» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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to her in the past. Joel pulls up to the house. All of sudden all the dreary thoughts of Tony, Don and the Club disappear. Joel gets out of the car and walks up to the door inserts his key into the door knob opens it and walks in. The smell of roses and cinnamon fill his nostrils, he shuts the door.


Zamera?” Joel calls out as he removes his jacket and unloosens his tie. He then walks into the kitchen where the table is set for two, candles, rose pedals and meatloaf, green beans and buiscuits along with potato salad. Joel grins at the fact that Zamera has really begin to shine now not only as his lover but as his wife.


You call?”


Joel turns around only to see his wife standing in the doorway poised perfectly. Zamera’s dress was soft and clinging, like a second skin. A flowing jacket draped her slender frame, its vibrant warm colors made her skin glow. With every shift of her feminine frame, its material moved like water. Zamera’s beauty is what made the attire seem so elegant - touchable. She leaned against the doorpost with her arms folded and she struck out her leg only to reveal her matching hills. Joel smiled. Zamera had let her hair fall and allowed it to drape her neck. Joel walked over to kiss her and she graciously stopped him.


..uh uh….I’m desert, you need to eat dinner first.”

Joel laughs and he agrees so he sits down to eat. Zamera finally laughs also and then she sits down as they say grace and begin to eat.


I talk to Tony today, I had to Z. They have been on my heart so.” Joel looks up at Zamera totally ignorant of his remark.


I’m sorry did you say something?” Zamera did not want to hear anything regarding the Club, tonight was their night. She wanted it to be just the two of them, no pass demons or devils.


Honey that part of my life Is over, I have moved on, I have received my healing. I have no comment when it comes to the mention of those people.


Joel can’t believe what he is hearing he knows Zamera had to let things go, but she should still be concerned after all it’s her family. “Zamera, what are you talking about babe? They are still apart of you. You still have to pray that they will give their lives to the Lord as did you.”


Joel, I understand what you are saying, but honey. Look I don’t want to talk about them tonight alright? Please pass me the green beans.”


Joel drops his fork on his plate. ‘Who are you? Where is my wife?


Zamera places the green beans next to her as she scoops a spoon full. “I’m right here, sweetie. Look I love them, I pray for them, but I do not want to talk about them. And you should not either this is our time-

Zamera puts her spoon down and a frown begins to crinkle her face.


Alright, alright I apologize babe. It’s just-ya know never mind. How was your day?” Joel spoke quickly trying to allow Zamera to not go into one of her spills about the two of them coming together not the two of them and her family.


Zamera sighs in relief. Thank you Lord she thought as she gathered her posture and composure once again she scooped up some green beans.

My day was wonderful, I went to see Aunt Rosie and then I stopped by Ella’s to help with the dresses. Tess and I went shopping for the right shoes, because the ones Ella had picked out were all wrong. Eliza came by but she did not stay long, I believe she may be pregnant again but that’s another story. How was yours. Zamera sipped some wine, and placed the glass gently down on the table. Joel did not know where to start so he took the safe route.


It went well” Zamera looked up at him knowing that he was avoiding the conversation because in actuality his day and days always consist of the Kingsley Club.

you know what that’s fine. I try to prepare a nice meal and spend some time with my husband, and you can’t even be honest with me.” Zamera jumps up. And walks into the living room. Joel is confused now he does not know whether to get upset or go pray. He walks in to the living room where Zamera is standing. Her arms are folded.


Come on honey, don’t lock up on me now. Tell me what’s really bothering you. I know it’s not me or the mention of your family. He turns her around to face him, he cuffs her chin. “Now tell me honey, what’s wrong?” Joel’s tone was calm and soothing. Zamera felt pulled in by his warmth he had such a calming spirit. All she really wanted was Joel to stop focusing on her family so much and more on her. All he ever talked about was them, he didn’t even know that there could have been an opportunity for a small Joel, but her pregnancy test came back negative she thought why bother him with the “what ifs”. Right now all she wanted to do was be intimate with her husband and that’s what she did.

Joel woke at 3:45 a.m. He had a stirring in his belly so he arose out of the bed slowly not wanting to awaken his wife.


She’s pregnant


Joel walked into the bathroom closed the door and got on his knees. “Lord what are you saying to me”


Your wife is going to have a child


Ok Lord.” Joel smiled his heart rejoiced to think that after all this time and during all of this drama, they would bring a life into the world. Then he thought about the family, the club issues, Eliza and her marital problems, Don’s health.


