» Adventure » Isabelle Jackson's Secret Agent, Book.Lover.Writer [the ebook reader TXT] 📗

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side facing away from him. “Can’t even give me a sleeping bag or blanket...ugh you’re such a Stronzo!“
The next morning I awoke to find Dan croutched over me with an odd look in his eyes. The second thing I noticed was the stiffness in my back and the pain radiating from my shoulders. “Get away from her or I’ll cut her bindings and let her kick your a**“ Tom said as he walked up and lifted me off the ground, pretending not to notice my wince of discomfort.
Dan studied me for a moment before looking at Tom. “You really think she could take me?“
“Anytime, anywhere Dan. She’s alot stronger than she looks...She also fights dirty.“ He said and smirked alittle. Grinning alittle myself I shook my hair away from my face.
“I gotta use the restroom.“
“Come on, I’ll take you.“ Leading me out of the room and down a hallway he pointed to a room. “Bathrooms in there. Don’t try anything, I’ll be right outside the door.“ Untying my hands he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “You have four minutes then I’m coming in.“
“Perve“ He smiled and I offered a small one in return. No! What the hells wrong with you Isabelle? He’s your kidnapper for crying out loud, not some hottie you met at a bar...He is pretty cute though, with his spiky dark brown hair and green eyes. Those broad quarterback shoulders, corded bicepts and muscluar pectorials. Mmm...NO! Stop it Izzy he’s a criminal, nothing more, nothing less. Focus on escaping ~ “Hey you gonna go to the bathroom or what?“
“ yeah sorry.“ Blushing slightly I hurried into the room and stopped. Instead of a hole in a ground I found myself staring at a port-a-potty. Oddly enough that made me smile. I relived myself quickly and washed my hands. Opening the door I stepped out and collided with Tom who was just about to bang on the door. “Excuse you. Sheesh ever heard of a thing called patience? Damn.“
“Don’t make me gag you. I swear I will.“
“You wouldn’t dare. Besides you threatened to do it yesterday and didn’t so what makes you think I’ll believe you today?“ I mouthed off and brushed past him. Suddenly I was spun around and pressed against the wall, then a cloth was shoved into my mouth and tied behind my head while my hands were tied behind my back again. “Hmm mm mmm mmm mmm!“ Glaring I stomped back to the large room and leaned against my designated pillar and closed my eyes. Feeling someone sweep the hair out of my face I stiffened, slowly opened my eyes. Tom was croutched in front of me with a bowl of water and a cloth.
“Do you care if I wash your face? You have dirt all over it...“ he said by way of explaination. Prodding the cloth with my tongue enough so that he could see the movement, I shrugged my shoulders and mumbled a yes. Gently he ran the damp cloth over my forehead and cheeks, taking care to gently wipe around my eyes. He lingered over my lips before shaking his head and hastily moving on. Next he scooted behind me and tied my hair back into a smooth ponytail, that he brushed till it was tangle free.
“Don’t cause any trouble. We’re working and we are already behind schedule.“ Untying the gag and rope around my hands he stood up and and walked over to join Dan and Kevin at the rock. Rising slowly I walked over to a corner of the room and began my daily routine of stretching, flips, tumbles and running. “Hey! What do you think you are doing! Come back here! Tom she’s trying to escape! What the hell did you untie her for?“
“I’m clearly not trying to run away because if I was, I wouldnt be running around the room, I would be running out of it.Screaming. I’m simply doing my daily exersizes if thats ok with you. By the way I wasn’t asking for your permission in case you got that impression.“ Turning on my heel I continued on my run.
Satisfied that I wasnt going anywhere everyone but Tom turned back to their task. I ignored him and kept going. I spent the better part of my morning kicking and punching the air. Usually I would be using a punchingbag to work out but considering where I am thats a bit of an impossiblity. So it was as I was practicing one of my spinning punch numbers that I almost puched Tom in the face. Again. He managed to deflect it at the last second so that it blew past his left cheek instead of solidly connecting with it.
“Whoa! I know your mad at being held against your will but you dont have to continuously hit me for it.“ He grinned, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a sexy way, making him even more charming.
“What do you want? I’m busy.“ I crushed the butterflies in my stomach and turned away.
“You wanna be that way fine. You’ll just make your stay with us all the more unpleasant.“ Catching me of guard he grabbed my wrists and tied them together then returned me to the tether from the previous day. “We’ll be back shortly. Don’t try anything.“ Stuffing the cloth back into my mouth he and the other two walked out. They didn’t return untill very late when they made dinner. Tom untied me just long enough to use the restoom and eat dinner then tied me back up and went to bed.

