» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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and smiles. "Goodnight Joel" she hugs him and Heads upstairs.


"Well, well son, have you thought about what we discussed?"


Joel reaches the bottom of the stairs and finishes his last button of his suit jacket. He rubs his head as he stands directly in front of Don face to face, trying to keep a straight face.


"can't say that I have sir, been kinda busy"




Don pats Joel on the shoulder and turns him toward the living room as they exit the foyer and enter the now quiet room.



Now son, I know what's going on.


Do you? Joel lifts one eyebrow as he reminds himself that Don is a good man, he may not be the best father, but he is a good man. Go on sir.


Don detects a gliche in Joel's character.


What do you know, you know what's going on? Go ahead, Mr. Don Kingsley III tell me.


Don steps back with a frowned and confused face.


What's this?


Joel sighs. Nothing look it's late and I have to get to bed I have a long day tomorrow, the auditors will be by and I also have a couple of important meetings to attend to. If there is nothing else, may I leave?


Joel what is it? Why are you acting like this? Did you and Zamera have it out, did the two of you straighten some things out?


Joel's face is straight.


Yeah, we talked- he tilts his head. a little, why? Is there something that you want to know?


Don laughs. Ok Joel, you know what?


Don pats him on the shoulder. You go ahead and go home and get some rest.


Joel walks away quickly.


I will, goodnight Don.




He opens the closet door and grabs his jacket and leaves.


Angie walks to the foyer to turn off the lights.


"What was that all about?"


"I haven't a clue"


Don kisses Angie on the cheek, as she walks into the kitchen to finish cleaning.


"Want me to help?" Don ask as he walks up the steps.


"No thanks, sweetie Mike and Ella volunteered you go ahead and go to bed"

Angie smiles as she wipes her hands on her apron.


"You are so beautiful to me??can't you see??your everything I hope for?.."


Angie stops in her footsteps as she hears Mike serenading Ella in the kitchen. She peeks in as Mike is drying dishes as Ella is sweeping the floor. How sweet, I believe they would enjoy this time together she thought. She un wraps her apron and lays in on the counter and slips away unnoticed. Mike had a voice that would melt iron, he was kind hearted and sensitive.

He was perfect for Ella. Ella stands in awe blushing as Mike takes the broom out of her hand and replaces it with his. They dance on the kitchen floor to nothing but the sound of the melodies flowing out of Mike's mouth.


Joel pulls into the driveway of his condo. Who does he think he is?

Why would he instruct Zamera to do something like that? Joel sat in his car reflecting on the information he pulled from his wife regarding her disappearance for two years. He cut the car off got out of the car and walked into the house. He paused as he entered his kitchen. Although I didn' t help leaving her every weekend for these stupid business trips Don was sending me on. Joel stomach turned as he thought back on the Things Zamera revealed to him as they sat up in her room and talked earlier

This evening. Joel placed his keys on the counter began to loosen his tie as he entered his front room he reached down grabbed the remote and flicked it on as he flopped down on his leather sofa. He stretched back as he kicked his shoes off. He began to dose off just when the phone rang. He reached over to the receiver with his eyes still closed.




"Jojo? Joel snaps up from his leisure at the sound of Zamera's voice.


..yeah?.what is it? You alright?


Yes I'am alright, look I changed my mind. I'll be home tomorrow, I will let daddy know.


Joel rubs his face and neck as he corrects his posture.


Are you sure? You want me to come and get you now be-



No,?.. Jojo I will talk to father and I will be home tomorrow?.k?


Joel face widened as he became filled with excitement. My wife is coming home he could hardly contain himself.

They hung from each other in the back of his mind he still could not figure what would possess Don to instruct his daughter to entertain Cleo in such a way that would degrade her, and besides the fact she was married, he would threaten her with her inheritance. Joel was sworn to secrecy by Zamera to never mention 

Smooth Criminal

that information nor bring it up. But his beliefs required him to think twice the more he thought of it the more convicted he became, how could expose Don a man whom he adored but now had no respect for?


