» Adventure » Isabelle Jackson's Secret Agent, Book.Lover.Writer [the ebook reader TXT] 📗

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By: Samantha Leo

Chapter One

The sand crunched beneath my feet as I stepped out of the stuffy tour bus. Shading my eyes I looked around. Nothing for as far as the eye could see, just a barren wasteland, scorched by the blazing sun. Sighing I allowed my friends to drag me closer to the massive monument before us. “Construction on the Royal tombs began in about 2550BC, by King Khufu himself. It took two million stone blocks and thirty years to complete the king’s tomb. It is 449ft tall and was the largest building for 4,000 years” the tour guide droned on. Separating from my friends I stood off to the side to take a photo.
“The late King Khufu currently rests inside this great tomb.” Glancing around I casually made my way to the entrance. Glancing back at the group to make sure no one was looking; I stepped inside and was instantly consumed by the dark. As I walked, my footsteps echoed down the stone hallway. Then suddenly I heard noises, voices drifting down the corridor. Ducking down a side corridor I held my breath, I couldn’t afford to get caught inside. They’d say I’d lost my mind for sure then I’d definitely get suspended. The voices came closer, growing louder and louder until it seemed like they were on top of me. A very tall man passed by and I gasped, pressing myself as close to the wall as I could. The man disappeared down the hall; the silence crept back till all I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding in my chest.
Cautiously I peeked around the corner, seeing nothing I let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly something grabbed me from behind. Yanked backward, I screamed as I collided with a man’s solid chest. Before I could gather enough breath to scream again the man covered my mouth and whispered in my ear, “If you want to live, you won’t scream again. Do you understand?”
“Mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mm mm!”
Shaking me, he asked again. “Do you understand?” Glaring I nodded my head yes. “Good.” Slowly he began to remove his hand. As soon as there was enough room to open my mouth I sucked in a huge breath of air and tried to scream. His hand shot back up and covered my mouth. Screaming and kicking I cursed him in every language I knew. The effect wasn’t as powerful as I would have liked due to the fact that he had my arms pinned to my sides and my mouth covered but he understood none the less. “You are going to get hurt if you don’t stop trying to hurt me. OUCH! DAMIT! What the HELL! Why’d you bite me?”
Shifting, I slammed my elbow back into his stomach and broke free from his grasp. As soon as I was free I bolted for the doorway. Just as I was about to reach the doorway something hard slammed into my back, and I toppled to the ground. Rolling over I felt my fist connect with his jaw, hard. Groaning he loosened his hold on my wrists for a second. Shoving him backward I managed to get him on his stomach with his hands behind his back. “That is it!” Swiftly he rolled over, knocking the wind out of me. Grabbing my wrists he pinned them to the ground, used the weight of his body to hold me down. “Are you…done yet?” He huffed.
“Not even close,” I snarled and slammed my forehead into his nose. Shoving him off of me I rolled to my feet and backed up. Lifting his head he glared at me and then sprinted toward me, knocking me into the wall. He made a grab for my arms again but I twisted to the right. Using that movement he pushed me into the wall face first. Gritting my teeth I shoved away from the wall, toppling us to the ground. Landing on top of him I punched him in the jaw again. Before I could land another punch he knocked my hand away and rolled us over so that I was beneath him. Shoving him, I rolled us over again. Twisting and fighting, we rolled over and over again, each fighting to subdue the other.
Suddenly the sound of a gunshot inside the room made us freeze. Jumping up he yanked me off the ground. “This little girl giving you trouble Tony?”
“No Dan. Go back to Kevin and help him. I’ll handle this.”
“Fine, hurry up and kill her, then get back to work.”
“Hey! I’m standing right here you stronzo! How about you don’t talk about me as if I’m not here? Jezu, ten facet jest kompletnym idiotą! ... Wiedziałem, że powód był karnych!” Tom started laughing but quickly tried to make it look like a cough while trying to hide the grin spreading across his face.
Glaring at both me and Tony, the man called Dan walked foreward and backhanded me. “You would be wise to watch your mouth. Tony here is excellent at causing people excruciating pain before killing them ever so slowly.”
“I’m a Los Angeles Homicide Detective. My captain knows where I am! You kill me and you will have the entire department hunting you down. You tanie życie, szumowiny ssania brud.”
”Is that so? We’ll see about that.” Dan laughed and walked out. Hurry up and kill her.” He casually called back.
Tony stepped up behind me and bound my hands together. „I’m not going to kill you. Yet. Don’t push me or i might change my mind.” He said and indicated that i should start walking.
” Pewnie drogie rzeczy, jakie kiedykolwiek powiedzieć ... pft, jak ty straszysz mnie douche.“ I smiled, glared and continued walking. Tom roughly grabbed my arm and steered me down multiple hallways, corridors and through rooms, taking me deeper and deeper into the pyramid.
“So...Tony...what are you going to do with me if you’re not going to kill me?“
He glanced back at me,“You’re my hostage.“
“For how long? You can’t keep me prisoner forever!“
“I’ll keep you prisoner for as long as I need or want to.“
“Aarrrrrrh! You won’t get away with this!“ Faking a smile I switched to Polish, “Mam nadzieję, że policja odciąć głowę i paszy kły, gdy cię złapią, kurwa egomaniac”
“Watch me darlin. Oh and the next time you want to say something to someone in another language you should probly make sure that they dont speak the language first.” He grinned and kept walking.
Glaring I muttered “Masogonist moron.” Tony just smiled. Maybe ten minutes later he led me into a cavernous room where men stood in front of a long slab of rock with their backs to us.
“Eh boys!” Both men spun around with their guns drawn.
“Tony! Where have you~” Just then I stepped out from behind Tony. “Who the hell is she?” He asked raising his gun again and pointing it at me.
“She’s my hostage. Don’t concern yourself with her. Get back to work Kevin.”
“Hey Tony! I thought I told you to kill her!” Dan called from across the large room.
“I said don’t worry about it! Lets go.” He pushed me to the left toward a pile of bags.
“You don’t have to push me!” I yelled at him.
“Just shut up and move before I gag you.”
“Here Tom I’ll do it for you since you seem to have a problem killing women.” Dan said leveling his gun at my forehead. I stood there and unblinkingly stared him in the eyes.
“Walk away. Now Dan.” Tom said stepping in front of me with his 9mm drawn. “I decide when she dies, and that’s not right now.”
“Oh! I get it. She’s your F*** buddie for the next several weeks.” Tom stood there with a stotic expression on his face, his gun never wavering an inch as they faced off. Finally Dan holstered his weapon and walked over to where Kevin was fiddling with the slab of rock.
“Don’t. Just go sit over there on the steps and be quiet. Unless you have a death wish?”
“Fine! JackA**!” I screamed, and dropped down on the stairs with my back to them. How the hell did I manage to get myself into this mess? And why am i antagonizing these pricks? I barely managed to escaped with my life the last time...

