» Cooking » American Cookery: Thanksgiving Menus and Recipes, - [i have read the book a hundred times TXT] 📗
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uses for gelatine in my recipe booklets, "Dainty Desserts" and "Food Economy," which contain recipes for salads, desserts, meat and fish molds, relishes, candies, and invalid dishes. They will be sent free for 4 cents in stamps and your grocer's name.
Knox Sparkling Gelatin box

Any domestic science teacher can have sufficient gelatine for her class, if she will write me on school stationery, stating quantity and when needed.

"Wherever a recipe calls for Gelatine—think of KNOX"

107 Knox Avenue    Johnstown, N. Y.
Knox Acidulated Gelatine box
Buy advertised Goods—Do not accept substitutes

A Delicious and Sustaining Breakfast A Delicious and
Sustaining Breakfast
Malt Breakfast Food
All the wholesome, nutritious food elements of wheat and malt are combined in
With cream or milk, it makes a healthful, substantial morning meal for the whole family. At grocers,—in the blue and yellow package with the little Dutch girl on it.
Try it—tomorrow

Burlington, Vermont

The Most
for Coffee

Endorsed by
Physicians and
Professor Allyn
of Westfield
Soothes the nerves, equals in taste
and aroma the choicest grades of
coffee, without the caffeine effects
Delisco contains 21% protein
For Children, Adults and Invalids

At your Grocer's—50 cup pkg.—48c
By Parcel Post Prepaid:
1 package 55c; 2 packages $1.00

Sawyer Crystal Blue Co.
Sole Selling Agents
88 Broad Street, Boston, Mass.

left index LOCAL AGENTS WANTED right index

Mother: "No, Bobbie, I can't allow you to play with that little Kim boy. He might have a bad influence over you."

Bobbie: "But, mother, can I play with him for the good influence I might have over him?"—New York Globe.

Tomato Puree
Chicken Pattie
Veal Fricassee
Salad Dressings
Pumpkin Pie
Puddings Try this recipe for Gingerbread
—delicious and economical
2 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon soda 1/2 teaspoon mace 1 egg beaten 1/2 cup HEBE diluted with 2 tablespoons water 1 cup seedless raisins 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup butter 1/2 cup corn syrup 1/2 cup molasses
Hebe can

Sift flour, salt, soda and spices into bowl. Melt together HEBE, water, sugar, butter, syrup and molasses. Cool slightly and add to dry ingredients with egg and raisins. Turn into greased and floured cake tin and bake in moderate oven for an hour.

You'll love gingerbread made this way. It's a good wholesome food and an always welcome dessert. HEBE gives it that good rich flavor and the fine texture that makes it melt in your mouth—and HEBE adds nutriment too.

HEBE is pure skimmed milk evaporated to double strength enriched with cocoanut fat. In cooking it serves a threefold purpose—to moisten, to shorten and to enrich.

Order HEBE today from your grocer and write to us for the free HEBE book of recipes. Address 4315 Consumers Building, Chicago

Chicago        Seattle

Pohlson logo

Fortune may smile on the winner. White for fame, pink for gold and blue for happiness. The longest spinner is the winner. Box of 3 tops, 50c. postpaid. (Ask for No. 4249.) Our catalog shows hundreds of novel, inexpensive gifts for young and old. Send for a copy today and make your Christmas shopping a pleasure. See the Pohlson things in stores and gift shops. Look for the Pohlson seal of distinction.

POHLSON Gift Shop     Pawtucket, R. I.

