» Adventure » The Wolves, Shania Taufa [read dune .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Wolves, Shania Taufa [read dune .TXT] 📗». Author Shania Taufa

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out until later, when they had figured out what it was. Sam said it was alright and that he could tell him later so that Paul wouldn’t listen to them and find out about it. Jared and Sam started walking to Paul’s place when Jared suddenly stopped in his tracks, which made Sam turn around and ask what was wrong. Jared said “I heard something. It sounded like someone screaming”. Sam stood still and listened and when he went to tell Jared he was hearing things he heard something that sounded like someone was screaming. He turned to Jared and gave him a look that told him that he had to run to Paul’s and get him as quickly as possible. Jared nodded and ran, whilst Sam stood there and listened again, he heard the scream again and ran in that direction. Jared and Paul soon arrived and saw that Sam was laying on the ground in his wolf form and they then changed into their wolf forms and ran over to Sam. Sam was whimpering and he had a faint growl mixed with his whimper. While Paul was standing beside Sam Jared had walked a small distance away and had his nose in the air as if he could smell something. Then he had the scent and thought of a vampire and Paul then walked over to Jared and sniffed the air and he then got the scent. Sam was thinking the same thing but he was also thinking of the description of a red-haired vampire. It wasn’t long before Sam was up and walking around again and the three Wolves took off and were hunting down a vampire; a red-haired vampire. The three wolves were in the woods when Sam and Jared picked up the scent of the vampire and they started running in the direction of which they could smell it. When Paul saw that the other two were running he ran after them, he barely caught up to them and when Sam and Jared stopped ,Paul went straight passed them and nearly ran head first into a tree. The other two laughed in their heads, which made Paul angry and started to sniff the air again.
It was noon, nearly dark and the wolves had given up and were on their way home.
When Sam and Jared got home they noticed that Nikki and Lara weren’t there and that Sam’s car was gone. Sam looked around the back of the house to make sure that the girls weren’t washing the car or not and they weren’t. Meanwhile, Jared looked around in the house and when he got into the kitchen and there was a note on the table that read: 'boys, we have taken the car and gone to the supermarket to get a few things and it is a bit late to tell you that Nikki and I have decided that you boys will be staying at our house and Nikki and I are going to stay at Nikki’s place for the night. We will come home and get some of my things and tell you a few more things.
Nikki and Lara. Xxx.’

Jared was about o go outside and tell Sam where they were, but Sam came in instead and Jared just gave him the piece of paper and Sam read it slowly. When Sam had finished reading the note the girls had just pulled up in the drive-way. When the girls came inside Sam said “You know you could have told us you were going to the supermarket before we left. We were really worried.” “You mean you were worried. I wasn’t really worried ‘cause Nikki does this kind of thing all the time”, Jared said before the girls could answer. Sam said angrily, “Shut-up, Jared.” Then Lara said “It wasn’t her fault entirely, Jared. We were talking and she suggested that we have a girl’s night and I said we should have a couple girls’ only nights and those we should go and buy some things from the supermarket for you boys and ourselves. You’re lucky we left a note and that we didn’t leave you with no car and no money.” Jared walked over to Nikki and said “Maybe we should go home and you girls can have this girls night another time. I think this is a bad time to do that kind of thing and I doubt Sam is going to let Lara go anywhere after this.” “Lara can handle herself and she won’t even Sam tell her where she can and can’t go, or what she can and can’t do. And if they don’t make up, Lara’s going to be saying with us”, replied Nikki. “Yeah, that’s okay with me.”Jared said before Nikki said anything else.
Later, when Lara and Sam were still yelling at each other Nikki said “Okay, we’ve had enough for one day, we’re goin’ home. Lara, can I see you outside before we go?” Lara nodded and walked outside with Nikki and Lara asked “Nikki. I don’t think this is gonna end well. If it don’t will I be able to come and stay with you for a couple days?”. Yes, of course you can, Lara. As a matter of fact, Jared and I were talking and I suggested that you came and stayed with us for a while, just until things settle down”, replied Nikki. Lara moved closer to Nikki and gave her a hug. Nikki hugged her back and told her that she was always welcome to go and stay with them and if Jared didn’t like it he could come and stay with Sam.
Nikki and Jared had gone home and they were about to have dinner when the phone rang. It was Lara. Nikki answered it and Lara said “Nikki, can I come over now or is it too late?” “No, no, no, you can come now if you want. Just make sure you bring you things. Did you want me to come and get you or are you goin’ to take the car again”? Replied Nikki. Lara said I’ll walk down the drive-way and then you can pick me up there.” Nikki told Jared that she was going to pick Lara up and that she would be back soon. When Nikki got to Lara’s drive-way, Lara wasn’t there, but her bags were. Nikki got out of the car and put Lara’s bags in the boot of the car and looked around and couldn’t see Lara anywhere. Nikki looked up the drive-way toward the house and saw that Lara was running back down the drive-way and she could see that Lara had tears running down her face because the tears were shinning off her face in the moonlight. Nikki quickly got in the car and started it up so that it was running when she got there and they could go straight away. Lara got in the car and she was crying, so Nikki slammed her foot on the accelerator and drove to her house.
When they got there Lara was still crying and when Nikki pulled up she asked “Lara, what happened?” and Lara said “Sam was asleep and I packed my bags and when I was finished he was still asleep. But when I went back he was sitting at the kitchen table like he knew I was coming back.” “Lara, why did you go back?” asked Nikki. “I went back because I forgot my mobile and my wallet and I called you on my mobile and I didn’t want him to know where I was staying because if he knew that I was staying at your house he would probably start a fight with Jared and I don’t want that to happen. Anyway, when I went back he was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me and when I walked in he asked me what the hell was I doing and that I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without telling him first. I didn’t listen to him and I went into the bedroom and go my wallet and went into the kitchen and got my mobile off of the top of the fridge and went to walk out and he grabbed me and said if I took one more step out the back door he would catch me and tie me to a chair in the kitchen, and I didn’t think he would do that to me and so I walked outside and he followed me and grabbed my arm and it hurt. He dragged me into the kitchen and done what he said he would do and he tied me up with a rope that he kept inside and he tied me up so tightly it left a rope burn on each of my wrists I started crying and he told me to shut-up he would be back. He went into the shed out the back and I used the knife he left on the bench and cut the rope and left it and the knife on the bench and ran out the front door. I don’t want him to find out where I am until he’s calmed down enough to say sorry and that he’ll never do that again”, said Lara.
Lara and Nikki went inside and saw that Jared watching the television and he had the phone in his hand. Nikki said to him “Why have you got the phone, Jared. What did you do with it?” “Sam rang and said that he saw your car drive away and that Lara had gotten in the car with you. He said that if we didn’t send her home as soon as you got here he would be coming over to get her and take her home himself”, he replied. Nikki said

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