» Adventure » Ryoko's Life, Amber Riel [life changing books .txt] 📗

Book online «Ryoko's Life, Amber Riel [life changing books .txt] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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Poor little guy never had a chance."
"I didn't even get to come up with a nickname for him."
Robbie looked over and noticed that a bounty hunter was going to shoot at Zelda. "ZELDA, LOOK OUT!" He pushed Zelda out of the way and fell to the ground dead.
"No, Robbie." Zelda started crying.
"Zelda, go to the bookstore by the shore. Me and Zack will meet you there."

Ryoko held her gun up, hiding behind a tree as she heard gun shots. She was hoping that her crew was alright. She had lost Olivia and didn't know if she was dead or alive. All she could do was wonder and worry about herself. She would move from the tree and shoot at the enemies then hide behind the tree until it was her turn to shoot again.

Zelda had managed to lose her weapons on the way to the little bookstore and so she looked for anything that she could use as a weapon. She heard the door open and turned around. She was relieved to see that Olivia had walked in. "Oh. It's just you, Olivia."
"What's wrong with you?"
"I'm trying to find a weapon."
"Can you help me please?"
The windows had been blocked off. Zelda wasn't worried about Olivia, she just wanted something to calm her down.
"I can't find a weapon anywhere. You?" she asked.
Olivia hid her sword to where Zelda wouldn't see it. "No."
"This is bad." Zelda was freaking out. She looked everywhere for a weapon, but no luck. "We're in a war against those blood thirsty bounty hunters and to make things worst there's only five of us." She wasn't thinking about the other pirates from the other crews.
"Actually, there's only three of us now."
"Yea. You, Ryoko, and me."
"Oh, man. It's worst than I thought. Where's the rum?" She started looking for rum and forgot about looking for a weapon.
"The rum? Is that all you're worried about is the rum?" Olivia crossed her arms, leaned against a wall, and shook her head. "Come on, Zelda. You're a moron. Think about it, we could die today, and you wouldn't care. You're freaking out because you can't find the rum."
"I'm freaking out 'cause we might die that's why I need the rum. Just so I can calm down. You would know that if you just asked. I can see that we might get killed. We don't stand a chance against those bounty hunters. We better be glad that Magma isn't here to kill us as well."
"That's because she's the one who had the bounty hunters come and kill us. If you only could see that."
"I don't want to talk about this. Now, just help me look for weapons."
They started to look for weapons, when they heard gun shots on the other side of the door.
"Oh, crap. That don't sound good."
"Of course it don't sound good, someone's getting shot." Olivia turned to a closet and opened the door. "Hopefully, it's her no good cousin," she said to herself.
The door flew open. They got ready to fight, Zelda grabbed an empty rum bottle, which she had found and broke it to use it as a weapon. She looked at Olivia and smiled. "See why I need the rum?"
Olivia just shook her head. Ryoko walked in. She was bearly walking. "They got me.... They got me...." She dropped dead to the ground.
Olivia walked over to close the door and locked it as Zelda ran over to her cousin, crying. She tried to wake Ryoko up. "Ryoko, wake up. Please, don't be dead. Please don't...."
Ryoko woke up, laughing. "Got ya."
"Don't do that." Zelda started laughing in relief. She was glad her cousin wasn't dead.
Ryoko stood up. "Sorry, cuz. I just couldn't help it. I had this blood on me and I thought that it'd be funny. Heck, it's not even my blood. It's some of those bounty hunters' blood."
Olivia walked away from the door. "Where were you, Captain Ryoko?"
"I was getting some more laisers for my gun. 'Cause in the middle of the fight, I ran out. I ran into Leo. He sent most of his men after me. Can you believe that Magma has all those guys out to kill us?" Ryoko knew the truth. She knew that Magma was evil, but the bounty hunters weren't working for her.
"Yea," Olivia agreed.
"Oh yea," Zelda also agreed.
"Honestly, I don't think that Magma sent those bount hunters after us though. I think it was her brother."
"I didn't know that Magma had a brother," Zelda said, confused.
"Neither did I," Olivia said, just as confused.
"Oh yea. Hi name is Will. He's ya'lls ago," Ryoko told them.
Someone tried to open the door from the outside.
"Now, we better go out there before they come in here."
"Good idea, captain," Zelda agreed.