Shurdone CAKE and MUFFIN TESTER CAKE and MUFFIN TESTER Convenient, Sanitary and Hygienic
Year's Supply for a Dime. Send 10c. (Stamps or Coin) to

2 Central Square        Cambridge, Mass.
We wish the following back numbers of AMERICAN COOKERY
June 1915 May 1917 December 1919 June 1920 November 1920 March 1921
and will remit one dollar to any one sending us the above SET of SIX numbers
(We desire only complete sets of 6 numbers)

The Boston Cooking School Magazine Co.
100 recipes. Brief but complete. 15c by mail. 100 Meatless recipes 15c. 50 Sandwich recipes 15c. All three 30c.
B. R. BRIGGS, 250 Madison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Ten-Cent Meals" 42 Meals with receipts and directions for preparing each. 48 pp. 10c.
Am. School of Home Economics, 503 W. 69th St., Chicago The Silver Lining It's Only Old Pot Liquor, After All
Respectfully dedicated to the eminent scientist, Dr. H. Barringer Cox
SOUTHERNERS have been rather amused to read lately that the favorite dish of the children and the colored people, "Pot Liquor," that is the liquid in which turnip greens, beans, etc., with bacon, have been boiled, has now been pronounced a most valuable food by scientists. "Pot Liquor" is usually eaten with "corn pone," that is, plain corn bread.
I feel advanced and erudite,
Because I recently did read
Where skilful scientist did write
A column full of learned "feed."

Oh, it was all about such things
As "vitamines" and kindred terms;
I read and read how some food brings
Eviction to the naughty germs.

I read of how we all should eat
The "essence" strong of turnip greens,
And oh, he showed in language meet
For science that he did "know beans."

My head did almost ache with weight
Of all the learning I obtained;
And when I read, through language great,
I marvelled at the knowledge gained.

Black "Mammy" would have never known
A germ. Alas! that she has died
Before her nurslings' feast, "corn pone"
In juice of greens was glorified.

Please, Mr, Scientist, so wise,
Since you "pot liquor" do so raise
To nth degree, nutrition size,
Send us another screed to praise

In learned phrase, "pot liquor's" true
And constant partner, good "'corn pone";
Oh, we "down South" do beg of you
Leave not our childhood's friend alone;

But drop in scientific stew—
Of course in language hard to read—
A "corn pone hunk"—we promise you
A noble, satisfying "feed."

Then honorable mention take
Our "side meat," then such generous share,
Such unction and such healing make
As "inner consciousness" should bear.

In earlier days we only knew
"Pot Liquor" and we did not bow
To "vitamines," Alas! 'tis true,
Bacon, a real aristocrat is now.

Oh, so advanced I feel, for I—
No science in my cranium small—
In learned dress, old friend do spy—
It's only our "Pot Liquor" after all.
By M. E. Henry-Ruffin.


ere are some of—Mrs. Rorer's Standard Books of peculiar interest just at this time:

Has an appealing sound. The idea of making candy is enticing. And here are ways easily understood for making all sorts of delicious confections. The directions are plain and easily followed.
Bound in cloth, 75 cents; by mail, 80 cents

This is another book that has an appeal. Every housewife has pride in her knowledge of cake making, or at least likes to have them for her home and her guests. Well, here are recipes in abundance.
Bound in cloth, $1.00; by mail, $1.10

A new-plan cook book. Its simplicity will commend it to housewives, for it saves time, worry and expense. By the way, there is also the layout of a model kitchen, illustrated, that will save many steps in the daily work.
Bound in cloth, $1.25; by mail, $1.40

Contains Appetizers, Canapes, Vegetable and Fruit Cocktails, Cakes, Candies, Creamed Fruits, Desserts, Frozen Puddings, etc.
Bound in cloth, $1.00; by mail, $1.10

A famous cook book, full of all the brightest things in cookery. Hundreds of choice recipes, all good, all sure, that have stood the test by thousands of housewives. The beginner can pin her faith on these tried recipes, and the good cook can find lots to interest her.
Bound in cloth, $1.50; by mail, $1.65

MY BEST 250 RECIPES Mrs. Rorer's own selection of the choicest things in every department of cookery, as for instance, 20 Best Soups, 20 Best Fish Recipes, 20 Best Ways for Meat, 20 Best Vegetable Recipes, and so on through the whole range of table food. Bound in cloth, $1.00; by mail, $1.10
For sale by Boston Cooking-School Magazine, Co., Department and Bookstores, or
ARNOLD & COMPANY, 420 Sansom St., Philadelphia
Buy advertised Goods—Do not accept substitutes

