» Adventure » Isabelle Jackson's Secret Agent, Book.Lover.Writer [the ebook reader TXT] 📗

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out and escape. Although it would be practically impossible to get away without being noticed, what with the hundred some odd guards outside and all over the place. Resigned I walked into the closet and put the dress on. It slid over my skin like satin falling into place over my slim hips just perfectly.
Gently picking up the necklace I hooked the clasp behind my neck and put the earrings, bracelets, and anklet on. Then I put on the matching black heels that I normally would never wear. I was just coming out of the closet when I heard a nock on the door. Trying the handle once more I found it to be unlocked so I opened it. Kevin stood on the other side and when he saw me his mouth dropped open. Quickly regaining his composure he spoke. “Dinner is ready. Boss sent me to come get you…” He offered his arm but I ignored it and stepped past him into the hall.

“Yes boss?” I answered.
“Why didn’t you kill her at the pyramid?”
Glancing down I deliberated for a moment before telling the truth. “I’m fascinated by her sir.”
“So in other words…you like her.” He said making my head snap up. This wasn’t good; if he knew I liked her it could end badly for her when… “It’s a simple question to answer Tom. Yes or no.”
Swallowing the lump in my throat I made a snap judgment call. “Yes sir, I do like her.”
“Thank you for telling the truth.”
“How did you know…Dan’s face…Kevin told you what happened.” I finished with absolute confidence.
“Yes he did.” He said with a grin. “Since you like her so much, she’s yours. You can share her room…I imagine she wont be to happy about it so be careful. She’s a feisty one. I’ll tell everyone not to mess with her…I cant have you beating the shit out of everyone who looks at her now can I?” he said laughing.
Unable to help myself I grinned in response. Slowly Arturo stopped laughing and a strange look came over his face as he stared past me. Turning around my pulse sped up. At the top of the staircase stood Kevin, and beside him stood the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid my eyes on. “Isabelle…” I breathed her name and distantly heard Arturo laugh. She slowly descended the stairs, her hips swaying provocatively. Each step she took closer to me the more my pulse quickened, the blood rushing through my body making it most painful in certain regions of my body.
Finally she made it to the bottom step and Arturo offered his arm to her. She looked like she wanted to kill him but she accepted which made me smile. She truly was a stubborn woman. He led her to her seat across from me and we all sat down to eat. The waiters served soup and salad first. Then they brought plates with chicken covered in a creamy mushroom sauce. Next they brought out crystal bowls filled with strawberry ice cream.
The whole meal I sat and watched her except to look away when she caught me staring. Each time she would blush and look away before getting an angry look on her face and glare at the table. Yup she was definitely still mad at me for kidnapping her, but what she didn’t realize was that I did it to save her life. They would have shot her on sight if they had seen her first, but she doesn’t know that because I can’t tell her that. Just like I can’t tell her who I really am…
“How bout it Tom, would you like to join us tomorrow?” Arturo asked bringing me out of my thoughts.
Looking around the table I shook my head. “I’m sorry boss. I was distracted I didn’t…”
“Riding. We are all going riding tomorrow. I convinced Isabelle here to go, would you like to come along?” He repeated getting annoyed.
“Oh…um…yes sir I’ll be there.”
“Good, eight am sharp. Don’t be late.” Rising from the table he raised Isabelle’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’ll see you in the morning.” Walking to the door he stopped, “Tom meet me in my office after you escort Izzy back to your room. Bring the package. We have business to discuss.”
“Yes sir.”
Arturo turned to leave when Isabelle shot up out of her chair. “Wait a second! What do you mean ‘your room’? He’s not staying in my room with me.” She yelled across the room at his back.
Laughing he turned back around. “Yes you are. You don’t have a choice. I gave you to him.”
“You don’t own me you A**Hole! You can’t just give me to someone like a piece of property!” She screamed at him.
He walked up to slowly before leaning into her face and speaking in a tone so clam that it was frightening enough to make even her look scared. “I can and I did. Now if you persist in speaking to me in such a manner when I am being very pleasant to you then I will rectify the situation. Trust me you will have a much nicer stay in your current room than in the one I will put you in if you keep acting in the manner that you are. Pick one.”
From where I sat I could see her throat move as she swallowed. “That’s what I thought. I won’t tell you again.” Turning on his heel he walked out. As soon as he was gone she turned and glared at me before turning and stomping out of the room. Kevin took one look at me and stood up.
“I’ll take her back to her room and drop the key off in your room on my way back.” He said and took off after her. Sighing I stood up and headed to my room. Once there I grabbed the sword and went to meet Arturo in his office.

