» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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know we have to be careful, although we are back on our

Feet business is not like it used to be. She walks over places her purse

Behind the counter and takes the glass out of Tony's hand an pours it into the



"Ella! Whatcha doing? Tony frowns.


You know if my daddy sees you sippin' it won't be pretty either?. she Turns to wash her hands and then dryes them. You can thank me later. She Begins to set the glasses up and pull out the mixes for the drinks.


"anyway?..Tony lights his cigar once again. Like I was telling you father earlier we hired two new ladies so there will be to unfamiliar faces walking the bar and singing tonight." He takes a puff and exhales in Ella's direction on purpose.


"Oh yeah, what are the names of these two new freebies?"


Tony frowns. "Why do you always have to give them show names? He turns to face Ella.

Look there names are Tiffany and Jasmyne. I call them Tantalizing and Just Enough. Ella looks at Tony as he takes another puff of his cigar, you know what you are pathetic. How old are these girls?


Woman stop tripping, you know your daddy's rules. They have to be over 21 and participating by their own free will.


Just as Tony is speaking Joel comes out of his office. He walks over to Say a couple of words to Jema the pianist for the club.


Tony turns his stool around to face Ella. What's up with Joel?


What makes you think there is something up?


"Well he usually jokes around with me when he comes in, this morning he just spoke and went to office, he didn't he even have eye contact.


"Well, I know he and my sister have gotten back together, but other than that I have no clue, hopefully everything is up and up with them?..but with Zamera I couldn't tell ya. She places the glasses on the bar pole.


For real? No Stuff? Joel and Zamera? Back together again?.

And your father, he was kind of distant this morning?.but just more so Than usual I can tell something is on his mind. Tony turns and beckons Joel.


"Hey, Joel come here for a minute. Joel looks up from talking to Jema he says a couple of more words, Jema responds by nodding his head. Joel pats him on the shoulder and walks over to Tony.


"yeah, Tony what is it? Hey Ella." Joel glances at Ella as he speaks and then quickly turns his focus back on Tony.




Joel looks confused. For what?


Tony slaps Joel on the knee jokingly. Zamera! Congrats! It's a good thing you two are back together.


Joel looks at Ella and gets up off of the bar stool. Thanks Tony, see You guys later. Joel walks back to his office.


"I told you, my sister has that affect on him?.we can get prepared for disaster. I know they love each other? but they go through some drama."


Tony waves his hand in unbelief. "Aaawh! They will be just fine, they just need to work out the kinks that's all. He takes another puff of his cigar. "Hey Jema, he gets up and goes over to the pianist. We need to discuss the music for tonight. Ella shakes her head as she picks up a scented candle to kill the odor of Tony's cigar.


The door opens and a woman wearing a lime green dress enters, spaghetti straps and hills. She walks over toward the bar and grabs a seat.


"Scotch on the rocks please" Ella mixes her drink.


"Technically we don't open until noon, but I will make this exception"

Ella smiles politely.


"Much ablidged" the woman responds. She smelled of sweet apples and she made direct eye contact whenever she spoke to Ella. Ella recognized a certain air about her. She had the look of money but something told Ella this woman struggled to get where she is by the way she speaks. Her Hair was long and dark she had a fair smooth complection, Ella could sense This woman was serious. One thing Ella couldn't figure out it was 77 Degrees outside and this woman was dressed up. She handed the Woman the glass of scotch.


"Thank you ma'am" the woman sipped her drink slowly as she eyed Jema who was playing the piano beautifully. Jema was light complected young man, extremely talented on the ivory's he had short curly wavy dark hair, beautiful hazel eyes. No one understood how come he was never married or had any children. He always wore nice clean suits light colors, white mostly, or pale blue. She looked at Ella. Who is the gentlemen on

the piano?


"Oh that's Jema, my uncle used to play for us until my mama passed then we got Jema. He is just a replica of my Uncle he taught Jema how to play."

Ella leaned across the bar as she looked at Jema play.


"Your uncle ha? The woman turned away from Ella to look back at Jema.

Whose your Uncle? The woman asked curiously.


"My uncle is Marcus Rhue, he has his own studio now so we don't see him much anymore, why do you ask" Ella begins to wipe the counter off.

Ella was opening up to this woman because she wanted the favor returned.

She was just itching to find out what brought her into The Kingsley Barr


on a Saturday noonday. The woman nodded and took another sip of her drink.

She opened her clutch purse and handed Ella a twenty-dollar bill, the drink was only $4.50.


