» Adventure » The Wolves, Shania Taufa [read dune .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Wolves, Shania Taufa [read dune .TXT] 📗». Author Shania Taufa

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“He will not come inside this house even if he is you friend. I don’t care. If you heard the car pull up you should’ve come out and heard what he done to her. So, I wouldn’t care if he was your friend, your boss, your brother I wouldn’t care if he was anything to, but this is my house and he is not going to take one step inside this house! Got it?” “Got it. Um, Nikki? Just how are you going to stop a grown man from getting in the house?” said Jared. “I’m not. You are".
After that when Nikki was about to cook dinner she heard a car pull up and she said to Jared, who was sitting in the lounge room watching television with Lara “Jared, don’t let him in the house, ok. Lara, come with me”. They both done as they were told and when Sam banged on the door Jared opened it and said “hey, Sam. What’s wrong?” “ You know what’s wrong. Where is she?!” replied Sam in a mean and harsh tone. Jared answered “Where is who?” “Don’t play games with me, Jared. Where is Lara?” “Ok, Sam. Nikki brought her here but she said that I’m not to let you in the house and I’m sorry, but it’s her house and her rules, so I can’t let you in. I’m sorry.” Jared was upset, and Sam could tell, not hat he was showing it, but Sam could tell by he way he spoke. Sam could also tell that Jared was sorry about what he was doing. Sam was nearly in tears when he said this “Could you tell Lara that she can stay the night and that if she feels like it tomorrow we can talk about this and try to fix it. And also tell her I’m sorry and that I’ll try to be a better fiancée and if she wants to we can call the wedding off".
Sam left and Nikki and Lara came out from Nikki’s room and Jared told Dana what Sam had said and she said that she will stay the night and that she’ll think about what she is going to do in the morning.
That night before everyone went to bed Lara said to Nikki and Jared “If I’m not here in the morning I’ll be over at Sam’s”.
The next morning Lara woke up and found that Nikki and Jared were already in the kitchen having breakfast and when they saw Lara Nikki said “hey Dana Sam called and wanted to know what you going o do and he said that if you were going to go over you would have to go over as soon as you can because he is going to go into town and then he is going to go to his parents house in Alabama because his father is ill and he says that his mother wants him there in case he passes away.” “okay. I’ll go over now”. “do you want me to come?” Nikki asked and Lara answered “No. I’ll be right, but if you could drop me off and just stick around and make sure he isn’t going to do anything else”. “okay”. While Nikki and Lara were on their way to Sam’s Jared was a home by himself and he thought that he might have a nice hot shower and go into town and get some extra supplies for his surprise for Nikki.
It was Nikki’s birthday in two days and Jared hoped that Lara would be back and staying with Sam by then.

Chapter 3....two best friends.
Dana and Jacob were sitting up in Jacob’s room and Dana asked Jacob if he would stay with her for the rest of their lives and he said that he would and that he might just give her a little surprise later on in life.
It wasn’t long before Dana had fallen asleep and Jacob was just drifting off when he heard something outside. He quietly got out of bed and walked to the window and when he looked out he saw that there was Sam, standing there on the grass looking up at the room where Jacob was standing. Jacob then closed the window and shut the blinds, but when he looked out through the blinds all he saw was a Jet-black wolf staring at him. He thought of screaming but he knew that that would wake Dana and he didn’t want to do that.
When Jacob turned around he nearly did scream because Dana was standing right behind him. Dana said “sorry, I just wanted to see what you were looking at and why you shut the window and blinds.” “I wasn’t looking at anything.” Jacob replied with a queer look on his face that made Dana laugh. “I know what you saw, Jacob. You saw Sam and then when you looked through the blinds, you saw a black wolf. It’s okay, Jake.” Jacob answered “Okay, that is what I saw. But, the thing is, I don’t get it. One minute there was Sam and the next it’s a Black wolf. It’s just plain freaky.” Dana hugged him and he hugged back and said “We have o be careful of our surroundings, of where we are and what people are around us.” “Yeah, we stick together no matter what.” Dana said.
In the morning Dana and Jacob were up and having breakfast when there was a knock at the door. Dana got up and went to open it, and when she did there was two boy there. She didn’t know who it was w until he said “Hi, I’m Embry and this is Quil. We’re friends of Jake’s, is he home?” Dana wondered why he hadn’t mentioned hem before and why they were here. She then said “Yeah, come in. He’s at the kitchen table. By-the-way, I’m Dana.” “nice to meet you.” Said Quil and Embry at the same time. Embry and Quil walked in and Dana closed the door and then the two boys followed Dana into the kitchen. When they go into the kitchen Jacob was walking back to the table after washing up the dishes and he said “hey, guys. How’d you get here?” Embry answered “I drove my dad’s car and Quil walked. We came to see if you would like to work on these four bikes.” “Yeah, sure. Only if it’s alright with Dana.” Said Jacob and Dana said “Yeah, it’s okay with me. But, only if I can help.” “Okay, then. Besides, we can use an extra pair of hands.” Replied Embry.
Dana had only just realised that Quil was being awfully quiet and he was staring at her. Dana slowly turned towards Jacob whilst still watching Quil and whispered to Jacob, “Um....Jake. Your friend, Quil, he’s staring at me and he hasn’t stopped since he walked in the door. It doesn’t bother me, but, the way he stares at’s weird, creepy and I don’t know what he’s thinking, and I don’t even know that look, so I don’t know what to do. Can you speak to him or something?” “Yeah, okay. Besides, he needs to be spoken to. Every time I get a Girlfriend, as soon as he meets her, he just stands there very quietly and just stares at her and sometimes it even freaks me out. But, yes, I will speak to him.” Jacob replied.
Jacob looked over at Quil and saw that he was still staring at Dana and just as Jacob was walking toward Quil, he suddenly bolted for the front door. Before Quil reached the front door Jacob was already there and Quil skidded to a stop. Quil went to urn around and run for the back door, but before he could run Jacob grabbed him by the left arm and swung him around so that he was facing him and Jacob said “Quil. We are going to go into the kitchen, sit down and have a nice, easy chat. But, if you try to run, there will be consequences, got it?” Quil didn’t answer and Jacob still had hold of his arm and then he grabbed his right arm and he steered him into the kitchen. When they got there Jacob sat Quil in a kitchen chair and tied a rope around his hands, then his feet and then tied all of them to the chair.
Quil yelled “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!”, and Jacob simply just said in a low voice “ We don’t want anything. I want to know why you were staring at Dana and why you wouldn’t look away when she looked at you. Are you going to tell me?” “No! I’m not saying anything until you untie me”. “If we untie you have to promise that you will not run away or even try to...You have to promise to tell the truth and if I think that you’re lying, I’ll tie you back up and will not let you go until you are ready to tell the truth. Do we have a deal?” Quil didn’t want to tell the truth but he wanted to get away from them and he didn’t want to get tied up again. Finally, after about 15 minutes, Quil decided that he would seal the deal. “Fine. We have a deal...but only if she goes away, and I mean that she goes over to her house or somewhere else, somewhere where she can’t hear and only if you promise you won’t tell her afterwards. Deal?” “No damn way, Quil, and you bloody well knew that I wouldn’t agree to that. So you either reconsider your deal or stay here tied up, left to starve and die of thirst or you tell the truth now and you decide right now!” Jacob didn’t need to yell, but he wanted to get all the fury out of him and try to calm down. Dana tried to help calm him down but he had
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