the orb to a stop. He pushed and pushed until the attack finally came to a stop. With a twist of his wrist, Jason spun the sphere and blasted it back at his uncle.
His uncle, amazed as Jason’s counter, barely dodged in time. He clapped his hands and slowly lowered to the ground. Flying for the Aspen was easy. It felt like there was another layer inside of their bodies that they could manipulate. If they willed their bodies to go up, they would go up. If they could maintain focus, their bodies could stay floating in the air with complete mobility. Once an Aspen had practiced this skill, flying came to them another sense. Their heat powers were something that was created in their blood stream. The ability to conjure and produce flames and heat energy would be created in their blood. The molecules in their bloodstream would rapidly overheat, producing excess heat that could be controlled by the Aspen host. They were truly powerful beings a whole.
Their last ability was to read other heat signatures. When something gave off heat waves, the Aspen could feel it. Jason could literally stand on the other side of a brick wall with his eyes closed and know exactly where everyone on the other side of the wall was instantly. Jason used this power as a battle tactic. It would alert him to where his opponent was at all times and helped him predict and counter. Jason had learned a lot from his uncle. This was just one of the many skills.
When his uncle landed on the ground in front of him, he put his hand on Jason’s shoulder as a sign of ‘good job’. Jason smiled and the two went into their house. Alfred had told Jason how he had made this house of the ship they had come in on. Breaking it down bit by bit was easy, but reconstructing it was a lot harder than he had imagined. They went inside and Alfred prepared dinner. Jason opened his textbook and began on the end of his homework. Since it was a Sunday, Jason would have to have every assignment done for tomorrow.
Within about fifteen minutes, Jason was served a type of beef with carrots and cooked potatoes. He grabbed a glass of water for a drink. As strange as it was, he loved water. All of the Aspen’s seemed to love water. Jason always found this puzzling due to the fact that they could command fire, but he found it pointless to worry about. Uncle Alfred had simply explained it as a way for reloading the bloodstream molecules that gave them the powers. To them, losing water would result in death just like a human. It was the equivalent to dehydration for Jason. In a lot of ways, Jason was just like humans. He ate the same things. He had grown up here and managed to blend in fairly well.
No matter where Jason went, he was able to understand every language. To his species ears, they all sounded the same. As an unknown action, they were able to simply speak back to a person in whatever language they chose. Jason usual spoke English, but had had to speak Russian and Spanish before. It was interesting to Jason at first to learn about his own kind, but now all he cared about was advancing his powers and learning about the humans. As his uncle and he ate, they talked about the lesson for the day. Jason had, as usual, passed the test of reacting appropriately to a strong attack.
Jason loved his uncle. He was always kind and patient. It wasn’t easy for him to grow up as an alien on planet where he didn’t fit in. He had to hide his powers from everyone and could only use them when he was with his uncle. Over the past two years, his uncle had helped him perfect the Aspen art of masking presences. With this talent, Jason would be able to manipulate the weaker forces around him into seeing nothing but a blurred image for his face. He could adjust it and turn it on and off at will. He generally covered his entire face, but had practiced showing his eyes. The Aspen were a species of many hidden talents. His uncle always told him that he had the strongest potential he’d ever seen before. Those words alone help Jason get by with his training.
When dinner concluded, his uncle called him back to the table to discuss something. He seemed serious about it, but it didn’t worry Jason. His uncle never seemed to have bad news. Their house was small and condensed. There was a small living room and an outhouse outside. The kitchen had a table nearly next to the sinks and the refrigerator. It also had two beds in a back room that were separated by a curtain. It was small but cozy to Jason. He sometimes wished he had a nicer home like his human friends, but just assumed it wouldn’t happen.
“Jason, you are becoming a man,” said his uncle, “Every day you become more and more mature. You never cease to amaze me.”
“It’s all thanks to you,” Jason admitted.
“I have done whatever I can for you, but now I am starting to realize I have done all I can for you,”
Jason’s face grew a look of confusion as Jason asked, “What do you mean?”
“I’m saying maybe it’s time you were sent out on your own. No, not maybe. It is time.”
“So…you’re kicking me out of the house?”
“Ha-ha! If you want to look at it that way, yes I am. But not without something. There is a house I had built out in woods area of Branson.”
“You want me to live all the way in Branson?”
“Why not? You fly there almost every day anyways and then you would have your distance from me.”
“I don’t know about this…”
“Don’t worry, my boy. I have a nice spot picked out for you. It looked out to Holden City. You can see it all. This isn’t just about you leaving me. It’s about you becoming what you were always meant to be.”
His uncle had always spoken of him becoming a hero of the human race. He would tell Jason that he would be an unknown soldier that would lead the humans out of their darkest times. He always talked of a greater destiny for Jason, but never explained it to him. He would only ever say that time would tell. Jason never liked such vague answers, but respected his uncle’s words. He believed in his uncle’s words.
Jason had tried numerous times to learn more about the Aspen history, but whenever it got to the point about their downfall, his uncle would grow very serious. He spoke of an evil race that pushed the Aspen to the verge of extinction called the Quixon. He described them as vicious monsters who’s only intent was to cause pain and suffering to everything around them.
Jason grew up hating the Quixons. He had never seen one, but he always wished he would. He wanted to fight one and put the race to justice. Alfred told him that his mother and father had both died in the war. The Quixon were dark and sinister if they could wipe out an entire race. Jason hated them right down to his core. He always told himself that one day, he would get his shot at revenge and would prove which species was superior.
“So, when do you want me to leave?” Jason asked.
“Tonight,” Alfred said with a smile, “Everything you’ll need besides your school work is already at the house. Here is the key.”
Jason took the small key to the house and slipped it into his pocket. He was starting to get anxious about what his house looked like. Jason looked back to his uncle, who was now holding a box.
“There is one other thing, Jason,”
“What’s that?”
“I want you to have something of the Aspen’s. It is an incredible material that is one of the few remaining things I have from Forge.”
“No, I couldn’t,”
“I insist. It’s yours,”
Jason pulled a shirt from the box and looked at it. The material was stretchy and durable. It was a black shirt with three grey Aspen symbols on it. There was a symbol on each shoulder and on right on the neck. It was tight fitting, which showed off Jason’s incredibly fit figure. He immediately tried it on. It was a perfect fit. It was like wearing an athletic Underarmor shirt. He liked how it felt on him. It was comfortable and smooth.
“I suggest wearing it at all times under your normal clothing. The longer the shirt is on, the more adapt to your body it becomes.” Alfred said.
Jason was so excited about everything that was happening but also a little sad. He was going to have to say goodbye to his uncle. He wouldn’t be able to see him everyday like he wanted to. It was going to be a tough transition.
“Will I get to see you again?” Jason asked a little worried.
“Of course you will! My door is always open. Just try to remember that you are on your own now. I have given you all the money you need. The rest is for you to do. No more help. It is your life to do what you wish.” Alfred said with a smile.
Jason smiled and hugged his uncle. They talked for a little while long, but eventually, Jason had to leave. He took off for his new house, leaving his uncle behind to wave. He looked back and saw the warm face of his uncle. He didn’t know it now, but he would learn to never forget that image. It would forever be held dear to him.
Jason flew across the country high in the skies and by sundown had finally reached the house his uncle had directed him to. It was on the edge of a cliff that looked out onto the entire city. Holden City was one of the larger cities in the United States. He often would head into town before school to grab something to eat or catch a quick haircut. When Jason landed in front of his new, wooden home, he couldn’t help but smile. It was such a good feeling to be able to choose what his next moves were instead of following after his uncle. He would miss his
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