» Biography & Autobiography » dont count me out yet, deson porter [books to get back into reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «dont count me out yet, deson porter [books to get back into reading .TXT] 📗». Author deson porter

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fast forward to my 36

birthday I already told a lady that I liked her we meet at a hotel that I was staying in just for the

fun of it. well I have wanted to take her out on my birthday I told her to let me know if she hade

to work a day before my birthday and you guessed it no date so now I would be forced to go out

on my own 36th birthday by my self! wow what a day but at least this time I was not rejected

again this time I just do not have a date on my birthday! my one big day and still can not get a

lady! oh well at least she called me and congratulate me and wished me a happy birthday. it

break my heart that even on the day of my own birth I still can not find a lady to date me! I wish

that it did not come down for me just to write a book about my life just to find a princess but I

also wanted to help other people who are going through the same thing just to hang in there

for we maybe under dogs in life but hay sometimes the underdog do win! I do have good things

in me to make a good husband for a lady someday I have a youthful looking face I am

entertaining I am kind romantic honest and love to have fun and rest at the same time. ladies

please get to know me for I am a winner. then as I got more involved in entertianment I wanted
to date a fellow entertainer for we would know when can we see eachother I got involved doing

radio by a radio show JV and Elvis two radio heros the show was the doghouse witch was on

then 92.3 free FM it was an all talk format during the day and played music at night well first I

heard a voice that I fell in love with her name was Jackie Clarke a comedian producer actress I

thought wow! if I meet her I would ask her out or let her know that I liked her,I would get my

shot! there was going to be a contest that day it was a talent contest I sang and guess who was

one of the judges! Jackie! oh my god! I was nerves but I did my thing everyone loved it I sang a

little bit of my song our wedding day witch the words are in this book.

I did not meet her till later on as I got to be very good friends with the show as I was trying to

find entertianment work she was part of a group in a club

called death by roo roo a comedy group and I went there almost every Friday. I kept getting her

roses just to let her know that I was instersted in her but she never responded then she and her

best friend Julie had there own show obsessed that was it on the last few shows before the

holiday break and I would not see her till after the holidays well I am sorry to say bad news

folks on the very last show before break she and a man was doing a skit together and thought

that it was part of the show some of it was for one part it was said that one of the host had a

suprise for us first came the skit then another never forget moment ok ready? she said that she

Jackie and sam the guy that she was doing a skit together was now dating!!! what??????? I was

in souch deep pain that I almost did not have the straingth to get my train back to NJ My heart

was broken how was I able to sleep that night I hade no clue at all!!!!she never read my letters

that I wrote to her saying that I even liked her even before she meet sam. well they are together

in LA now wile I am still stuck trying to find a wife. OK! I said to myself what do sam have that
I do not have? and how is it that I am only her friend on facebook? why is it not me together

with her and I am stuck alone? I was stuck forced to think about that crying my heart out over

her she would have been perfict for me we booth are entertainers and doing what we love to do

she would have been my better half she would have been surprised that I was still thinking

about her as of writing of this book. but good luck to you booth I hope you are happier together.
as for me it jus get harder for me to find true love. My online radio show was on WWW. and was getting a guest for the show during a show that was in a park in Newark I
meet a lady named sky and this is now the reason my best friend gave me the nickname prince

big d after we meet her and her band the date was going to be set that she was going to be on my
show well before that I got another chance to see her again back in NYC she was looked very

hot as we men would say tall red hair with a different style and she can really sing. so before the

radio show and at her next show that I went to I got the courage to go ahead and asked her out.

well her is what she told me through Tyrone she do not mix business with pleasure! say

what?? to that end she did not even did the show witch I was unable to do my best friend hade

to cover my slot for me and that is when I found out she was scared of mee? what? oh no!!!

I am a human being with feallings that was hurt yet again after Tyrone told me what happen the
name prince big d

It was not easy when I moved to Boston eather it was lonely my first few months there I did not

know anyone from Adam so once I have settled in and found a room I tried dating again

another Jane doe I met online this time it was at last a real date! and she was near Boston we

went to see some movies then watch movies on her PC she was a very good cook she was going

to be a medical asstant then on valen times day we went to the movies lunch then back to her

place before I went back home well one day I found a church home in Boston to go to so I

invited her to my graduation at the church at first she said that she was going on vacation to

New York State it was then the same day she called me back to let me know that she was seeing

someone else!!! I was just an angel to prove that there are good men out there for she just came
from a bad relationship before she met me and now the other man ! so now I am just a teacher

to the ladies that there are good men in the world? was that my assignment? that hurt!!!

everyone in the graduating class had someone not me! then in my internship working late I

meet a co woker that I wanted to ask out just before that I meet a bus driver that I like going to

the walmart route did the flowers being kind and everything all ending up the very same way

they are booth seeing someone! after a rejection like that it take me a wile just to work the

confidence to ask someone out!! got a new cell phone and finally called my best buddy and he t

old me that he finally found a lady for him so I guess I will be the best man at his wedding way

before he be the best man at my wedding if there ever is going to be a wedding?? is this dream

of finding a lovering wive ending? or is there is something pushing me to keep keep on trying? I

refuse to be single all of my life something got to give here!!! WHERE THE HELL IS

SHE??????? It is very very hard at work even for a internship to see cupples holding hands and

then when I am freaking out over trying to get to work on time or being at the hospital with

nobody there it break what ever left of my heart. No man like being rejected but so many times?

let me tell you my fave comfort lines that I get after being hurt and rejected.

1 wait till she comes to you

2 it is not your turn yet my answer is THEN WHEN?? I AM 36 YEARS OLD I AM NOT GOING


3 there is someone for you out there oh yea? who? I would like to know where is my wife?

4 my own mother said this to me that hurt ed me one is you will never get married! oh yes the

heck I will!!!! and the other she said is some things are better when they are not

experencenced! well I break your bad words you said right now!!!!!!

And it be your own friends that say the top 3 but I do not want to wait been through way too

much alone to be without. it is so bad that I am forced to talk to a lady online from the UK I can

not see her on my days off or she can't come to the hospital if I get sick again. just this once I

would like to be the one who get the lady! and ladys on the next few pages you will see why I am

a good man for you and that I will love you for you.ladies please help me to get over being

rejected when all I want is a wife.

OK so I am doing this like a campaign for office yes you are right it seams that everyday I am

running for office not just for city council at large in Boston but also the office of someone's

husband so you want to play that game? ok then I am ready!!

It is high time that the ladies have a
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