» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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so beautiful…  "Why aren't I dead yet?"Ok, that was not what I expected to hear my mate say when she first spoke and while I took note of how deliciously soft and airy her voice sounded I couldn't help but feel my grip on the chair I was on tighten drastically and my eyes to darken to a near black, was she serious? Did she want to die? What the fuck was going on?Since it was clear she hadn't noticed me yet I stayed quiet, even if it killed me to do so. I still couldn't believe what I had just heard, she couldn't wish for death could she? I mean she was my mate! She was MINE!I watched as she finally seemed to snap out of it, her tiny form looking smothered in my clothes but she did nothing but frown slightly as she took in my room before a startled yelp left her mouth when she saw me sitting in the corner on one of my large chairs; my eyes trained on hers."You're…uh…." She stuttered out, her voice hoarse and my concern only grew as I took note of her rapidly shaking form, it was far from cold in here so why was she shaking? I had made sure to light the fireplace in my room as soon as I had brought her here, she shouldn't be shaking!"I'm Adrian sweetheart" I smiled softly as I gazed at her, wondering what was going on in that pretty little head of hers, the nickname again just slipping out before I could help myself. She didn't seem to mind but I couldn't help but take in the confused expression on her face as she scrunched up her features in the most adorable way. God I was already sounding like a love sick puppy and I knew nothing about her."Why aren't I dead?" she asked bluntly causing me to growl lowly, I didn't like her talking like that!"Please stop saying that sweetheart" I pleaded as I slowly rose from my seat, watching as she scrambled away from me causing me to raise my hands in surrender, my heart aching at the startled look of fear in her eyes."I…I don't understand" she whispered as she continued to back away before she could go no further, her back hitting the headboard of my bed preventing her movement. I couldn't help the purr which vibrated form my chest as I tried to sooth her shaking form, watching as she jumped slightly at the sound before slightly relaxing from her previous stiff position. It was a relief."You passed out sweetheart, I brought you back to my pack house" I stated, trying to work out whether it would be a good idea to tell her we were mates. It was clear she hadn't figured it out yet, so was it better to tell her out—right or to wait till she figured it out on her own? Fuck! I wasn't good at this sort of thing. When she didn't reply I slowly made my way towards the bed, relieved that I had thought to put on a shirt since if I had been half—naked I was sure I would have startled her. She was already timid; I didn't want to make it worse by her thinking I was pressuring into anything. I would never harm her; she was my life, my everything, my mate!"Are you hungry?" I asked, my eyes moving over her too thin of a form as I did so. It would only take me minutes to get her something to eat, I didn't like seeing her so thin.Whatever I must have said seemed to shock her to her core, her eyes wide and mouth open as she just stared at me. To be honest her reaction confused me, all I was offering her was food so why did it seem to shock her so much?"You're….food?" she stuttered out, I would have thought it was adorable if I wasn't still confused by her reaction. Gently I sat on the edge of the bed, taking note that she didn't seem to notice as she continued to stare at me, her stomach rumbling telling me she was more than a little hungry."I'll get you some, you sound hungry" I stated as I jumped off the side of the bed, her face still a picture as I quickly headed to the door as to provide for my mate. She was hungry and it looked as if she had never had a proper meal in her life. It was a shame I didn't know just how right I was….  



