» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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expensive, a small amount of soil at the bottom to keep the flower healthy and living."Here" he grinned as he gently held it out for me when he returned, keeping his movements slow and calculated which I was thankful for. I may feel strangely safe around him, but I made sure to keep my guard up just in case he suddenly turned like I expected him to.I stared at it for a few minutes, not wanting fall into any trap he may have set. But one look into those entrancing eyes of his I could see that he was being sincere, my past making me able to tell who had good motives and who had less than welcoming ones. Still I was careful as I shuffled back slightly, a pained look forming on his face before it was replaced with an encouraging smile as he continued to hold it out for me."Thank you" I breathed quietly, knowing that while a human wouldn't have heard it he would have. Not only was he a werewolf but he was an alpha, meaning that his sensitive hearing was even more sensitive than others. With me being a daughter of an alpha mine was similar, but it wasn't always a perk since I had be forced to listen to years of taunting which I wouldn't have had to listen to if I hadn't had alpha blood running through my veins.Slowly I reached a shaky hand out to reach for it, a smile still on my face as I felt my fingers brush against the coolness of the glass. It was when my fingers accidently brushed his though that a yelp left my mouth as I hurriedly backed away from him as quickly as I could. My eyes wide and fearful as I felt the sudden sparks which ran through my form, an  instant craving for more of his touch hitting me with such force with so little warning that I couldn't help but want to get away from the foreign feeling as quickly as possible so I could make sense of it. What the hell was going on?


Chapter 11

I didn't know what was going on but whatever it was it was scaring the hell out of me. The sparks were anything but painful but the intense yearning I suddenly felt to touch him, to be around him was terrifying me. I hadn't expected for him to want to touch me so I hadn't bothered to try and avoid his fingers, thinking that he would hastily pull them away when I got to close to his liking. But when he didn't, when I touched him and felt the sparks I couldn't help but want to get away from them, fearing that if not I would have followed my urges to jump him right there and then.Never before had I felt anything like it, the feeling shooting from where we touched as it seemed to ignite my body and wolf to a limit which I didn't think was possible. Both the flower and the food were forgotten as I tried desperately to get away, thinking that he was playing some cruel joke or trick on me for his packs amusement. I could hear them downstairs murmuring, but I knew that Adrian would be able to hear them as clear as day with his more than impressive senses."Hey, hey it's alright" he tried to sooth my nerves but I couldn't help but look around wildly, his voice both calming me and panicking me. It wasn't alright, of course it wasn't alright! How could everything be ok when what I was feeling was far from normal? I shouldn't be feeling this way!  Whimpering I continued to back away further up the bed I was on, my eyes still wide as I tried to get away from him. I wasn't scared of him, but I was terrified of what I just felt, and not to mention the fact I actually wanted more of it. I liked the feeling, but that didn't mean I understood what it was, what it meant."Sweetheart, everything's ok" he tried again but I want listening, my eyes wildly scanning the room for an exit. He seemed to cotton onto my thoughts instantly as his form stiffened as if he was preparing to pounce on me, though he seemed to force himself to relax when I suddenly started to have trouble breathing correctly. What was he going to do? Was he bored of me already? Was he going to kill me? Suddenly that thought didn't seem all that appealing anymore, as if my wolf had suddenly found something worth living for."No" I found myself whispering, my breathing turning into desperate puffs of air as he suddenly seemed to get a pained and panicked expression on his face. I didn't like it, I didn't like to see him so upset so my panic only increased as I stared in his emotion filled eyes. Why did he have to look so beautiful to me?"Calm down, deep breaths" he soothed in such a soft tone that I found myself listening to him, my hand clutching my chest through the fabric of the shirt where my heart was beating rapidly as I tried to calm myself. I found I wanted to listen to him, my wolf purring inside of me and the feeling was so strange that I couldn't help myself as I found myself craving more of it. My wolf had never felt so content, so happy and I soon found myself relaxing."That's it! Good girl!" he praised with a smile, one that I couldn't help but return shyly. Why was he affecting me so much? I knew it wasn't normal, I wasn't good with people as a whole but I couldn't help but think that it wasn't exactly me personally, but rather the way I was brought up with everyone isolating themselves from me.It was a few minutes later until I had managed to get a grip on myself, my breathing returning back to normal but I fought my urges to crawl into his arms. I didn't even know him, the only thing I knew was his name was Adrian and he was the alpha of the vicious 'Jewel Pack' who had a reputation of being the most dangerous and threatening. It didn't exactly help to sooth my nerves.I continued to watch him shyly as he continued to smile at me, my gaze returning to his hand where the flower still sat unaffected in the vase. I knew to most out there it would sound incredibly foolish for a simple flower to have such a calming effect on me, but I had given up caring what people thought of me a long time ago, but thinking that I couldn't help but want Adrian to like me, my wolf only purring in agreement as she herself found herself craving the company of his own wolf."You ok now sweetheart?" he asked worriedly causing me to look at him with a slight tilt of my head. It was another thing that was confusing me, I had no idea whatsoever why he was doing this for me. I mean there had to be a reason right, everyone had a reason for acting so strangely and I couldn't help but find myself curious to what it was. I wasn't brave enough to ask though, but that didn't mean my curiosity got any easier to hold back.Nodded slightly I saw his grin widen, my own lips seemingly curving up into their own smile as I couldn't help but blush slightly until his bright gaze. My reaction only seemed to delight him more, his mouth pulling into such a wide grin that I couldn't help but worry that his face might split because of it. Even so though I couldn't help but find a shudder of delight run through me, as if the fact I was making him happy was what I was put on this earth to do. It was such a strange, such an out of the ordinary feeling that I couldn't help but find my curiosity increasing. Again I kept silent though, not wanting to comment on it and for things to become either awkward or dangerous on my part.


Chapter 12


"You still hungry, you didn't eat a lot?" he asked with concern as his gaze flickered to the still full plate which sat on the bed, thankfully it hadn't fallen over when I had unfortunately had the beginnings of a panic attack. It wasn't the first time it had happened to me, but it was definitely the first I hadn't passed out because of it. I put it down to the fact that nobody seemed to care whether I lived or not in my old pack, the fact I could say old when I referred to them making both me and my wolf to purr out in delight."I'm fine thank you" I whispered back, my fingers playing with the edge of the shirt I was wearing before I blushed deeply when it occurred to me that he must have changed me when I had no choice but to shift back. I couldn't help but feel my flush intensify as I continued to think about it, had he seen me naked? If so why did he still seem so interested in me, I knew I wasn't the prettiest person in the world so why was such an attractive and handsome alpha taking the time out of his day for me? Didn't he have a mate to warm his bed, to cook and look after him? The thought that there was someone else pained me more than I cared to admit; was he really affecting me so much in the very short time that I had known him?"Are you sure? Do you want something to drink?" he asked eagerly as he made a move to get up, his hasty action causing me to flinch back without even realizing it. I could tell my reaction pained him, but I couldn't help it since I had lived all of my life in fear of being hit and beaten and it was unfortunately natural for me to shun away even if I felt strangely safe with him."Sorry" I mumbled as I tried to force my body to relax, not being able to look him in the eye as I let my gaze wonder around his room instead. It really was a nice room I thought,

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