» Adventure » Ryoko's Life, Amber Riel [life changing books .txt] 📗

Book online «Ryoko's Life, Amber Riel [life changing books .txt] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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away as Ryoko watched.
Ryoko was shocked by Will's words. She couldn't believe it. He had afficially joined the dark side.

Ryoko was on her way back to the throne room, when she ran into Magma. "What are you doing here?" the princess asked.
"None of your business, Magma."
"Look, we don't need any scum, dirt pirate walking around this nice...."
Ryoko punched Magma in the jaw. "And now, if I get in trouble for that, I could just fight them, because I'm a pirate and I don't care.... Besides, because of you, Will is evil."

Jim walked into the throne room. Zelda watched from behind a wall. She went to move away but knocked over a vase. Jim heard the noise and looked around. "Who did that? Who's there? Show yourself."
Zelda tried to run away, but it was too late. Jim was already behind her.
"Busted, pirate."
Zelda pulled out her sword and....

Ryoko and Magma had a stare down. "If I had a weapon, I'd kill you."
Ryoko pulled out her sword and held it up to Magma's neck. "I have a weapon and I would kill you."
Magma backed up slowly, worried that Ryoko was going to kill her.
"As a matter of fact, princess, I could kill you right now...."
Zelda ran passed and grabbed Ryoko's arm, pulling her way from Magma. Zelda was crying. She thought about what she had done and just cried.
"Zelda, I told you to stay hidden in the throne room." Ryoko was mad.
"I know, but I did something bad."
"What did you do?"
They heard a scream coming from the throne room. The scream was loud and frightening.
"That had to have been the queen.... Zelda, what happened?"
"I'll tell you when we get outside."

Lizabeth was frightened and crying, when Russel and Leo rushed into the throne room. "What's wrong, your highness?"
"Look." Lizabeth pointed to the body of her dead husband.

"You killed the king?" Ryoko asked, amazed that Zelda would do that.
"I didn't mean to.... It just happened." Zelda was balling.
"Calm down, we just have to get the crew and some other shiploads of pirates to help fight the bounty hunters."

"This means war," Russel said. "Oh and, your highness, come here for a minute."
Lizabeth moved toward Russel. "What?"
As quickly as he killed Artic, he had killed Lizabeth as well. "Nothing personal. It's just that you're son wanted us to kill the both of you anyways. No hard feelings I hope." Russel removed his sword and let the body fall next to her husband. "Till death do you part, but you both will be stuck with each other in the afterlife. Rest in peace." Winter & the Blue Ram

Three months later, Ryoko and her crew had found a bar on the Planet Era, where other pirates were. Zelda, Robbie, and Zack made friends with some of the older pirates, who happened to be the drunks on other ships as well.
Ryoko and Olivia had found five of the other captains. One of them being Christian's dad. "One-Eye Nick?" Ryoko asked. She knew it had to be him because he was the only pirate, who she had ever heard of with one-eye. Of course, he wore a black eye patch with a skull and cross bones painted on it, over the eye, which he didn't have. She didn't care to much to know why he only had one eye.
"Yes, young lady?" the man asked.
"I'm Captain Ryoko.... Russel and Leo are gathering other bounty hunters to kill off all of us pirates.... We're trying to talk to other pirate captains and their crews to see if they will join us to fight against them."
"You can count me and my crew in, kid."
Ryoko smiled. "Oh and your son is on my crew by the way."
"Good. I always knew he would become a pirate." Nick walked away and Ryoko kept her smile.
"Captain's Bill, Tom, Mandy, and Louis, will you join us as well?"
"Me and my crew are up for it," Bill replied.
"I'm always up for a fight," Tom agreed.
"We're in," Mandy answered.
"Fight against the bounty hunters?" Louis asked.
Ryoko and Olivia looked at each other and then to the older man. They didn't know if that meant he was agreeing or not.
"Sounds fun. I'll have my crew ready in no time." Louis smiled at the girls.
"Good." Ryoko smiled. She was hoping that they could get enough pirates to fight off the bounty hunters and stop Will in his tracks.