The thoughts raced through Joel's mind as he laid back on the leather sofa And fell asleep and began to dream about Zamera his wife.


The next morning Zamera wakes up she stretches as she looks at her Alarm clock. 7:48 a.m. she walks over to her window to open her curtains as She pulls them back her mind fills with the thoughts of Joel her husband and how now, things are going to be different since he knows the truth she looks down a the front of the house her smile disappears as no one other than Cleo smiling up at her from his Porsche leaning on the front of his car waving and grinning. She snatches the curtains closed quickly as her

heart pounds she grabs her chest. What is he doing here? She thought she turned around again cracked the curtain enough to see with one eye and there he was still positioned as he smiled and waved again this time he put his cigarette out and through the bud in their yard. She closes the curtains and slides down to the floor her eyes begin to water. Jojo, what do I do? She thought she knew what Cleo wanted she knew what he needed

from her and since he had specific instructions from her father to take whatever he needed he would. O daddy why, would you allow such a thing?


It's not fair. She heard the Angie answer the front door and she heard

Her greeting a gentlemen. Zamera's heart raced as she thought back to the first night Cleo and she were together he took her to a fine restaurant, they ate he took her shopping bought her whatever she wanted and then that night at the hotel he explained who she really was and just because she ran and got married that did not change the fact that once tainted always tainted a ring, a man and a vow will never change that. The door to Zamera's door slowly opened as she hid her face in her knees she looked up between her legs and saw Joel standing at her door her heart skips as she dashed into his arms and they embrace.


What are you doing here?

Joel wipes her face.


I had to come, after I got off the phone with you last night I had this dream and it made no sense, you were at a phone book calling me and I was at home but I couldn't hear the phone ring, I mean it was ringing I just couldn't hear it and then all of sudden a semi-ran into the phone booth you were calling from, you called me like three times. Zamera I woke up sweating It didn't make sense, so I got on my knees and I prayed all night until the Lord revealed it to me this morning.


Joel grabs her hands and places them on his chest.


The phone booth represented your past and how you were locked in, it Was small and confined it didn't give a lot of room to breathe or move, Fear and doubt had a hold of you, and you were trying to get free by calling Me was your cry for freedom, but you weren't reaching me, you had my number?..Zamera you had my heart, my everything but there was still something missing?.the connection was me coming down to where you were to bring you out. The more it was revealed to me I had to come over and get you. I couldn't chance waiting a second longer, you are my wife and I love you and we are in this thing together.


And Cleo?


Believe me, he is history?.I seen him pull off as I pulled up. I don't believe you will be seeing him anymore.


Zamera squints her eyes at Joel knowing deep down Cleo is not a man to Get rid of so quickly. The thought passes as quickly as it comes as she embraces Joel.


Joel cups her chin.


I will be waiting down stairs?.go ahead and get dressed so we can go home. Joel leaves to go downstairs. As he approaches the bottom of the steps Don is waiting with his arms folded.


"Son? Do you have a minute?'" Joel does not respond but agrees by following Don into the living room. Don walks over by the window.

Joel attitude has changed toward Don Kingsley a man who he once looked up to But now has a different opinion, deep down Joel did not want to believe What Zamera spoke of but it all made sense, it all fitted. Would you like to explain to me your reason for speaking to me the way you did last night?


Don-Mr. Kingsley-sir. I do apologize about the tone I used with you yesterday, I had good reason?. but it doesn't excuse the fact that I disrespected you. And for that I apologize.


Don nods his head in understanding as he walks over to the sofa and sits down, he beckons Joel to have a seat Joel refuses.


No thank you sir, I would prefer to stand. Thank you.


Joel what has gotten into you? What is going on? Don stands up

frustrated he begins to pace as he rubs his head. He pauses.


"What did Zamera tell you?"


Joel eyebrows raised.


"What makes you think Zamera has told me something?" Joel begins to believe that Don is hiding something that he does not want to admit.


Young man, I am not stupid. Don walks close to Joel's face. Although Joel is intimidated Joel stands 6'1 but Don is tall and big very large bulky man and keeps in shape

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