» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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The Prodical Daughter


When I entered the bar, Joel was only five feet from the door. He didn't even look at me. His head was buried in the papers clutched in his hands. I hoped he would look up, but he didn't. Instead he mumbled something to Ella behind the counter and walked to his office in the back. Had I been gone that long that he did not recognize me? Zamera thoughts raced. She could not wait to sing again. But the Kingsley Club stirred up mixed emotions.


Zamera walked up to a table closest to the stage and sat down. She watched as the other women auditioned for the evening show. She gently un-wrapped her shoulders from her silky crème shawl and placed her purse on the table. Crossing her legs, she rested the cleft of her chin non chalontly in the palm of her right hand. She tilted her head toward the gentlemen calling the women one after another. Sighing she had second thoughts. Slowly standing up, she laid her shawl across her arm, grabbed her purse and began to walk away.


"Zamera Kingsley." A slightly familiar voice called out to her from across the room. She turned wondering whose voice that was calling her, above all who even recognized her.


"Yes," she turned in a circle trying to focus with the lights dimly lit "Who called my name?"


"Over here, come here?."


Her eyes focused in on a dimly lit face all the way at the back of the bar.

She could see the silhouette of the brim of his hat and smoke filling the area where he sat.


"Come on now girl, don't be shy?.... you know me?."


Zamera walked slowly toward the gent at the back. Joel came from

working in the back to take a much needed break. He saw Zamera headed

toward the far end of his bar. She glowed in her beautiful satin white dress. Her makeup was flawless. Her long dark trestles swayed as she moved away from him. He couldn't believe his eyes.


"Is it really?.. Don Kingsley's long lost and forgotten daughter, and the only woman I ever loved?


Joel thought to himself as he grabbed the nearest bar stool and took a seat. Zamera appearance brought back a familiar spark in his spirit. He remembered how much they were in love. No one understood her as much as he did.


As quick as he reminisced, she vanished out the back exit, followed by an oversized, overdressed man in a gangster style hat. Joel could not resist his gut instinct. He ran after her. Pointing toward the papers he set on the bar, he asked Ella to put them behind the counter.


"I will be back..."


Ella shook her head, all too familiar with her boss's determination.

Zamera was the one thing he did not seem to be able to conquer.


Heading toward the back exit, he flung open the exit doors only to see Zamera enter a long black Limo and pull off.


"No," he sighed in disbelief, "no not again"


He turned slowly as he entered the Kingsley Barr once again he felt his heart drop.


Ella met him at the door .


"Pop, called he wants you to stop by on your way home"


The words came out slowly as she dried a drinking glass. Joel walked right passed not even acknowledging the information.


"If she wanted you, ....Joel she would be with you"


Ella's words stung his heart he reached behind the counter and grabbed the papers and headed toward his office.


Why is she here, why is she back? What does she want Lord? clearly it's not me. Joel entered his office and sat down at his desk he swung toward the window as he looked at the beautiful lights of the night. His thoughts swarmed like flies. Forcing himself to relax, he got lost in the white glow of the lights.


"Wake up sweetie, time to eat!" Zamera brought breakfast in bed to Joel. He smiled as she buttered his bread and poured his orange juice into a glass.

She smelled like lavender and her eyes were glowing. He could tell how happy she was right now. He reached for her hand.


"I will always love you." He whispered. Joel was serious.


"You better..." Zamera said jokingly with a smile as she caressed his firm jaw line. " better not ever leave me Joel...."


"I won't ever leave you...I love you...." Joel sat up forcing her to look into his eyes. He knew her too well. He was speaking from his heart. Zamera did not know how.


" have my heart now and forever" Squeezing the hand that held the ring he gave her. They embraced.


"Joel! Joel! Mister Prophet!"


Tony's voice pulls Joel out of his memory. "O sorry, Tony what is it?"


"Ms. Ella wants to know if your closing tonight, because she is about to leave"


"O tell her I'm I come"


Joel gets up feels his pants for his keys. Grabs his briefcase and Heads out of his office.


"See you tomorrow, Mister Prophet"


"Good night, Tony" Joel rubbed his forehead, wishing he could restart the day.


He exited the bar after he waved good-bye to Ella as she closed. He pulled out his keys and sat heavily in the driver seat. A small envelope latched under his wind shield wiper caught his attention. Squinting to focus, he lifted himself up far enough to reach it. The front of the sealed note was simply addressed JoJo. Only one person called him that. Even beyond the nickname, he knew Zamera' s handwriting. He quickly opened the envelope.

As he pulled out the letter his heart pounded quickly. He could hardly breathe the anticipation almost caused him to stop breathing all together.


