» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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floor she went into the restroom she cleaned herself up she washed her face pulled her hair into a soft bun. She picked up the car keys and headed over to her father’s house she pulled up and she sighed as she turned the car off. She pulled herself together and she entered the house it was quiet.



Zamera closed the door.

……Angela anybody here?”


Finally she heard Angela’s voice talking real low. It was coming from the dining room, she walked toward the door and stopped since it was ajar she heard another voice it was deeper. Zamera then knocked on the door as she began to open it. It was Angela and George Angela was standing with her arms folded looked like she had just been crying and George was consoling her.


What’s wrong?”

Zamera asked as she approached the two.


Don, the doc says it looks like he may not make it out of this one”

Zamera face frowns.


What do you mean?”

Zamera’s voice was firm as she tried to control her emotions.


Don had another heart attack, last night he almost didn’t pull through but even right now he’s kind of weak”

Although Angela was crying her voice was firm.


Where is he?”

Zamera asked



George replied as he comforted Angela.


Zamera walked upstairs the thoughts raced through her mind what are you doing? you could make him keel over if you tell him you are leaving now with Joel. The voice she was hearing was filled with fear and doubt Zamera knew now that was her she needed to listen for the voice that brought peace she cast those thoughts out of her mind. She reached the top of the staircase and she walked toward Angela and Don’s room and slowly opened the door, Don was sleeping peacefully Zamera stood over him for a moment all the things he had done to her in the past she actually could not think upon all she could see was her father laying in his sick bed. He looked weak and helpless. She leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek and then she began to walk away she got half way to the door.



Don’s voice was weak he could barely speak. Zamera stopped in her footsteps as she turned to face him his eyes were opened and a little she walked toward him.


That’s ok Dad just rest, you need your rest.”


Don breathed in and out slowly.


you leavin?”

Zamera looked at her father.


Yeah dad I’m going to leave so you can get some rest”

Zamera began to leave the room again


you and Joel leavin?”

Zamera turned and looked at her father he was so tired she could tell.


Yeah dad, we are leaving……why? How did you know?”

Zamera folded her arms waiting on a reply she began to become defensive and wonder if he had anything to do with Joel’s interview in New York.


Just listen to him


Zamera let down her guard and pulled up a chair.


Ok Dad how did you know we were leaving?”

Zamera’s voice was serious no more games she wanted the truth.


don’t worry how I know…I want you to promise me something”


Me promise you….what is it Dad?”


tell Joel to tell you”

Don coughed and rested before he spoke again.


Tell me what Dad?”

Zamera unfolded her arms.


He’ll know….he’ll….

he coughed again



Angela and George enter the room.


Honey you alright? George could you pure him a glass of water from that pitcher over there?’



George goes to grab the pitcher as Angela walks over towards Don she reaches out for his hand.

She sits down on the bed beside him and caresses his face.


So what time are you guys leaving?”


8:00…………… we are taking the train,”

Zamera did not care now who knew she was leaving she was feeling divided she did not want to leave her father in this state, but yet she did not want to stay in Chicago she needed to get away live a new life start with her and Joel. Why was she feeling this tug in her heart?


It’s called forgiveness…you have bitterness and resentment….let it go so you can be free


Zamera felt a warm peace fill her heart as she walked toward Don she could understand now,. All the pain the hurt the shame the ridicule she kept running from wasn’t in Chicago it was in her, she just never completely let go. She leaned against her father’s cheek and whispered softly just enough for him to hear, Don’s eyes began to water and slowly a tear fell down his face. Zamera’s mouth was moving but no one could hear her but Don. Angela looked curiously trying to figure out the conversation but she could not hear it. Slowly Zamera stood up as she grabbed Don’s hand and kissed it.


I love you Daddy”


Zamera placed his hand down slowly on the bed. She smiled at Angela and turned and looked at George and smiled and she left the room as she left the bedroom it was silent but in her heart she was leaping and rejoicing for she had found peace true peace and it was once she realized and decided to make a choice for her happiness that no one ever held her in bondage she did that by refusing to let go and forgive. She left the house and got into her car and pulled away.


Thank you Lord for the gift of love”

Zamera arrived back home and she entered the house and began to take the bags and place them in the trunk of the car. The phone rang it was Joel reminding her to leave the key under the mat and Tony will come by to pick it up and turn it in.

Zamera did what her husband said she then locked the house and left to go to the bar. She walked in it was quiet and kind of empty although it was around 4 in the afternoon usually there are a couple of people it was pretty empty then she heard Jema footsteps as he walked out and sat at the table and began to go over a couple of songs humming to himself he had not noticed Zamera standing at the entrance so she walked over to Jema.


