» Adventure » Isabelle Jackson's Secret Agent, Book.Lover.Writer [the ebook reader TXT] 📗

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the artifact. Four hours later Kevin stirred and came to help me. “Where’s Dan?“
“Unconcious over there by the pylon. He tried to rape Isabelle. He’s lucky I didn’t kill him...“ I muttered cutting a large chunk of stone off and tossing it to the side with the other pieces.
“Should have just let him have his fun. We all could~“
Cutting him off I fairly growled, “If you want to live you will not finish that thought. Do I make myself clear? She is off limits.“
“Yeah yeah. I got it, off need to get violent.“ I ignored him except to shoot him a glare. We worked diligently in silence for a couple of hours when we finally hit the jackpot. Chizzling through the last piece of rock there was a loud crack and the stone top fell away.
Inside the tomb lay the skeleton of King Khufu himself. On his head sat a crown that gleamed as the flashlight slid over it, and there on top of his chest lay the sword of Isceptor. “It is said that the sword of Isceptor can give the holder invincibility.“ Kevin said looking at it with a hungry gleam in his eyes. Reaching down I picked the sword up, slid it into the scaberd on my back, and walked away.
“Go get Dan and pack up we leave in one hour.“ I called and grabbed the sat phone.“Sir , we got it. We’re cleaning up and will be out of here in one hour. We’ll need a chopper to the airport and a jet back to LA. Yes sir. Yes. No sir, but there was a woman inside so I have her hostage. No sir, she doesnt know anything. No sir. With all do respect I am not going to kill her...Yes thats it sir. Thank you sir, well see you in a couple of days. Thank you, goodbye.“ Closing the sat phone I looked over at Isabelle, she sat cross legged on a broken off statue. Her hands rested on her knees and she had her eyes closed, doing some kind of meditation.
Walking up behind her I grabbed her arms and tied them behind her back. “HEY! What the hell are you doing Tom?“
“We’re finished with what we were doing, we leave in about 45 minutes.“
“So you have to tie me up?“
“Yes. Now be quite before I gag you again.“ Snapping her mouth closed she glared at me. I couldn’t help but grin, she is just too cute when she’s mad. Packing everything up took less time than we thought it would so we headed out earlier, winding down corridors and passing through rooms. We came out of the back of the pyramid where we had broken through the wall to get inside. Outside a helecopter was waiting for us which took us to a private jet that took us all the way back to Los Angeles.
We arrived at around 5:30 pm the next day where a black limo picked us up and drove us up to a massive house surrounded by armed guards. As we passed through the main gate, Isabelle looked out the window and her eyes widened. She took in everything around us the same way I had when I first started working for the boss. The driver pulled up to the door and let us out. Helping Isabelle out of the car I watched her as she looked around.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! You work for Don Arturo, the biggest crime lord in California. To be honest I can’t believe I’m still alive. It’s no wonder you guys were in the pyramid. You were~“
“Working for me.“ All four of us turned around as one to find Don Arturo himself standing at the top of the steps, staring at Isabelle.

