» Adventure » The Wolves, Shania Taufa [read dune .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Wolves, Shania Taufa [read dune .TXT] 📗». Author Shania Taufa

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temperature and Dana made him drink three cups of ice cold water and then let him get back to business and she said to Quil “I’m not going anywhere and you can wriggle and yell all you want, but it’s not going to get me to go anywhere and he only place I would go so you could tell Jake what you were doing staring at me, is upstairs.” “Then go upstairs and I’ll tell him, but not until your gone out of earshot and can’t hear what we’re saying.” “Fine then. See you soon, baby.” She kissed Jake on the cheek and hugged him. But, when she hugged him she put a microphone on his back so she could hear him but she didn’t just put it on his back...she put it under him shirt so if Quil asked him to turn around he wouldn’t see the microphone. Dana went upstairs to her bedroom and turned the monitor on and she heard Quil whisper something that she couldn’t hear properly, so she turned the volume up louder. And she heard “what did you say?” from Jacob and then Quil “I said I think she’s an amazing girl and that I think I’m imprinting on her. Did you hear me that time?” “No...I mean yes I did hear you, but you can’t be imprinting on her ‘cause I’ve already imprinted on her and she doesn’t feel that way for you, she never has and even if she did she still wouldn’t imprint with you.
You know what?...I think you’re lying and I told you what would happen if you lied and what do you always have to do?....Go and screw it up and get yourself in trouble.Now, you better tell the truth or there will be even bigger consequences than just getting tied up again and after....” Quil cut him off and said “ok, ok, ok! I’ll tell the truth and only if promise me you won’t tell Dana.” “Fine I promise.” Jacob promised him but he didn’t mean it and then Quil started to talk. “I was staring at her because her dad is my dad and she’s my half-sister, but she doesn’t know because my mum told me and Charlie not to tell her, so we didn’t and that is the truth. I swear, Jacob.” Jacob didn’t want to believe him, but the look in his eyes made him so Jake walked over and untied him and told him that he would make a good brother if it was really true and someday a great father. Jacob called Dana to come down and when she was downstairs he told Quil to go home. When Quil had walked out the door Jake made sure that he had left and gone away completely and that he wasn’t around to hear that Dana had heard by going outside and walked around the house, made sure he wasn’t there and he wasn’t. When Jacob went back inside Dana was sitting at the kitchen table and she had a cup of water in her hand and she looked confused, upset and angry all at the same time. Jacob walked in and said “ Hey. Now we know why he didn’t want you in the room or in earshot. You know he might be lying again but seriously, the look on his face and the look in his eyes made me believe him and I swear, if he didn’t put that look on I would have kept him tied up and not let him go.” “I know, Jake. He might be lying and he might be telling the truth, and when My dad gets home, I’ll ask him and if it’s true I’ll go and slap Quil and tell him that I know and that you didn’t tell me and maybe even throw a few kicks and punches in. Just to beat him up him up and to show him that he should never keep a secret from a girl, especially not his sister or half-sister or whatever.”

Two weeks later both Billy and Charlie were home and Dana asked if Quil was her Brother and Charlie had said it was true and that she wasn’t supposed to know about it until she was older and now that she did know, Charlie was going to have to call Quil and his mother out to tell them that she knew. Charlie also told her how it had happened and that it was why her mother and him had gotten a divorce and that her mother had slept with another man and he had forgiven her but she wasn’t really a forgiving person so she filed a divorce and they had never seen each other again. They only spoke to each other every now and then. Dana had always wondered why they had split up and now she has only just found out. Dana was the one who called Quil’s mother and him over and when they got here Dana was also the one who opened the door. Dana said to Quil “ My dad and your mum need to have a chat and so do you and I. But we’re going upstairs.” Quil followed Dana upstairs and into her room and she sat down on the bed and left Quil to sit on the floor. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Dana asked Quil. “Tell you what?” Quil tried to sound as if he didn’t know what she was talking about but she knew he knew. “You know what I’m talking about and no, Jacob didn’t tell me. I put a microphone on his back under his shirt. You said Charlie’s my dad plus your dad. Why wouldn’t you tell me?” “ I didn’t tell you because I was told not to. You weren’t even supposed to be listening. But, yes, we are brother and sister, Dana.” “Don’t you think I would ask Charlie for the truth, Quil. Do you really think I’m that stupid? Quil, if I wanted to know if I had any family here I would have asked Charlie and he would have told me that you were the only family I had here other than him.” Dana was getting tired of yelling at him and him acting like he was smarter than her when he wasn’t. After Dana and Quil had sorted things out they went down stairs and saw that Charlie and Quil’s mum, Thea, were on the lounge talking about something. Thea was crying and smiling at the same time and when she saw Quil and Dana she asked Dana “Dana...will do me he honour of, being my maid of honour!?” Dana screamed “YES!!!” and ran over to Thea, who had stood up and the two girls were jumping, dancing around and screaming so loud that Charlie and Quil put their hands over their ears and ran out the back door and Charlie asked Quil if he would be his best man and he said “I’d be honoured.”
