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of Wahadiwa at risk? Shukuri, listen I am here to take my responsibility as King  and I am not here to play games anymore like I used to be." I responded. Are you sure that you are ready to take the throne as responsible King of Wahaidwa?" Shukuri asked. I am and I don't want to disappoint my late baba any longer. Besides, do you know how much I learn when I was out there? Well, a lot. It seems like the world taught me a lot mama and Shukuri so don't worry I am ready." I said. "Alright then if you insist then follow me inside," he signed. After that, he marched back inside as I followed behind him and before the door would be closed behind, my mama calls my name.

    "Yes, mama?" I replied. Please, are going ahead of at the Copaeira dance combat at the waterfall edge henceforth see there. Anyhow, please you have shown your baba that you were the responsible king of Wahadiwa. Please, show Shukuri here that you're ready to become the King out there when you come across your opponent! Show us all that you are worthy to be the Lion King of Mwambazi," Queen Shilanda said. "Aye, mama considered it done!" I responded. After that my mama and my siblings left me behind with a smile on their faces, while I watched them disappeared out of sight as the door closes behind me. I march towards Shukuri who was patiently waiting for me. When I arrive before him, ask me once again I was ready to be the King. "Mvuela, sorry for asking you this question over and over, but are sure to take this responsibility of being the King of Wahadiwa?" Shukuri asked. "Yes, and why not?" I asked. Well, when you here in Wahadiwa you used to be disappointed every time but your baba believe in you to be a great king. Which made him have no options but to banished you from Wahadiwa.

   Besides, your baba wants you the eldest of his children to have the crowned Prince of the African Nations Kingdom, although you one but you were bringing nothing but asham on his entire household. King Sayo loved you the most but since you were irresponsible and a disappointment in his sight, that was the only thing that made him dispised of your behaviors but he was truly proud of you. I need to make sure if you are ready for the crown and the throne?" Shukuri asked. "I am Shukuri. Why do you think I came here? To play the game? Well, I guess not because I am here to take my responsibility as the King! Continued I am the person you used to know Shukuri. I have changed a lot since I am out there alone trying to make alive out of me. I have learned a lot to throw all of them into the drain. Anyhow, if I think I am going to let you or my mama and my siblings. Adding Nasara, Wema, and the people of Wahadiwa down? I guess you got the wrong man here. Henceforth, are you going to give me those wardrobes, or am going to engages like this to show you what kind of man I have become?" I asked. "No-no, of course not my Inkosi, and if you insist I will do so. I was only just curious to know if you are serious with what you are saying or you are just playing another old game of yours!" Shukuri responded. 




“Right, me too Nasara-Wema,” I mumbled. From a few distances, I saw the most astonishing, vibrating, magnificently, and the breathtaking Kingdom of Wahadiwa. “Yes, Commando...Lt., it seems like you are telling the truth,” I answered. Later on, we find over the enchanting Great City of Wahadiwa on our to the most gigantic Wahadiwa’s palace. We flew in the air for a few minutes unless all three of us saw the most gigantic palace. I saw my umama, little sister Mukobe, Chiefwelu, and some three people on their knees. Continually it was already in the morning and Npoyo promises them to let them go but he couldn't fulfill the promise. "My Prince, Chiefwelu, please-please let us go. And I believe you told us that you will let us go this morning, yet you haven't let us go," Aruni said. "Silence, you because your punishment is not over yet. I am a crowned prince and you must wait unless I say so," Chiefwelu snapped. The Lion-wings landed, as Wema, following by in between and Nasara behind me. Inkosi, welcome to Wahadiwa, we have arrived." Wema excited. As both of them walked side by side with me in the midst. Sure, Nasara-Wema I can see that. And I am so glad that I am finally home. Goodness-gracious, isn't it that King Aruni is on his knees?

