» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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it was plain and simple which was exactly what I liked even if I didn't realize it until now."It's fine sweetheart" he replied, but I could tell it was strained which only made my guilt rise. He had been so nice to me and I was making his life hell, I mean I would have already tried to escape if it wasn't for the fact not only did my whole body protest again it but surprisingly my wolf did as well. For that reason I stayed put; even if it turned out to be the death of me.***Adrian's PovAs I watched my mate sleep I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander, my long legs stretched out in front of me as I sat in my office chair trying to take my mind off my mate only to have no luck. It wasn't like I didn't like the fact she seemed to be constantly on my mind since I met her, it was just I didn't like where my thoughts were taking me at the moment.When she had flinched away from me I didn't know what to feel, the pain in my heart only fuelling my wolf's whim pers and whines of pain as we watched how our mate reacted towards us. I knew it was my fault for being so sudden with my movements when I knew she was as delicate as she was, she had clearly been through a lot and I hated myself when I saw how naturally she seemed to flinch away from me. I knew not to take it personally, but the fact that sometime in her life she had been treated so…barbarically only seemed to fuel both my curiously and anger at who had harmed and damaged my mate in such an unforgiveable way.It was times like these I wished my mother was still with me, having died with my father when fighting against rouges. I had been so young when I was made the alpha, the pack hadn't of been as strict or vicious back then and while we were still considered a very close knit family I had made sure not to let any of our guards down like my father had. He had been to lenient with them all, he had been a brilliant alpha and father but his kind and forgiving nature led to the death of him. I didn't blame him for my mother's death, she died fighting for the man she loved and I respected her for that. I was an only child, so I was alone when they both passed but as I grew close with the pack I knew we had to seriously toughen up.Sighing quietly as not to disturb her I couldn't help but lean back in my chair as I rubbed my face with my hands, my eyes yet again wondering to my mate as she laid curled up in the sheets. She had been both stunned and taken aback when I told her she could sleep in the bed and I would go elsewhere, only to return as soon as I heard her breathing even out letting me know that she was asleep. I knew it would help her sleep if I was near her, well that was the excuse I was using anyway as I continued to gaze over my beautiful but severely unhealthy mate. Who could do this to such an incredible girl? Chapter 13

 knew that I had to reluctantly address the pack and let them know about my mate, my brows pulling into a frown when I realized I stull didn't know her name! Why hadn't I asked her that first? Oh that's right not only was I too distracted with the sound of my mates beautiful voice but I was too eager to get some food into her system to ask her. I made a mental note to bring it up as soon as possible, wanting to know the name of the girl I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with.With pure reluctance I heaved myself out of my office chair and headed towards the door, my hand gripping the handle as I glanced at her one more time before leaving. Her face was buried into my plush pillows, her raven black hair sprawled out around her making her look nothing short of magical. It may have sounded incredibly cheesy but I found it hard to care, especially when I was finding it suddenly difficult to leave her side even though I knew it was necessary for me to do so.Sighing I heading downstairs after shutting the door as gently as I could, holding my breath as I heard her stir in her sleep. Thankfully she didn't wake up though, mumbling something about flowers which brought a smile to my face. I had already made a mental note to fill the pack house with them, it was clear they had a calming effect on her and that's exactly what I wanted. I didn't want her to fear me, I wanted her to love me but I knew not to rush things with her. If I pushed her to hard then she would freak out and isolate herself; that was the last thing I wanted her to do.Heading downstairs I gently knocked on all the doors as I passed them to get the mated couples out, the last thing I wanted was to have to repeat myself to them all if I missed one of them. So with that I called a meeting, making sure to keep my voice low as they all took the hint and filtered into the living room where we had our pack meetings. It was the largest and most spacious room in the house, so it made sense to have it in here."What's going on Alpha?" Paul asked with barely restrained annoyed as both he and a very flustered looking Lily took their usual seats. It was obvious I had interrupted something but I found it hard to care, it wasn't like I was going to apologize for it. An order was an order."I guess all of you are now aware of the fact I brought a female wolf home a few days ago" I stated, watching them all perk up when they realized they were going to be filled in on the situation. I hadn't taken the time to brief them on what was happening when my mate had been unconscious, it hadn't of been a top priory of mine when my mate was in trouble so I hadn't bothered to let them know. But I knew I would have to tell them sometime, it was late and it was better if I did so now."How is she?" Paul asked, knowing that more about the state of my mates health than most."She's as good as can be expected" I replied causing him to wince slightly before nodding, letting me know that he understood."Who is she?" one of my pack mates asked gently, smart enough to figure out that whoever this girl was she was important to me. I wasn't known for being friendly with a lot of people, I may get on with them but that didn't mean I completely enjoyed being in their company. It wasn't that I disliked them, they were my pack after all but I was the sort of person who preferred my space. Well that was until my beauty came along; she can spend as much time around me as she wanted to. Actually, when it came to my mate the more the better."She's the rouge who crossed our border, to put it bluntly she's my mate" I stated in a flat tone, though I couldn't help the warm feeling which spread through me when I thought about the small slip of a girl who was currently buried under my sheets upstairs in my room. I couldn't wait until she let me hold her, to comfort and kiss her like I wanted to. I was relieved that my wolf wasn't pressuring me to mark her like most would, but it was clear he could sense how damaged and broken she was and knew by forcibly marking her we could both loose her forever. I would never harm her, she was my everything now and I would never be letting her go and I realized that my wolf wasn't about to take that risk either. The pack instantly started talking as soon as I had finished, the ones who had already put two and two together looking smug while the others were as shocked as can be. I didn't blame them, including myself I never thought I would ever find my mate but I was far from complaining."What did you mean 'she was as good as can be expected'?" Jake asked, a pack mate lower down in the ranking order but still an efficient and clean fighter. He took down his prey with such grace for one his age that I couldn't help but be impressed, and a compliment from an alpha was a respected thing. It helped that I barely gave it out; meaning that on the rare occasion that I did give some positive feedback it meant a lot more to the pack mate who was on the receiving end of it."She has clearly been through some touch shit and I don't want any of you commenting on it. You do not approach her since she is timid and you do not make any sudden movements around her, are we clear?" I asked in a tone which left no room for disagreement.


Chapter 14


It was obvious what I was saying, you disobey me and either scare or hurt my mate then your arse is mine; and I won't be gentle."Yes alpha" was mumbled around the pack instantly to which I nodded, scanning around to see if anyone had any questions to which they did unfortunately. I found myself eager to get back to my mate, knowing that I would most likely be sleeping on the sofa in my room as to want to be near my mate. As long as I woke up before her then it would be fine, hopefully."What is it?" I asked with a slight scowl as I saw a few of them shifting nervously under my gaze, the normal response for a wolf when their alpha was displeased. They were used to it by now; but that didn't change

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