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Book online «PINNACLE 7, Guillaume Mwamba [the best e book reader txt] 📗». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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the rest of the opponents, as I scanned around for any sign of Fideli K after marching for a few distances away from Nyebo. 

 I guess I was wrong to see such a scary cat run away the firstborn son of the late Inkosi wears the royal clothes of his late Inkosi. Besides, why do you need to save them when you know that they’re the ones who banish you out of Mwambazi? Why do you always want to be so a merciful and compassionate jerk when you know that they’re the ones who betrayed you! They’re the ones who banished you out of Mwambazi, even your Umama the Queen wouldn’t even plead on your behalf.  Come on, my cousin stop being a soft and nice man and joined me. And I promise you will be the richest men in the world,” Fideli snarled. “No, cousin, I am sorry I cannot sell my people, the people of Wahadiwa to prostitution and slavery. So why won’t you just be the good little cousin, release them, and returned them to Wahadiwa before you wrath!” I warned. 




 “Hmm, such a pity. I was hoping would say that, and I believe it's time for you to face my wrath. Besides, it is time for you to meet your-ugh!” I grunted. “Inkosi, please bend down, now!” Wema shouted. Immediately I bent down as the spear from Wema which she lanced that instantly came to perforates the midst of Fideli K’s chest. Falling, the floor as he breathes his last, leaving only the empty vessel and the ashy wings on the dried leaves. Where we won the conflict and all of Fideli K’s henchmen were killed by Nyebo, Ushindi, and Wema. Fideli was my uncle’s son by the name of Lord Kilembi Kyambania and the father of all the rest of my cousins such as Georgette always to Augustin. ‘Well, let me tell you about my African Nations called Wahadiwa which is the wealthiest Kingdom full of copper, gold, diamonds, cobalt, uranium, coltan and oil are just some minerals that should make it one of the world’s richest countries. Adding the Strongest Non-Alloy Metal in the World which are Tungsten, Titanium, and Chromium. And most of these three mixed strongest metal called Niobitium-Vibranium-Advandium or NVA,’ I wondered. “Um, Inkosi Mvuela, now since we have killed our enemy can we please go back to Mwambazi, please? Because I would like to see my family and my friends!” Wema whined. “Huh, yes, just for a minute! And Nyebo please come with us to Mwambazi! I would love you to be by my side and seeing you, which makes me happier.

   Ever since I was in Washington, D.C. living with your aunt, I always miss you a lot. Henceforth, please-please come with me to Mwambazi!” I pleaded. “Well, sorry, Mvuela I would love to come with you to Mwambazi but they're still much more to learn from the people all over the world.” She answered. “Huh-uh, that’s too bad and all right I hope this goodby then Nyebo? I hope to see you soon!” I murmured. “Yeah, by Inkosi Mvuela,” Nyebo sniffed. Walking away to meet Ushindi and Wema in tears as marched toward the airport transportation called Eagle-wings. Marching up the stairs always at the entrance as I look behind at Nyebo who were freeing young girls and young women from the bonding shackles. Before I would turn to face the Eagles-wings’ entrance and turn back to look at Nyebo one more last time who was now looking at me in tears. I didn’t realize seeing Ushindi seeing everything. “You must love him so much, huh, Inkosi?" Ushindi interrupted. I was startled by her question as I look at her with a sign. Huh, yeah I love her so much and I just can’t help to be apart once again. Do you know why I was in Washington D.C before I returned from the mission at this place are now? Hunting down the most sinister and obsessive Oracles and his henchmen I never encounter, anyhow there goes my chance I of remaining with Nyebo even for just a few minutes I don’t care.
    First I like for her to finish her education, and I have to wait so patiently unless she finishes all of her schooling courses," I signed. “Yeah-yeah, I feel ya but I’m sure you two will meet again. So why won’t you be a good Inkosi and take a seat while you discuss heartbreaking again of you separating again from your girl!” Wema scolded. I just look at her then laughed hard as wave farewell to Nyebo who wave back. Entering the entrance as the Eagle-wings’ door behind me closed shut, while Ushindi leads the way to the throne-like seat. Instantly when we arrived, I climbed the four stairs, reaching the huge throne, and sat on it. Inkosi," Said both. Ushindi and Wema bow down before me as Ushindi and Wema stood to my right and left. When the Eagle-wing float in the air after I was settling in the huge throne-like seat when Wema turned the engine in the beginning before I would come to the airport. They were serenity in the Eagles because none of my two companions spoke a word to me before I would break the silence. “Ah, this brought back a memory,” I said. Ushindi and Wema puzzled look at me before they would answer. I remember me and my ubaba sitting next to each other as we were going to visit one of his old friends King Pepa in the Zambezi when I was just twenty-one years old. I imagine him scolding me all the time when I disappointed him. Man, I miss those memories. Unless I encounter my Cousin Mushota and Nyuki playing in my bed-chamber, I was furious as I chanced them out of my room. At that point, my baba became disappointed and sad because I thought that I was irresponsible and an embarrassment for him as the oldest son. Henceforth, that's why walked away from my responsibility of becoming Wahadiwa's crowned King. I tell you what young women!" I giggled.