Later on Charlie had asked Jacob if he would be his second best man and if Billy would be his third best man and they both said yes. Although Thea and Dana had finished screaming they hadn’t decided who were going to be the bridesmaids yet but Dana had asked if her mum Renee could be one and Thea had considered it for about ten minutes and said yes. Dana had rung Renee and told her the good news and Renee had said she would pack tomorrow and be there as soon as she could.
It was a Tuesday afternoon when Dana received a phone call saying that her mum’s flight had just landed and that her mum had brought Dana a present instead of bringing a present for Thea. Dana heard a car pull up outside and ran to the window, and saw that her mother had also brought Phil along. Dana then ran outside and said hello to her mum and gave her a hug. Then she pulled her mother away from Phil’s earshot and said “Mum, what the heck were you thinking bringing Phil along? You shouldn’t have done that, ‘cause dad’s going to be really angry and it’s going to ruin the wedding. And you were supposed to bring a present for Thea and Dad, not me.” “ But I thought you said it was your wedding, not your fathers. I got a phone call after yours and this guy said to bring a present for you, so that’s what I did. I brought Phil because he wanted to be at your big day and I couldn’t stop him from packing.” Renee replied calmly. “ Mum. Who was ‘this guy’ exactly? And no, I wouldn’t want Phil to come to my wedding. I hate him and if you’re going to get mad at me for saying that, don’t bother. So, you better tell Phil to go back to Jacksonville and that he isn’t coming to any wedding of mine and if he thinks he is he’s not. You can come if you want but do not bring Phil. I don’t want to see him ever again and I’m living with dad until he leaves. I know you love him but dad said you and him would have gotten back together , but then he came along and ruined it, so now your even.” Dana was starting to get louder and louder and Phil was looking over at them with a face full of curiosity. Dana and Renee walked over to the car and Phil said hi to Dana but she didn’t answer. She walked past him and stopped at the front door and said to her mother “That present better be something good”, and walked inside. It wasn’t long before Dana heard the car pull out of the driveway and when she looked out the window, she couldn’t see anyone, not even her mum. Dana got up and went outside to find a note on the front door that read:
I will not let your mother stay and she told me what you said. If your mother comes to your wedding, I will come to your wedding and same goes with your father’s wedding.
Phil. Xo
Dana really hated Phil now and she rang her mums mobile and told her to come back. About five minutes later the car pulled up outside again and both Phil and Renee go out of the car, Dana yelled at Phil as she stormed across the front yard to him, “You have no right to control what my mother does! She isn’t the one who didn’t want Charlie to go to your wedding, you are! Now Charlie and I decided that you weren’t allowed to come to this wedding. You can stay in Forks, but you won’t be getting into that wedding weather you like it or not. You also won’t be staying here with mum, you can go and stay a hotel or something, but she’s staying here.” Phil obviously didn’t take any of that seriously because he said “Renee. Get in the car, we’re going home.” “No. You’re going to your home, Phil. This is my home now and this is where I’m staying.” This was the first time Dana had heard my mother stand up to him. Renee turned her head and smiled at Dana and then turned to Phil and took the car keys out of his hands, unlocked the trunk and her and Dana took her suitcases inside to her room.
It wasn’t long before all of Renée’s luggage was inside and she gave the car keys back to Phil who instantly got in and drove away.
When Phil was out of sight, Renee laughed and said to Dana, “ oh, Dana, I
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