Hey, how is it going?”

Zamera said as she sat down next to him.


Hey Z, what’s up?”

Jema had a smile that would light up a room Zamera could not help but smile back.


On my way to New York?”


Are you serious? Why?

Jema placed his paper down on the table.

Trying to run away again?


No not this time, this time it’s me and my husband and it is about time.”

She smiles


Jema looks at Zamera.

well you know we will always be here, at least for a little while anyway. You know that new singer/dancer Tony hired a couple of weeks ago?


Which one? There were two of them.”


Yeah, Tiffany and Jasmyne well they found Jamsmyne dead in her bathroom lastnight they said it was suicide but we all know better than that.


O my goodness, are you serious that is terrible.”


And she had a child also, a little girl she was given away but still that is so sad and the worst part is-


What Jema tell me, what is it?”


You remember the night Blanche Dunn was here for the first time?


How can I forget the club had never been as packed before, what does she have to do with anything?”


Well on that night, some people said they heard fighting coming from the dressing you Tiffany and Jasmyne were in and Cleo was seen climbing in through a window that night.”


Zamera’s heart began to pound she had forgotten totally about Cleo. Would if he heard the Joel and I were leaving, what if he tried to do something to hurt Joel? What if-“

Zamera’s thoughts raced through her head until finally she realized that it was her and she needed to calm down and not be afraid.


Jema that is truly sad and she was so pretty, and the baby, that’s just too much. But right now I have to go meet my husband at his job and we will be leaving from there to go to the train station.”

Zamera stood up.


So does he have anything lined up in New York or what?”


Yeah, he has an interview this week, so we have to get there and get settled. We will be staying with my Aunt Victoria and her husband until we find a place. Give me a hug Jema, I love you”

They hug and Zamera leaves the bar as she exits she turns around and looks at the building.


Good-bye Kingsley Barr Club”

she gets into her car and drives off. She arrived at Joel’s place of employment she walks in to meet him he is packing up a few of his items he looks at her knowing everything that she is feeling without saying a word he walks over to her and embraces her she rest her head on his shoulder.


I know baby, I know”

Joel’s voice was so smooth soothing Zamera felt at peace with him she knew she belonged to him and that he was soul mate, in spite of everything they went through they still had that connection and it was called love no holds barred she was finally becoming into her own. She looked up into Joel’s eyes she drew so much strength from him she was not whole without him and he not without her. She helped him finish packing up his belongings and they left to get into the car and headed toward the train station. They arrived approximately at 7:45 their train left at 8:00 as they boarded Zamera grabbed a seat by the window and Joel sat near the aisle he grabbed her hand and held it close as the train pulled slowly away Zamera looked at the ending of her life in Chicago and looked forward to what was ahead. Joel closed his eyes and rested his head back.


Her name will no longer be Zamera but….Zaria


Joel opened his eyes slowly still looking ahead he turned slowly and looked at Zamera as she was watching the sights he lifted her hand he was holding and slowly kissed it. It caused Zamera to turn and look at him.


What was that for?”

she asked as she smiled.


for just being you, my blooming flower”

Joel rested his head back on the head rest and dozed off.




What do you mean she is leaving town! With who? She didn’t even say good-bye or anything just up and left!.”

Lizzie was livid on top of filing for her divorce with John after finding out that John now has a baby on the way by his mistress whom he never stop seeing. The stress was too much for her she was in her second tri-mester and she did not need the extra stress. She took Jade and moved in with aunt Rosie Lee.


Now Lizzie come on, calm down you are going to drive yourself crazy for no reason.

Ella tried to calm her sister down but it was not working.

She and Joel left together and I am sure when they get situated that you will hear from them. You knew it was coming, I mean how much longer did you think the two of them were going to stay here in Chicago? Ella walks over to comfort her sister.


It’s just that, I ‘m suppose to be the strong one the one who everyone looked at to for strength and comfort and it-

tears began to fall down Lizzie’s face.


It seems like you have done enough it’s time for you to rest now, ok? Ella comforts her sister by rubbing her back. Zamera knows that you love her and she loves you to, but honey she is married and she has finally, finally found out what it means to be loved and be in love. I’m happy for her, she is free Lizzie. She wants to start over her and Joel.”


Lizzie sniffs and wipes her eyes. She turns and sits down on the sofa at Ella and Mike’s new apartment it was nice and cozy they wanted to save for a house so they were making sure they only had the necessities but

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