That son of a B**ch! To think he has the nerve! Give me away like a piece of property! Pacing I chewed my lip nervously. The longer it took tom to get up her the more nervous I became. I knew what he would want as soon as it was time to go to bed but he wouldn’t be getting it from me. Not tonight, not ever. I was in the middle of a stride when the lock on the door clicked.
Reaching for the nearest thing I picked it up and chucked it at the door as it opened. The glass vase shattered next to Tom’s head as he stepped into the room. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed and ducked as another glass object shattered against the door where his head had been moments before. “What the hell Izzy!”
“Don’t call me that you pig! I know what you want and you’re not getting it from me!” Tom took a step toward me, an angry look on his face and stepped backwards several times.
“And what exactly do you think I want from you?” he said angrily advancing another two steps and ducking again as I threw a shoe at him.
“You know what!” I said shakily and gestured to his… Looking down he laughed. Hearing his laugh sent butterflies through my stomach. His laughing stopped abruptly when I flung the other shoe at his head, missing him by an inch. Glaring at me he strode foreword. Panicked I looked around for something else to throw at him and when I looked back at him I nearly screamed. Somehow he had managed to get close enough to touch me and I hadn’t even noticed.
He reached for me and I punched him, sidestepped out of his reach but he tackled me onto the bed and flipped me onto my back. Wrestling I got in a few more good punches before he managed to pin my arms to the bed above my head, settled himself between my thighs. He used his massive body to hold me to the bed and we both panted for air.
Slowly our breathing returned to a semi normal speed and we were able to speak. “Get off of me.” Even as I spoke I could feel the butterflies making them selves known again. Instead of answering or moving he just laid there above me staring at my lips.
“You’re so beautiful” he whispered. Rolling my eyes I was about to say something when he leaned down and kissed me. At first I resisted, screaming and bucking trying to get him off of me but then he slanted his lips over mine and deepened the kiss. Slowly, ever so slowly I stopped resisting and leaned into him, opening my mouth to his seeking tongue.
Slipping his tongue into my mouth he groaned and rocked his hips against mine eliciting a hearty moan from deep in my chest. Slowly his lips made a trail down my throat and continued down. He pulled my shirt up to expose my stomach and started to kiss his way down to it. I didn’t even notice him pulling my shirt up till his tongue touched my stomach, then I freaked and tried to get away from him before he saw…
“What the hell!” he exclaimed and looked up at me. The lusty haze in his eyes clearing as he looked down at my stomach again then back up at me. Trying to get away from him I tried to cover my stomach again but it was too late, he’d already seen. “Who the F*ck did this to you?” he growled. Turning my head away a single tear slipped from my eye as the memories came flooding back.
Shaking my head I tried to block them out but I couldn’t, he wouldn’t let me. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Who did this? Tell me! Who hurt you like this!” he growled and punched the bed when I wouldn’t answer. Slowly he pushed away and sat on the bed next to me. “Iz…”
“It’s none of your business, so but out.” I said rolling to my feet. Crossing the room I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, locking it just as Tom came after me.
“Isabelle open this door!” He hollered from the other side.
“Go away!” I screamed back.
“Not until we talk about this! I want to know who gave you those scars!” he yelled back and banged on the door.
“I said go AWAY!”
“God D*mit! Open this F***ing door before I break it down!” Laughing derisively I hopped up on the counter. Suddenly the door burst in and there stood Tom, breathing heavily and pissed. Striding into the bathroom he slammed his hands down on the counter on both sides of me, effectively trapping me. Leaning in he growled, “We are going to talk about this.”
Shoving at his shoulders I tried to dislodge him. He didn’t budge. He stood there staring at me until I couldn’t handle it anymore. “I can’t ok…”
“You can’t what?”
Huffing annoyed I looked away. “I can’t talk about it ok...”
“Why not.” He said softening a little bit.
“I just…I just can’t ok!” I shoved at him again and this time he moved slightly.
“Well that’s not good enough Isabelle. I want to know and I want to know right now. Those were scars from knife wounds…and a lot of them by the looks of it.”
“Yeah so what! Like I said, it’s none of your business!” Catching him off guard I shoved him back into the opposite wall between the shower and tub. I bolted for the door but he caught me and yanked me back against his chest, wrapping his arm around my middle. “Let me go!”
“No.” picking me up he carried me back into
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