“Here, I brought you some water...I thought you might be thirsty,” Tom said interrupting my thoughts. “Dinner is almost done too.”
“Um...thanks...would you mind untying my hands? I can’t very well eat or drink with them tied behind my back.” Watching me warily Tom untied my hands. “Thanks,” I mumbled as I rubbed my wrists, then accepted the cup of water and drank heartily. “That was good, ....thank you.”
“Tom! What the hell are you doing? Tie her back up before she escapes and alerts the cops!”Dan yelled from the campfire they’d built.
“She’s not going anywhere Dan! Mind your own buisness.” He hollered back. “Come on, lets go sit by the fire and eat. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We should be finished by tomorrow evening then we leave. You of course will be coming with with us cause we can’t allow you to leave and risk informing the police of our plans.”
“I don’t even KNOW what your plans are! Just let me go!”
“I’m sorry but I can’t.”
“Yeah, right! You...sorry? Was für ein Witz! Sie sind so voller Scheiße. Sie probly dies die ganze Zeit. Ein Verbrecher, wie Sie, haben Sie wahrscheinlich entführen Mädchen die ganze Zeit. Wahrscheinlich sind sie in einem privaten Friedhof in Ihrem Hinterhof irgendwo begraben ...“
“Hey. You better stop speaking german and switch back to english,“ he said pulling me down beside him and handing me a bowl of steaming beef stew. “I prefer to understand what the person is saying when they are talking shit about me.“
“What are you talking about? I’m not saying anything bad. Just saying how much I hasse dich und all die Verbrecher in der Welt and that I hoffe, Sie alle rot bis zum Tod im Gefängnis nie das Licht des Tages wieder zu sehen,“ i finished with a sweet, innocent smile.
“Ahhahahahahaha! OH man! Maybe we should keep her around! Hahahahaha! It’ll be funny to keep a little spitfire like her around to keep things interesting!“ Dan chuckled looking at Tom, “You don’t have a clue what she just said do you? Oh that’s grand!“ Dan slapped his knee and wiped the corner of his eye. “Well my compadre, what she said was something like this ’ What a joke! you are so full of shit. You probly do this all the time. A criminal like you, you probably kidnap girls all the time. They're probably buried in a private graveyard in your backyard somewhere ...“ He mocked, “ then she said that she hates you and all the criminals in the world and that she hopes we all rot to death in prison, never to see the light of day again...isnt that right sweetheart?“ He asked and laughed at my look of shocked disbelief.
Scowling Tom tied my hands together, then yanked me over to a pillar and tied yet another rope through the rope around my hands, and then took the other end of the rope and tied it around the base of the pillar. “What are you~? Hey wait I can’t sleep like this!“
“So sleep on your side.“ He bit out and rolled out his sleeping bag.
“Stronzo“ I muttered and rolled onto my

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