Chapter 8


Running down the stairs I took to them two at a time as my heavy feet pounded with each step I took, my pack mates literally jumping away from me as I headed straight for the kitchen where Ryan sat with a few others, his own mate vising her parents at the other pack house."I heard she woke up mate, how is she?" Ryan asked as he munched on a piece of toast which looked like it was more than a little well—done. I ignored him for the moment before cursing when I realized I hadn't asked her what she wanted, but then again she looked so hungry I doubt she would mind. The thought both pained me and pleased me, she wasn't healthy."Hungry" I grunted out as I grabbed a couple of eggs and cracked them into a bowl before whisking them. I planned to make her an omelette and while I would have liked her to have something more filling I was in a rush to get back to her, this would only take several minutes to cook. Flicking on the hob I quickly poured some oil in the pan before putting it on the hob to heat up while I continued to whisk the eggs."How did she take the whole mate thing?" Ryan's curious voice cut through the kitchen gaining my attention as I paused in grating the cheese, my head snapping in his direction as I levelled him with a sharp look. "She doesn't know" I stated as I dropped the cheese in the bowl with the eggs before whisking it, adding some salt before looking in the fridge to see if there was any meat I could add. My mum had taught me to cook at a young age before she passed away, saying that once I had found my mate it would be a good talent to have when trying to both win her over and look after her correctly. She was right of course, my mate was going to both need and love this.As I diced some already cooked sausages I found in the fridge I added it in before pouring it into the pan, smirking when I heard it sizzle and the smell of freshly cooked food filled the kitchen which instantly had everyone's attention as they complained about having already eaten. I rolled my eyes, but yet again Ryan's voice brought me out of my inner thoughts."Why?" he asked puzzled, as if he expected me to come right out and tell the frightened girl upstairs that she was stuck with me for the rest of her life. Yea….I wasn't going to drop that bomb shell on her just yet and scare her off; she was alarmed enough as it was. Not that I blamed her, it was clear she had been through some touch shit."I don't want to pressure her" I stated honestly as I flipped the omelette before grabbing a plate to put it on, hoping she wouldn't mind the rush job. My wolf was already snarling at me to return to her, but I effectively calmed him with the realization that we were making our mate food to better her health, he thankfully settled down with that thought.Ryan thankfully kept his mouth shut as I piled up her food before giving him a nod, grabbing the plate and a fork before rushing back up the stairs, eager to see my angel again. I still didn't know her name but it would be the first thing I wanted to know about her, surely such a goddess would have a beautiful name to match…Reaching my room I was about to burst in when I froze, she was still nervous and skittish around me so I didn't want my eagerness to frighten her. So with that thought I gently knocked on the door before entering, taking note that she had yet to move a muscle since I had left."Hey sweetheart, I hope omelettes ok" I smiled wide as I slowly approached the bed and put the plate in front of her, watching as she stared at me wide eyed as I did so. I couldn't help but stare at her as she looked at the plate in front of her, a confused expression on her delicate features as she kept glancing between the plate and to me. Again I found myself wishing that I could read that fast working mind of hers, wanting to know what she was thinking."Thank you but…." She trailed off, her face still scrunched up in that adorable expression of hers. I didn't know what she was thinking but I would have thought from how famished she looked she would have already demolished my food. Didn't she like it? Shit I knew I should have asked her what she wanted first! Stupid! Stupid!  "If you don't like it I can—" I started but she cut me off, looking taken aback as she did so."No, thank you. But why?" she asked, as if the idea of me feeding her was so outrageous that she couldn't believe what she was seeing. I resisted the urge to snarl, my eyes scanning over her bony and unhealthy form as I did so. It was clear she wasn't used to people caring for her enough to feed her, the thought made the alpha in me come to the surface as I swore to make all those who had taken part in my mates pain to suffer. By the end of it they would have wished I had given them a quick death, as far as I was concerned they were a pest that needed exterminated."You're hungry sweetheart, please eat" I said soothingly as I carefully sat on the edge of the bed, making sure my moves were cautious and slow as she continued to watch me with nervous eyes. I knew not to push her, she would relax in her own time but until then I would just have to make her as comfortable as possible. After all, she will be staying with me now. She was MINE, she would never leave me, she would never be in pain again!I continued to watch as she simply stared at me with curious eyes, her strangely amber gaze suddenly coming to my attention. I had never seen anything so beautiful, the rare color making my wolf purr as I took note of how her hair was the exact same shade of mine. She was made for us, I knew that and didn't doubt it for a second that she was anything other than mine. I would care for her, provide

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