Lord Is this truly the right time, it could become stressful and I don’t want anything to happen to her or my child and I definitely don’t want to stand by and let anything bad happen. What should I do?”


Move to New York I have job there waiting for you


what kind of job? What part of New York?”


I have some people you will need to meet


Lord who?” Joel waited patiently for a response for twenty minutes he sat in silence waiting and nothing. Finally he sat upon on the toilet and opened his bible to Genesis 12:14-20


14And when Abram came into Egypt, the Egyptians saw that the woman was very beautiful.

    15The princes of Pharaoh also saw her and commended her to Pharaoh, and she was taken into Pharaoh's house [harem].

    16And he treated Abram well for her sake; he acquired sheep, oxen, he-donkeys, menservants, maidservants, she-donkeys, and [d]camels.

    17But the Lord scourged Pharaoh and his household with serious plagues because of Sarai, Abram's wife.

    18And Pharaoh called Abram and said, What is this that you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife?

    19Why did you say, She is my sister, so that I took her to be my wife? Now then, here is your wife; take her and get away [from here]!

    20And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him, and they brought him on his way with his wife and all that he had.



Joel read aloud to himself quietly and when he got to verse 20, he stopped. He closed the bible left out of the restroom. He went back and layed down quietly beside Zamera she was sleeping soundly she looked so peaceful.


That morning he arose got dressed for work and he left a note for Zamera.


Begin packing our things up we are moving to New York I got a call this morning from a Accounting Firm they have scheduled me an interview for the 16th of this month which is this Wednesday I will get our train tickets today after work tell you the rest later. Love Joel.


Zamera could not believe her eyes what she was seeing just like that just up and go. But she knew deep down anytime Joel made a quick change or decision that meant he was following direct orders from the Lord. So she got herself cleaned up and began to pack up their items. She was hesitant about including the wooden box under the bed she still had never discussed that with Joel. She went ahead and packed it anyway it was getting close to noon she had all of their clothes packed away into two large suitcases as she was closing the last suitcase the phone rang.



Zamera picked up the phone.


What time are you coming over here to help me with the music Z?”

it was her uncle Marc she had forgotten totally that she had promised to do background on one of his songs.


O uncle Marc I am so sorry something has come up and I won’t be able to do it….you see Joel and I are leaving Chicago tonight.


what! What do you mean you are leaving? Where are you going and why?”


Look Uncle Mark calm down, I don’t understand it either but I trust my husband and If he says we are leaving we are leaving.


Mark sighs on the other end of the phone and then he finally calms down.


Zamera you do what’s best for you whatever you have to do, you and Joel-you guys do it. He listens to the Lord and obeys and that’s all that matters I will miss you but at least this time you will be leaving with your husband.”


I will keep in touch Mark for sure”


What about Don?’


That’s up in the air I will leave that one up to my husband, I truly have nothing else to say to them other than good-bye………..but I tell you this I will miss my sisters. I hate that things are going the way they are with Lizzie and John but you know we all have our storms. I will call Angela to let her know to tell Dad. I don’t want to talk to him right now.”


alright Z well you take care of yourself, love you”


I love you too Uncle Marc goodbye”

Zamera hangs up the phone a part of her tries to pull her into tears but she refuses she realizes this is she and Joel’s life now and wherever he goes she goes. Til death do us part Zamera now taking those vows she spoke to Joel on that cold winter night three years ago. Their wedding was small it was just Vanessa, Eliza and Ella and the minister performing the wedding. Don was no where to be found Marc gave her away although it was short and simple it was enough because this man loved her enough even with her issues, and shortcomings as Zamera thought on the love that Joel has expressed to her with his word, actions and persistence it’s true love. Zamera fell on her knees and began to cry out.


Thank you Lord, thank you for saving me, thank you for loving me enough to rescue me from myself and my destruction…


tears flooded her face her she could feel again her heart was open she could sense a calming presence it had been so long since she had felt that feeling she would get that feeling her whole body was floating she felt like she was flying she did not want to stop she began to pray it came so fluently her words were just then she began to sing, she sang unto the Lord for the first time in years it was her and God in their own special time, it was her quiet time.


Lord, I love you……..

she sobbed her whole face was drenched.


Go see your father


The voice was quiet and calming Zamera recognized the voice but she wanted to make sure so she sat and asked



he needs to see you….go see your father


Zamera stood up from the

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