The day had came. Ryoko and her crew were back on Blaze. She had Winter stay on the ship to guard it. Her and the crew were hanging out near a mountain. Ryoko looked out into the distance and noticed smoke coming from the Blue Ram and that the ship was sailing off into the distance on fire. She knew that the bounty hunters had something to deal with that her ship was sailing away on fire, she was angry that they were killing Winter and she would never be able to see him again. "Winter.... Those stupid bounty hunters are killing Winter...." She was ready to go on a killing spree.
Jackson grabbed Ryoko's arm. "Captain, we have to wait...."
"But, Winter.... I have to...."
"I'm sorry, captain, but we have to wait."
"When I get my hands on Russel and Leo, I'm going to kill them. I've watched and heard about them killing innocent people and animals and it needs to stop." Ryoko was ready to attack and kill the two bounty hunters who she hated the most.


"It's time," Ryoko told the crew as she watched the sunset. She was going to get revenge for all the innocent blood which had been shed through the years. Revenge for Ash and Chealsey. Revenge for Artic. Revenge for Winter. Revenge for everyone else who had become victims to the coldest bounty hunter in the universe. If she didn't get revenge, then she would die trying. "Jackson, and Zeke, you two go toward the docks. Robbie, and Zack, you two go toward the town. Christian, and Zelda, you two go toward the castle. Olivia, you and me will stay here in the woods. The other captains will have their crews in the same areas to help us. Remember, this is a war between us pirates and the bounty hunters. Not everyone will survive. We will die with honor. Nothing more. Nothing less. Now, go and if any of us are left, we'll meet at the little empty bookstore near the store. Go and do your best."
Jackson made his way toward Ryoko. "Captain, wait."
"What, Jackson?"
Jackson hugged Ryoko then locked eyes with her. Everyone waited to see what was going to happen. Olivia felt anger and hurt growing as she watched her crush, Jackson, kiss their captain.
"Aww.... That's so cute.... I knew that was going to happen." Zelda smiled at the sight. She thought it was the sweetest thing that she ever seen. "That's so...."
"Come on, Zelda." Christian grabbed Zelda's arm pulling her away from the scene.
"Bye, Zelda. I'll see you back at the bookstore," Robbie said, waving at her. He blew a kiss to her and she smiled.
"Bye, Rob. I love you."
"I love you too."
"You can talk to your boyfriend later. We've got to go, Zelda."
"Okay, Christina."
"Please don't call me that."

Ryoko looked around for Olivia. They were suppose to stay in the woods, but Olivia had vanished somewhere.

"You're willing to help us?" Russel asked someone who managed to stay in the shadows and not reveal themself.
"Are you sure we can trust you?" Leo asked the same person.

Zelda was on her way back to the hide out where her and Christian were hanging out at as they waited for some other pirates. She was carrying a bottle of rum, when she noticed a bounty hunter standing in front of her. "Hello...."
He pulled his gun out and shot at her.
Zelda looked down and realized that he had missed her, then her eyes moved toward her left hand, which was holding her bottle of rum. The rum bottle had broke and she lost the rest of her rum. She wanted to cry, but as she looked up at the bounty hunter, anger had shown in her eyes. She was ready to attack him. "You.... You wasted my rum." She threw the broken bottle to the side and drawn her sword. "You will pay for that."
The bounty hunter wasn't ready for her attack and she sliced and diced him open till his blood was on her shirt and she put her sword up.
"I didn't want to do that, but you gave me no choice." She looked at the body and shook her head. She took a deep breath. She looked at the sky and decided that she needed to go back to join Christian. "I better go now."

Christian help up an explosive as Zelda walked in and closed the door.
"You're back. Where's your rum?"
"A bounty hunter wasted it and I killed him for it. What's that?"
"It's that explosive that...."
The door flew open and Jackson stood in the door way. He didn't bother to take a step, he just stood there as if he seen something trumagic.
"Jackson, how'd you find us?"
"JACKSON 1!" Zelda ran over and hugged him. She felt something in his back and felt something wet and warm as well. She backed away as he slowly fell to the ground. She noticed that someone had stuck a knife in his back and that he was bleeding, badly. "Jack-son?" she asked as if he could answer.
Christian jumped to his feet. "He's dead. We have to get out of here."

Zelda and Christian ran into Zack and Robbie. "Robbie, Zack, you two alright?" Christian asked.
"Yea," Robbie replied, trying to catch his breath. Him and Zack had been running for their lives, shooting at different bounty hunters which they were face to face with. "What about you two?"
"We seen Jackson," Zelda blurted out. "He had a knife in his back, he's dead. We don't know where Zeke is."
"Well," Zack said, sadness in his voice. "We found Zeke.

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