My Dearest Sweet Jo Jo,


I came tonight for you, I saw you working and you seemed to be pre-occupied. So I didn't bother. I want to let you know that you are the only man that I have ever truly loved, and I want to ask you to forgive me for all those times I ran away from you when times got hard. You are a true man to your word and in your heart.,.....I miss you....but I know the way we ended It's beyond is my wedding ring the symbol of the love we once shared. I want to remember that I am thankful for you being in my life and sharing your love with me...goodbye JoJo.


Love Zamera


Joel sat numb. Tears began to roll down his face as closed the letter gently and placed it back into the envelope.


Lord , why won't she just truly let go and let me love her........


Joel she needs closure...give her space....she will return to you


When Lord and how?


Joel started up the car and ran his hand over his face. Trying to push Zamera out of his mind, he decided to go over to Don's house. When he arrived there, cars were everywhere. Don Kingsley is not the entertaining type. He rarely attended gatherings. He paused just a moment, he got out of the car and headed toward the front entrance of the 3-story home. As he reached the top of the stairs, the door was opened. Don's wife Angela stood there smiling. Her smile was what he needed. He could not help but return the smile.


"Hello there, Joel good for you to stop by! Come on in..."


Joel steps in as she lets him pass. The house spoke of Angela's style.

The beautiful whitewashed spiral stairway was crowned by a heavy crystal chandelier placed in the center of the ceiling. Angela loved to decorate. Don knew where is calling lied. He loved that his wife was the flair he needed in his life.


" allow me to take your coat.." Angela was in her early forties but you could never tell her frame a physique spoke against the age. You could see the result of the gym and healthy lifestyle, it glowed in her face she was mid-brown complected and her eyes sparkled of bronze. She always let her hair flow free with soft curls, her skin was clear and beautiful as such her personality. Angela met Joel when Don first hired him as a young accountant out of Detroit just graduated from school, he was like a son to her. Although Don's daughters claimed her as their mom, she felt they did it out of obligation and pity. But, she could not help but love them for it.


Joel hands her his coat from around his body.


"Thanks, Mrs. Kingsley"


"....come on now, Joel we are like me Angie...."


she shuts the door behind him, he looks back at the door as if to say no going back now.


"...gone on in the family room, get you something to eat, I'll let Don know your here"


Angela disappears, Joel rubs his hands together and takes a much needed deep breathe as he walks pass the foyer into the family room. Unfamiliar faces walk passed him smiling and getting him.




finally a familiar voice grabs his attention he turns it's Eliza Don's eldest daughter holding her toddler in her arms.


"Come over here, I have someone I want you to meet." Eliza shifts her daughter to her other hip.


Joel makes his way through the people going to and fro.


"Eliza," he gives her a peck on the cheek. "How are you?"


"I'm good Joel, she takes his hand. I want you to meet my in-laws from Texas this is Maxey, John's cousin and her husband Ted."


Joel shakes Ted's hand and smiles at Maxey.


"And this remember George he was at the wedding."


Joel shakes George hand and greets him.


"And this here is."


She points at a young child standing next to her.

"Rachino Gabrielle, he is from India. Maxey and Ted adopted him."


Joel kneels down to shake the young gents hand he is standing straight head up and offers Joel a firm hand shake.


"So where is John?"


"He is upstairs with Dad he will be down in a minute."


They walk into the living room. Soft Jazz begins to play in the background.


"Fifteen years and the Kingsley Barr is still standing strong....who would have thought?" Eliza grabs Joel's hand as they enter the living room.

"Joel, thank you for being the MAN my father needed. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't stepped in like you did....financially I mean."


Eliza releases Joel hand, he looks deep into her eyes, the resemblance caused him to look away.


"You know I never really added it has been 15 years since...."


Joel stops as he thinks about the first time he laid eyes on Zamera.


"Have you seen her?"


Eliza puts her daughter down to walk and she toddles into the next room into the arms of Ella. Ella lifts her up as she glances at Joel and Eliza, she then turns away and heads upstairs.


Joel facial expression looks as if to say who?


"Come on Joel don't look at me like that? You know who I am talking about"


Joel walks toward the window. "Yeah, I did." He folds his arms and turns toward the window.


"Are you alright?"


"I am the question is. Is she? Joel unfolds his arms as he turns toward Eliza.


Look, I'm not here for her. He rubs his head as he begins to pace back and forth and abruptly stop.



Your dad called the bar and told me stop by. He extends his hand toward Eliza. I need to go see him and then I will leave"


Joel begins to exit the living room, Eliza reaches out and grabs his arm he stops and faces her.


Eliza looks into his eyes she knows the pain her sister caused him.


"Joel it's alright to be angry....Zam-"


"I'm not here for her...Lizzie I keep telling you this!" Joel snatches his arm out of her grip roughly.


Joel tries to walk away and then he stops and turns to Eliza once again he takes a deep breath his voice calmer.


"Lizzie I'm sorry...I did not mean to blow up at you like

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