Chapter Three

“Don Arturo.” I greeted him casually.
“Boss!” Kevin, Dan, and Tom said surprised.
“Who is she?”
“She? I have a name you know.” I cut in sarcastically.
“Isabelle be quiet!” Tom warned
Ignoring Tom, Arturo spoke strait to me. “Isabelle…do you have a last name?”
“Not that I’m going to tell you. You’re THE crime lord of all L.A. I’d have to be stupid to tell you my full name.”
“Well then where do you~”
“I’m not going to tell you anything about my self so don’t bother asking.” I cut Don Arturo off mid sentence earning a shocked look from Kevin and Dan, a worried look from Tom and an amused look from Arturo.
“She’s got attitude Tom. You didn’t tell me that when we spoke on the phone.” Arturo started laughing at Tom’s face as he led me by the arm into the house. “So…why were you inside the pyramid?”
“I have my reasons.” I answered vaguely while looking around. The inside of the house was huge. The entryway led to a massive staircase that split off to the right and left at the top with hallways on both sides down below as well. Down the right hallway lay an open terrace with cherry trees all along the edges. To the left was an entertainment room with a 62” flat screen TV with a high tech music stand and floor to ceiling speakers.
“Nice house huh?” Arturo asked catching my roaming eyes.
“Sure…it’s nice…for stuff bought with dirty money.”
Yanking me to a stop his face lost all of its gentleness. “You had better watch what you say to me. I am not someone to trifle with.” Lowering my eyes I pretended to be demure. Satisfied by my response he continued to lead us farther into the house. We headed up the main staircase and down the right hallway. At the end of the hall we turned left and walked to the end of that hallway. The entire back wall was made of glass so you could see the intense green of the lush field outback. There was a stable off the right of the field with a series of corrals. Roaming over the field were dozens of horses varying in size, shape, color, and breed.
Noticing my lingering gaze Arturo leaned in close to my ear. “Beautiful.”
“Yes they are.” I said not trying to hide my fascination with the magnificent creatures. Reaching behind me, Arturo untied my wrists and smiled.
“They are to but I was talking about you.” I jerked away from him and he laughed. “Would you like to go riding?”
Gazing longingly at a large black horse galloping across the field I almost gave in and said yes, but Arturo’s voice in my ear saying “How bout it?” brought me back to my senses and I turned away from the window. “No.” I said and kept walking. Grinning Arturo fell into step beside me while Tom, Kevin, and Dan followed behind us.
Arturo led us all to a separated corridor in his inner sanctum where he stopped at a door in the middle of the hall. “This is your room…Detective Jackson.” Spinning around I stared at Arturo.
“How…did you know my name?”
“I know a lot about you detective. Like how you work for the L.A police department, you have a brother who’s in the Army. Your dad is an L.A.P.D officer, and your mother is a teacher at Middleton elementary school. You would kill for a Great Dane or two. You love horses and you enjoy going to the shooting rage every other weekend. Need I go on?”
Composing my face I looked him strait in the eye. “No. I get it, really I do. You can find anyone you want whenever you want. All you have to do is call up one of your dirty contacts and find~” I grabbed my cheek and glared at Arturo who had slapped me. Tom rushed forward but stopped abruptly.
“I told you to watch how you talk to me little girl. Now…Are you going to watch how you speak when in my presence?”
Getting my anger under control I nodded and walked through the door that he held open. “Tom’s in the room right next door on your left, Kevin’s on your right. I’m at the end of the hall on the left and Dan’s down the hall on the right. Dinner’s in an hour, there’s a dress for you to wear in the closet. Kevin, you will escort her to the dinning room.”
“Yes boss.”
“See you in an hour Isabelle.” Arturo said as he took my hand and kissed it before turning on his heel and walking away followed by the others. Tom turned to look at me one more time before disappearing around the corner. Turning I walked into the room and slammed the door shut.
Pompous jacka** I thought as I walked into the room. Inside it had a huge dome ceiling with a chandelier in the center. Across from the door were large balcony doors. The queen size bed, covered with a light blue comforter lay off to the left on a raised platform of sorts. The bathroom was to the right down a small hallway with a very small kitchen on the way. In the middle of the room was a small fountain with fish swimming around in it. There was a large flat screen TV on the far wall across from the bed.
Three couches surrounded a coffee table in front of the TV. Gazing around in astonishment I made my way to the bed. Seeing a closed door I walked over to investigate and upon opening the door I gasped. Inside was a large walk-in closet filled with shoes, outfits, jewelry, anything a woman could ever need, and upon further exploration I found that they were all in my size right down to the shoes.
Walking to the far wall I took the lone dress off the rack. It was black with spaghetti straps. The hem stopped at mid thigh on the left leg and slanted diagonally down to reach the ankle on the right side. Attached to it was a note.

Wear this tonight. The accessories are on the counter.


Glancing at the counter I’d previously ignored my heart nearly stopped. On top sat a velvet covered box with a single blue diamond necklace and matching earrings. Beside it in their own matching box sat a pair of sparkling blue bracelets and a single anklet. The b****d was trying to buy me off. Well it wouldn’t work. I would dress the part…partly because I can’t resist all this beautiful stuff…but I’m going to bust this guy. He’s doing something illegal I just know it. But he kidnapped the wrong woman.
Putting the dress back on the rack I left the closet and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Walking into the bathroom I stopped, it was easily the size of my bedroom at home. There was a Jacuzzi bathtub and a walk in shower complete with a marble seat. Stripping down I stepped into the shower and turned the water on. It sprayed out of the walls on three sides as well as from the spray nozzle.
Sighing I leaned against the wall and let the water wash the dirt and grime from the past three or four days off my body. Looking around I spotted my favorite shampoo in the corner with my favorite soap and shaving cream. So he even knows what kind of shampoo I use…what else does he know? I thought as I washed my hair and shaved my legs. Ten minutes later I climbed out of the shower and began getting ready. I curled my hair and applied makeup which of course was just right for my complexion.
Heading for the closet I looked at the door. Walking over to it I tried the handle, locked. Of course I should have known they wouldn’t leave it unlocked so I could just walk
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