 “What did you learn, Inkosi?” Wema asked. A lot Wema-Nasara. Seems like the world taught me a lesson I will never forget," I murmured. As I heard both Ushindi and Wema broke in the laughter, they were laughing hard. “Ha-ha-ha-ha, Inkosi, we are sorry but-but we could help but laugh!” Nasara gulped. "Well, it is right to laugh. And just you know, laughter is the good medicine." I giggled. Following that Nasara and Wema exchanged eyes and smile thrilled and glad to see Mvuela being a different man for their Inkosi. Aright then, Inkosi, do you remember you pushing Nyuki into the fresh drink water fountain and remembering King Dumisa Nyebo’s baba drinking it? When he saw Nyuki coming out of the water wet, he spits out almost immediately and shouted a curse word at you?" Narasa asked. “Yeah, I remember all of that. And the funniest is seeing Nyuki furious like a volcano which chases me all over the grassland of Mwambazi man, that was hilarious!” I laughed. “Yup, you can say that again, Inkosi and I can’t wait on the Queen's face when sees her cowardly son accepting her summoned.” Wema excited.



“Right, me too Nasara-Wema,” I mumbled. From a few distances, I saw the most astonishing, vibrating, magnificently, and the breathtaking Kingdom of Wahadiwa. “Yes,Commando...Lt., it seems like you are telling the truth,” I answered. Later on, we find over the enchanting Great City of Wahadiwa on our to the most gigantic Wahadiwa’s palace. We flew in the air for a few minutes unless all three of us saw the most gigantic palace. I saw my umama, little sister Mukobe, Chiefwelu, and some three people on their knees. Continually it was already in the morning and Chiefwelu promises them to let them go but he couldn't fulfill the promise. "My Prince, Chiefwelu, please-please let us go. And I believe you told us that you will let us go this morning, yet you haven't let us go," Aruni said. "Silence, you because your punishment is not over yet. I am a crowned prince and you must wait unless I say so," Chiefwelu snapped. The Lion-wings landed, as Wema, following by in between and Nasara behind me. Inkosi, welcome to Wahadiwa, we have arrived." Wema excited. As both of them walked side by side with me in the midst. Sure, Nasara-Wema I can see that. And I am so glad that I am finally home. Goodness-gracious, isn't it that King Aruni is on his knees?

    What he is in the world doing bowing before Npoyo who still the crowned prince?" I whispered. Well, because Npoyo accused him of stealing in the palace so now his entire family is facing Chiefwelu's wrath. And just look around-?" Nasara paused. "What now Nasara? Cat got your tongue?" I asked. "No, Inkosi Yami, look! The clouds are gathering faster and faster by a second at just the moment you came out of the Eagles-wings, my Inkosi!" Nasara answered. As I look up in the cooling sky, I saw a thick heavy cloud hovering all over Wahadiwa. "What in the world?  Why are clouds gathering? It wasn't gathering like this when I was in the Lion-wing, Nasara-Wema?" I wandered. "Nay, my King, it was gathering before when we were still in the air In Wahadiwa's Great City!" Wema said. "Well, Wema then, I guess didn't see it clearly but you paying attention at the outside through the Lion-wings' glass windows," I said. "Yeah, I was my Inkosi!" Wema said. Continually, my mama, my younger brother Npoyo nor was my little sister Mukobe saw me coming with Nasara and Wema to both sides. Queen Shilanda and Mukobe were looking at the pleading family with sadness and disappointment. My Queen-my Princess, please help us to plead to your son, Prince Chiefwelu to let us go?

    Remember the promises us let us go yesterday, but just look at him he had broken that promise. Ouchy, knees-my knees are killing me,please-please! Let my poor daughter go and punish me and my wife instead, Chiefwelu?" Aruni cried. “Alright, you little girl stand up but you will remain unless I said so," Chiefwelu scolded. "Chiefwelu you cannot seriously let them-!" Mukobe paused. “Silence, Mukobe! I am a crown prince and I believe I should teach them a lesson of never steal in the palace's food storage-!" Chiefwelu paused. “And your punished are to let them bleed in their knees, Chiefwelu? Kind of king will you be little brother? King Aruni, my Queen, and little Neema you are free to go! Besides, could you make a promise than break it later? I believe the late Inkosi didn't teach you to be in such a manner brother? I am surprised you are acting in such behavior. What happens to the younger brother I used to know? The little brother who used to make our baba? The little brother who the late Inkosi was proud?" I asked. And oh, my goodness Neema you have become quite a woman," I complimented. "What? Inkosi? Inkosi Yami, you have finally come to save us, and thank you very much for letting us go." Neema thanked.

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