» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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her gorgeous amber ones and with that I knew exactly what had happened. The pull in my chest, the delicious scent she seemed to have which was temping enough to make my mouth water…this rare colored female was my mate, and I couldn't have been happier. I has always both wished for as well as despised the idea of having a mate, a number  of reasons behind it. I wished for the closeness, the feeling of love which would surely follow but I also hated how whipped it seemed to make a wolf. Both Ryan and Paul had imprinted and mated for life, it was literally all that was on their minds whenever we were in wolf form after all. You see we could only have a mind link while in wolf form, it was both a blessing and an annoyance that while we were in human form they had the privacy of their thoughts, yet if there was a threat is was an inconvenience they couldn't communicate. I was brought back to the present when my mate's whimpers grew louder with the sound of Pauls and Ryan's growls, my face softening dramatically as I growled lowly in my throat. I made sure not to raise it loud enough for her to hear, I didn't want to startle her even more since it already pained me to see the look of fear in her eyes. My pack mates immediately shut up with their growling, but it seemed to do little to calm my mate's distress as she continued to whimper softly. It broken my heart: knowing that she feared me."Hey, hey…I'm not going to hurt you, but I need you to phase back into your human form" I said in what I hoped to be a soothing tone, wishing to see the gorgeous girl which was hiding behind that incredible wolf of hers. I could tell she had alpha blood in her system due to her impressive size, she would still look petite compared to my own massive black wolf, but she was larger than the average female. I quickly froze though when her whimpers grew more and more startled when I tried to step closer, my form instantly freezing to the spot. I couldn't help but gaze at her with adoration and hope, I couldn't believe I had found my everything and I would not be letting her go any time soon."Look I'm sorry I shouted, but I need you to shift" I repeated when she shook her large head, her ears pulling back as they twitched in fear. I didn't like to see the emotion on her, I wanted to sooth her, tell her it would be alright but I knew I had to be careful with the frightened girl in front of me. She had clearly been through a lot and I couldn't help but wonder what.It wasn't until then that I felt my eyes widening when I took in the state of her wolf in front of me, my heart aching out for her since I knew she must be a hundred times worse in human form. Her fur which should have been thick and glossy was thin and mattered, her wolf incredibly small and fragile and she looked like she had been starved for months. I felt my anger rise as I took in her sunken features, even in her wolf form she looked far from healthy and I knew I needed to get her medical attention as soon as possible. She was MINE and now I had found her I was not letting her go. My panic only increased when her legs seemed to give away under the little weight she had on her body, a thump vibrating through the woods as she connected heavily with the floor beneath her. I winced: she needed medical help and she needed it now. "I'm Adrian sweetheart, alpha of the 'Jewel pack'" I introduced myself, hoping if she knew a little about me she may realize that I was far from a threat to her. She was my life, my mate, my other half – hell I hadn't even seen her human self yet but I knew I would give up everything for the badly treated girl who laid in front of me on the snow covered ground. She didn't reply, her breathing still coming out in harsh, short pants as a fog surrounded her muzzle as her warm breath connected with the nippy air. It was cold and it shouldn't have bothered her, but she was shaking like a leaf and it was clear she felt it like a human would. What the hell had someone done to my mate! They would pay, even if it was the last thing I did! Chapter 5


As soon as I saw her fearful eyes start to droop I was running towards her, seeing how her breathing slowed dramatically as she passed out right in front of my eyes. It would only be a matter of time before her body forced her to shift back into her human form, I didn't want her to do it in the snow."Adrian? What the hell is going on?" Paul asked as both him and Ryan phased back into human form, identical looks of shock and confusion on their faces as they stared at me in shock. It was obvious to me why, I was a grumpy and snappy alpha who lost his temper easily, and while they respected me and I treated them fairly it didn't mean they had no fear for me. So seeing me fall to my knees and reaching out to run my fingers lightly through my mates matted fur had come as a great shock to them, hell we had come to kill her and yet now I was petting her." She's my mate" I found myself whispering aloud as I gazed at her, my heart breaking as I took note that I could count each and every rib she had in her body due to her being so thin. What the hell had she been through? The wet snow had washed away any scent so she could have come from a pack but I couldn't tell; but why would she risk her life to run across our territory in the bad state she was obviously in?"Well shit" Ryan gaped in surprise,  though both him and Paul were grinning widely until they took in the state of my girl. "What the hell happened to her?"" I don't know but we need to get her inside, call the pack doctor" I ordered as I easily picked up her light from, careful not to hurt her when I jolted her massive form to get a firm but soft hold on her. Even in wolf form she was way to light for what she should be; I didn't even have to strain when I gathered her large form in my arms which wasn't good news.It may have looked slightly amusing if we were spotted by a human, how an apparent half—dressed boy of 18 was carrying a wolf that was roughly the same size as a horse with not effort at all. Yep, we looked quite the sight. As my order ran out through the woods both Paul and Ryan immediately shifted and sprang into action as I gently jogged behind them with the mystery girl who was my mate in my arms, wishing I could go faster but I knew she was incredibly fragile right now, even in her wolf form. Reaching the pack house I ignored the curious pack members who were staring wide eyed as I dodged past them and into the pack house, heading straight for my room as I did so. I knew they were frozen in shock; it isn't everyday a temperamental alpha such as myself brought home a passed out female in wolf form with the intention of mating with her when I had gained her trust. Yep, definitely not what they would have expected when they woke up this morning. Reaching my large room I kicked open the door before lying her down on my sheets, not caring that she was soaked through as my black sheets were immediately going damp. She was more than worth it, hell she was my everything and she didn't even know it yet. It didn't take long for the pack doctor to come running up, the young woman gasping as she took note of the young wolf lying on my bed. I was thankful that she was a female, I wasn't sure I could let a male near her when she was in such a weakened state."Oh my…" Lisa breathed as her eyes scanned over the matted white wolf, my fists clenched and my form stiff. She looked at me for permission to approach her and I quickly nodded, the faster she got to work the faster my mate would wake up and I could get to know her."We need to wait until she shifts back into her human form, shout me if she shows signs of phasing back I need some warm water" she stated in a soft but firm tone causing me to nod. Right then she could scream orders at me and I would follow them through without a second thought if it was to do with my mate's health and safety, but it would be the only time. Knowing this I nodded, watching as she bounced to her feet before sprinting down the stairs, the sound of a tap turning on being brought to my attention.As soon as she was gone I was at my mate's side, my fingers lightly brushing her fur as it felt thin and wiry under my fingertips. What had my angel been through to come out like this? It clearly wasn't good and I planned to find out as soon as she trusted me enough to tell me about herself, hopefully it would be sooner rather than later. "Lisa!" I ordered when I felt her start to shimmer and shake under me, the realization that she was about to phase causing my alpha order to rumbled through the house causing a number of pack mates to gasp. They much like Ryan and Paul knew not to approach, my room was on the top floor and they knew to avoid it at all costs. Hell, whenever I felt or heard them approach the floor growls rumbled in my chest, instantly causing them to freeze and scurry off like they should. I didn't want them dis turbing my mate, so they didn't. Holding open the door for Lisa when she came running in, warm water sloshing from the bowl in her hands as her hastiness caused my plush carpet to grow damp much like my sheets. She shot me an apologetic look but I waved it off, like I cared about some bloody carpet when my mate was in the state she was."You poor girl" I heard Lisa breath as my breath caught in my throat, my eyes glossing over and my hands clenching tightly into fists as my mate suddenly appeared in her human form as she laid on my sheets still unconscious. She was

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