No. 4244

Dainty Doris
Bringing 8 yards of finely-woven washable silk lingerie tape with bodkin, all ready for running. Your choice of pink or blue in delicate shades, 85c post paid. Just one of hundreds of equally attractive things shown in our catalog of Gifts for every member of the family and for every gift occasion. Select from our catalog and make your Christmas shopping a pleasure. Send for it today. Look for the POHLSON things in stores and gift shops of your town.
Pohlson Gifts
Lightning Mixer
Lightning Mixer
Beats eggs, whips cream, churns butter, mixes gravies, desserts and dressings, and does the work in a few seconds. Blends and mixes malted milk, powdered milk, baby foods and all drinks.
Simple and Strong. Saves work—easy to clean. Most necessary household article. Used by 200,000 housewives and endorsed by leading household magazines.
If your dealer does not carry this, we will send prepaid quart size $1.25, pint size 90c. Far West and South, quart $1.40, pint $1.00.
Recipe book free with mixer.
PERSONAL BODY DEVELOPMENT The correct method of obtaining a Perfect Figure, overcoming Nervousness, Constipation, Biliousness, Flabbiness of flesh and thinness of body.
Price, $1.00. Fully Guaranteed.
THE NEW IDEAS CO. 14 Collins Bldg., LIMA, OHIO
Quarts Only
FREE FOR 30 DAYS Have you ever wanted to obtain the CREAM from a bottle of MILK? This SEPARATOR does it PERFECTLY. Send this ad., your name and address, and we will send one. Pay postman 50 cents. Use for 30 days; if not entirely SATISFACTORY return and we will refund your money.
B. W. J. COMPANY, Dept. A.C.
1996 Indianola Ave., Columbus, Ohio
A Dishwasher for $2.50!
Keeps hands out of the water, no wiping of dishes, saves 1/2 the time. Consists of special folding dishdrainer, special wire basket, 2 special long-handled brushes. Full directions for use. Sent prepaid for $2.50. Full refund if not satisfactory.
Am. School of Home Economics, 503 W. 69th. St., Chicago

Foreman: "What are you doin' of, James?"

Bricklayer: "Sharpenin' a bit o' pencil."

Foreman: "You'll 'ave the Union after you, me lad. That's a carpenter's job."—Punch.

"Home-Making as a Profession"
HOME-MAKING is the greatest of all the professions—greatest in numbers and greatest in its influence on the individual and on society. All industry is conducted for the home, directly or indirectly, but the industries directly allied to the home are vastly important, as the food industries, clothing industries, etc. Study of home economics leads directly to many well paid vocations as well as to home efficiency.

Since 1905 the American School of Home Economics has given home-study courses to over 30,000 housekeepers, teachers, and others. The special textbooks have been used for class work in over 500 schools.

Of late years, courses have been developed fitting for many well paid positions:—Institution Management, Tea Room and Lunchroom Management, Teaching of Domestic Science, Home Demonstrators, Dietitians, Nurses, Dressmaking, "Cooking for Profit." Home-Makers' Courses:—Complete Home Economics, Household Engineering, Lessons in Cooking, The Art of Spending.

BULLETINS: Free-Hand Cooking, Ten-cent Meals, Food Values, Family Finance, Art of Spending, Weekly Allowance Book, 10c. each.

Details of any of the courses and interesting 80-page illustrated handbook, "The Profession of Home-Making" sent on request. American School of Home Economics, 503 W. 69th Street, Chicago.


Stickney and Poor's Poultry Seasoning Ad THANKSGIVING TIME
means company and lots of preparing
for the Feast
Turkey—Chicken—Roast Duck
stuffed with dressing seasoned with

all seasoned with

   Stickney & Poor's Seasonings have been used by New England
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