Chapter Two

The sound of something scuffling around on the floor woke me from the most amazing dream I’d had in a long time. There was no blood, no hate, no violence, only her. Then that bloody noise woke me up and all that remained was an intense black void that surrounded and enveloped me as I squinted into the darkness. The noise came again off to my right, accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing and muffled grunts. Quietly I slowly sat up and looked to my right.
About thirty four feet away near one of the pillars, two shapes huddled on the ground. It appeared that whatever was over there was fighting and the larger of the two appeared to be winning. It was holding the other down and ~ Son of B*tch! The woman... Stealthly I grabbed my 9mm pistol and snuck toward the two figures. When I was close enough to make them out clearly I nearly shot Dan on the spot. He was croutched over the girl with one hand up her shirt and the other fumbling with his pants. He had shoved some kin of a rag into her mouth to muffle her voice as she hoarsly shouted at him in German, English, and Italian, alternating between each lanuage so fast they all seemed to blend together.
She didnt look all that scared, more pissed off than anything, and she was putting up one hell of a fight. Dan’s nose was bleeding as well as his forearm, which was dripping blood onto the bare skin of her neck and chest, unobscurred by her blouse which had been ripped open and shoved aside. Creeping foreward I pressed the barrel of my gun into his temple and spoke softly. “I ought to cut your d*ck off right here and now.“ Gulping he glanced over at me, “Tom, what are you doing ~“
“Shut up.“ Balling my fist up I swung it aroud until it conncted with his cheekbone. Tossing my gun away I leapt on top of him and starting wailing into him, landing punch after punch. Some to his temple, some to his jaw and cheekbones, I managed to land one farely well aimed punch to his eye, which would definately be leaving a bruise in the morning. Beside us the woman was screaming again only this time she was screaming at me,screaming at me to hit him harder, and I did. I encreased the speed of my punches while adding more force and presicion, feeling slightly better every time a drop of blood hit the ground.
Slowly I came back to my senses and stopped punching him. Kicking him away a crouched in front of her and pulled the gag out of her mouth. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?“
“Yeah I’m fine. Just untie me. I’f you’re going to hold me hostage then I insist that I remain unbound. I promise I won’t try to get away as long as he doesnt come near me again.“ She said spitting at Dan’s unconcious form.
“Ok. Come on, lets go over there.“ I untied her bonds and she imediately jumped up and started kicking Dan. “Woah, woah, woah! He’s been beaten enoough. Stop! Youre a cop, one of the good guys. You don’t want to kill him.“ I reasoned yanking her away from Dan’s bleeding body. She made one last attempt to kick him in the face before I managed to pull her over to my sleeping bag. Seeing it she turned on me as i tried to explain. “I have an extra sleeping bag! You can have this one, Chill out! Do you want to sleep over there all by your self? Or would you rather be over here near the fire where I can protect you easier?“
“I don’t need your protection! If you had left me untied in the first place he wouldnt have been able to try anything!“ She screamed and broke away from me, crossing over to the other side of the fire.
“Your not even gonna try an blame that on me! You’ve been giving me shit ever since we met so you got yourself tied up!“
“You KIDNAPPED me! What the hell was I supposed to do? Be nice and docile for you? I don’t think so!“ Panting slightly we stood on opposite sides of the firer and glared at each other.
“You know what...You can blame me all you want. That doesn’t make it my fault. You can either sleep over here or over there, I don’t care anymore.“ I growled and flung out my sleeping bag. Retreiving my pistol I crawled inside it and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I heard her sigh and slide into her sleeping bag.
“...Thank you...“
I waited a few seconds before responding. “You’re welcome...“
“ names Isabelle.“ She whispered. The image of her angry and slightly frightened hazel eyes, tugged at something inside of me as I drifted off to sleep.

“Agent Hunter, shoot her. Thats an order soldier.“ I stood frozen, unmoving and watched her back away from me. “God damit soldier! I am ordering you to shoot that woman!“
“Mark?“ She called out to me as she continued to back away.
“Shoot her agent!“ Raising my weapon I stared into her eyes.
Holding my gaze all she said was, “Why?“ A single tear slipped from the corner of her eye to trace a path down her cheek. Slowly, I lowered my gun to my side.
“I can’t. I won’t.“ I said walking toward her. Holstering my weapon I held out my hand to her. “I Lo~“ A loud pop interupted me, she took several steps backward, then she was falling. Her auburn hair swirled around her face as she dissapeared over the edge of the cliff. “NOOOO!“ Yelling I ran to the edge and looked down. Her crumpled and broken body lay on the jagged rocks 60 feet below.
Jerking awake I glanced over at Isabelle. She was sound asleep on her side, one hand tucked under her cheek. Her bangs had fallen down to cover her face, and the sleeping bag had been tossed off. Walking over I pulled the covers up to her shoulders then went to work on escivating
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