"Keep the change, sweetie it was a pleasure talking to you" She gets up to walk out just as Tony spots the woman and rushes over to Ella a moment

to late the woman exits the Barr. He flies to the open the door only to see nothing, the woman is not even in view. Tony comes back into the Barr and looks around he walks over to Ella. Who was that?

Ella shrugs her shoulders. You got me, she came in ordered a drink and left. Tony tilts his head upward in disbelief he knew Ella wanted him to probe her so she can make him feel worse.


"You know what? It doesn't even matter" Tony adjusted his jacket places his cigar back in his mouth and walks away.


Yes it does. Ella thought to herself as Tony walked away.


"Come on honey you are going to be late for school, where is your

backpack?" Maxey rushed as she slid on her lipstick and grabbed her purse.

She flew out of her bedroom and stood at the bottom of the steps and hollered up to her son. Rachino! Honey come on, what is taking you so long? You have been up there for hours? Is everything alright?


"Mom I'm coming I can't find my palm pilot".

Rachino replied as hastily came down the stairs latching his back pack.


"Well your teacher will just have to understand that sometimes these things happen." She ran her fingers through his curly dark hair trying to give some form. The curls just popped back into former position. "Ok come on we are out of here" Maxey closes the kitchen door as they go to the garage she unlocks the SUV and they stumble in she throws her purse on the floorand starts up the car. Rachino systematically clicks on his seat belt.

Then he begins to search through his back pack for his palm pilot.


"Oh Honey, don't worry about it" Maxey says as she turns to pull out

ofthe garage and they pull away.


"Mom, you don't understand. When you are unprepared it's a reflection onnot just me but you and Dad. Rachino continues to search in his back pack.


"Well honey, I understand what your saying but you know things happen to where there are going to be times when you are not prepared, then tell me how will you adjust in the situation?" Maxey says as she turns the corner and ramps onto the highway.


"Mom, I'm just trying to make a point. Aha! Here it is?thank you


Maxey can't help but steel a quick grin in Rachino's excitement as he finds his palm pilot. Rachino kisses his palm pilot as he unzips the side pocket of his back pack and neatly places it within the pocket. So what do you have planned for today mom?"


"Well let's see, I have to take Ms. Shively to her doctors appointment, I

have a lunch date with your father at noon, and I have a dental

appointment at 3p.m. then I will be home to prepare dinner??why?" Maxey looks at her son as she pulls into the school's drop off zone.


"Just asking that's all"


"What are you not saying Chino?" Maxey drops her head as she focuses closer on her son.


"What about school?" Rachino ask.


Maxey sighs, and then she looks ahead. "I don't know son, we will have tosee"

She leans over and gives her son a peck on the cheek, he smiles as he opens the door to get out.


"I just know how badly you want to go back, and I want you to know I will support you every step of the way, love you mom" he walks into his school building. Lord thank you for blessing us with such a gifted child, he is so mature for his age, what did we do to deserve someone like that?

Maxey thought as she slowly pulled away.



Zamera steps out of her steaming bathtub after a long soak. Her

Thoughts are on her husband Joel is occupying every part of her mind. She is then interrupted by the telephone which she then decides to allow the answering machine to pick up. You have reached the home of Joel Prophet sorry neither myself or my wife Zamera are here to take your call please leave a message and instructions on how to contact you in the meantime remember God loves you. "Zamera, it's your sister Lizzie, hey, it's good to hear you two back together anyway give me a call when you get this message, I will need your assistance with Ella's bridal shower. Love ya!" the message ends.

Zamera sighs as she sinks back into the bubbles of her bathtub. Ella's

wedding,?..that means family from near and far. Cousins, Aunts

Uncles, memories. Zamera thought as she lay still between the bubbles

As they one by one. She then thought of Joel being with her every step of the way she gained comfort and confidence from the fact that she came back to let him go and found him still waiting for her. She knew she had found a man who truly knew what it meant to love, although she still had a lot to learn from him, she had the rest of her life to fall deeper in love with Joel Prophet. She finally arose out of the tub and grabbed a large towel and dried herself off then she reached for Joel's robe that was hanging on the door and wrapped the robe around her she leaned into the tub to release the water. She walked toward the bathroom mirror lit with decorative lighting Joel had great taste, there was also a photo of her when she was nineteen he had stuck in the pocket of the mirror. He kept my picture? She thought as she pulled her hair up into a bun and allowed

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