    What he is in the world doing bowing before Npoyo who still the crowned prince?" I whispered. Well, because Npoyo accused him of stealing in the palace so now his entire family is facing Npoyo's wrath. And just look around-?" Nasara paused. "What now Nasara? Cat got your tongue?" I asked. "No, Inkosi Yami, look! The clouds are gathering faster and faster by a second at just the moment you came out of the Eagles-wings, my Inkosi!" Nasara answered. As I look up in the cooling sky, I saw a thick heavy cloud hovering all over Wahadiwa. "What in the world?  Why are clouds gathering? It wasn't gathering like this when I was in the Lion-wing, Nasara-Wema?" I wandered. "Nay, my King, it was gathering before when we were still in the air In Wahadiwa's Great City!" Wema said. "Well, Wema then, I guess didn't see it clearly but you paying attention at the outside through the Lion-wings' glass windows," I said. "Yeah, I was my Inkosi!" Wema said. Continually, my mama, my younger brother Npoyo nor was my little sister Mukobe saw me coming with Nasara and Wema to both sides. Queen Shilanda and Mukobe were looking at the pleading family with sadness and disappointment. My Queen-my Princess, please help us to plead to your son, Prince Chiefwelu to let us go?

    Remember the promises us let us go yesterday, but just look at him he had broken that promise. Ouchy, knees-my knees are killing me,please-please! Let my poor daughter go and punish me and my wife instead, Chiefwelu?" Aruni cried. “Alright, you little girl stand up but you will remain unless I said so," Chiefwelu scolded. "Chiefwelu, you cannot be  seriously let them-!" Mukobe paused. “Silence, Mukobe! I am a crown prince and I believe I should teach them a lesson of never steal in the palace's food storage-!" Chiefwelu paused. “And your punished are to let them bleed in their knees, Chiefwelu? Kind of king will you be little brother? King Aruni, my Queen, and little Neema you are free to go! Besides, could you make a promise than break it later? I believe the late Inkosi didn't teach you to be in such a manner brother? I am surprised you are acting in such behavior. What happens to the younger brother I used to know? The little brother who used to make our baba? The little brother who the late Inkosi was proud?" I asked. And oh, my goodness Neema you have become quite a woman," I complimented. "What? Inkosi? Inkosi Yami, you have finally come to save us, and thank you very much for letting us go." Neema thanked. "Mvuela, brother you are at last? And look it begins to rain at the moment you step foot in Wahadiwa!" Mukobe excited. She ran towards me and hugged me very tightly while Chiefwelu and my mama were bewildering at such approval. 

      "Yeah-yeah, Mukobe I am here and I can see that it is rain," I answered. "Inkosi, brother, I miss you so much! And the reason I was acting that way is that I miss you, furthermore, Ubaba should choose you to be King although you kind of irresponsible and a disappointment in his sight," Chiefwelu replied. "There you go. That's the brother I used to know, well done my little-!" I paused. Because my mama marched up to me for a closer look to discovered out that if it was truly me her flesh, and blood son. She still didn't believe that was me Mvuela coming back home to Wahadiwa from America. "You are welcome, now go. And Chiefwelu I could you be treated your people like there is dirt? The people of Wahadiwa, you're subjects I mean? How will they treat you with respect when you don't respect their needs. They are hungry, brother so should give them something to eat? Don't you think-!" I paused. because it began to rain when Ushindi, I, and Wema arrived before them and I can see my mother overflowed with joy when she saw me.  "What? Inkosi Yami, you are here? And thank you very much" Neema said. "You are welcome and you have become quite a young lady. You have grown so much since the last time I saw you before I left Mwambazi." I said. "Right, you can say that again. Now goodbye my Inkosi. See you at the Copaeira dance combats," Neema waved. Following that, Neema and her parents walked away and were out of our sight. When they have left, my mama looks at me one last time. Mvuela, my son you finally came home!" Queen Shilanda said. "Yeah, mama and I can not disobey your pleading to come home," I said. "Well, if you insisted then come because of the time it is not in our hands. You need to prepare yourself for your Copaeira dance combat. We can't keep the people of all Mwambazi waiting can we?" She asked.








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