Once they were outside, they started fighting the bounty hunters. Zelda turned to say something to Ryoko, when she seen Olivia take her sword and kill Ryoko.
"NOOO, RYOKO!" she cried. She stopped what she was doing and ran over to Ryoko. It was too late. Ryoko was already dead, when Zelda got to her. Zelda grabbed Ryoko's sword and stood up, angry at Olivia. "You traitor."
"I'm not the traitor," Olivia said. She held back tears as she thought about how she had to watch the man who she loved, well boy, kiss another girl. That had broke her heart.
"She was kind to you. Why'd you kill her? She was the only family I had left."
Zelda and Olivia started sword fighting. Russel and Leo decided that it would be fun to watch two pirates battle. After all, Olivia did agree to kill Ryoko for them. In the process of the fight, the cops had shown up and the two bounty hunters decided to ditch. Zelda and Olivia gave up.
"This isn't over," Olivia told Zelda.
"I hope not. The next time we fight, I will win," Zelda replied. "I will revenge my cousin."
They each went seperate ways and by the time Craig and the other two cops had arrived to the scene, the only bounty hunters and pirates that they had found were dead.
"We have to find Prince Will and have him placed under arrest," Craig told Camron and Allen.
"Yes, sir," they agreed. Gregory

Will was preparing to kill Magma, when he felt a gun touch his back.
"Prince Will," Craig said, "you're under arrest."
Will turn around. He just looked at the cops. "For what?"
"Murder. I can't name all of them, but we know that you had hired a bounty hunter to kill King Artic." Craig kept the gun aiming toward Will. "Allen, cuff him."
"Aren't you going to read me my rights or something?"
Craig just eyed the young prince. He didn't bother to reply.
Allen placed fire proof cuffs around Will's wrist so the prince couldn't destory them.
"You're going to be locked up for a while actually and not in one of our jails or prisons."
"Then where?"
"I can't tell you. You'll find out."

A couple of months later, Olivia had found a ship called the Black Velvet. It became her ship and the small, baby, black panther was her baby.
"I'm going to call you, Donny."

Zelda had landed on Pluto in her ship called the White Rose. She looked down and smiled at the little, gray, wolf cub. "Well, Max, I'm going to get me some money and start looking for a crew." She went to take a sip out of the rum bottle that she had but nothing came out. "Oh man. Looks like I have to get me some more rum while I'm at it. I'll be back, my little baby."

Zelda stopped at a liquor store and snuck in. She noticed that the man at the counter was sleeping. She smiled and walked over to the refrigerator with rum. "One way or another I'm going to get you," she said, opening up the door and taking a few bottles of rum. She placed them in one of the bags that she had. When she had enough bottles, she made her way out of the store.

A young cop with black, some what short hair was on his first real bank robbery job and he was excited. He was also going to meet a real pirate. There were absultly no words to describe how excited he was. He waited outside of the bank for the theif to come out. He noticed Zelda walking out of the bank with a bag of money in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other. He was surprised to notice that she didn't have any weapons on her. The cop walked over to Zelda. "Who are you?" he asked.
Zelda looked around, then pointed to herself. There wasn't anyone else around, but she wanted to make sure.
The cop nodded.
"I'm Zelda Samara Griffen."
"What are you doing here, Zelda?"
"I'm looking for a crew."
"Because I'm the captain of the White Rose, but the thing is, I don't have a crew yet."
"Are you a pirate?"
They hear the sounds of sirons getting closer and closer to the bank.
"Here you go." She handed him the money, smiled, then left.
The cop just looked at the money, confused. When the other cops arrived there, things didn't look good for the young cop. Actually, things looked very bad. He didn't realize that the pirate had framed him.
"Gregory?" Craig asked, stepping out of his car. "How could you?"
"What do you mean? I didn't...." Gregory looked down at the bag of money and finally realized what Zelda had done. He dropped the bag. "I didn't do it. I swear. It was...."
"I'm ashamed of you, Gregory. Cops don't...."
"But, I'm innocent. It was Zelda. She did this. She...."
Craig shook his head. It seem like he wasn't listening to Gregory at all. "Gregory, you're under arrest for bank robbery. Camron, cuff him."
"Yes, sir." Camron took the cuffs and went to place them on Gregory.
"But I'm...."
"He didn't do anything," the old man from Bull Ridge said. "I saw the whole thing officer."
"Then, what happened?" Allen asked.
"Well, the young pirate girl by the name of Zelda Samara Griffen robbed the bank and seen this nice young man and gave him the money so she wouldn't get caught. This boy is innocent."
Craig looked over at Gregory. "Is that true?"
"Yes, sir."
Gregory went to say something to the old man but the old man was gone.
"Okay. You're good, but we still need to keep an eye on you just in case. Allen, get Jason and Daniel on the phone and tell them that I have a job for them."
"Yes, sir."

Zelda and Olivia were each working on getting their crews together and they each were prepared for the next time they were to go face to face. Zelda swore to get

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