» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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patiently for her father to respond. As she tilted her head and raised her eye brows.


Naw, naw that won’t be necessary,” Don gave Zamera a very displeasing look as Joel came out from his office. Don could not figure why Zamera’s face would be begin to glow at the sight of that remark, until he heard Joel’s voice.


Hey, babe he spoke with authority as he extended his arms to his wife. As they met mid-way he planted a real big one on the lips in front of everyone and even dipped her which was a surprise to her. You can hear Jemah and Tony do cat calls as Ella applauds, they slowly pulled away looking into each others eyes he rubbed the cleft of her chin with his thumb as he looked down at her.


“….did you miss me…? Zamera smiles widely loving every part of her husband. “JoJo you amaze me”.



Now that’s what I’m talking about, you don’t see much love like that no more these days.” Tony blurts out as he jokingly laughs. Eliza walks from the back she has a couple of papers in her hand.


Lizzie, when did you get here?” Don ask.


A while ago….we have to talk” Eliza hands him the papers she has in her hand.


What’s this?”


Read it and find out!” Lizzie puts her hand on her hip and folds her arms.


What’s wrong?” Zamera ask as she gently breaks her cuddle with Joel.


Ask your husband, I need some air” Lizzie walks out of the bar leaving the budget she and Joel went over in the hands of her father.


Zamera, let’s go. There is nothing for you to be concerned about. Joel takes Zamera by the hand.


No, I have a right to know….Daddy what is going on?” Don’s expression is completely unreadable. Zamera did not know what to do. “Daddy” she said quietly she watched as he slowly sat down at the nearest table and spaced out. Although Don had not been the best father or even a good father for that matter, Zamera still knew that he was her own flesh and blood a little dysfunctional-yes. But Don Kingsley was her father. She knelt down in front of him and grabbed his hand he didn’t even acknowledge her. Zamera stood up straightened her shirt she walked over to grab her purse from behind the bar.


Zamera, where are you going?” Joel asked as he began to walk toward his wife, she stood still standing sideways and her head turned to look at him the closer Joel got to her, he could see he tearing up slowly. His heart began to melt. Too much pain he thought as he got in arms length of her.


home” Zamera turned and walked out the exit door. Joel stopped in his steps. Lord, give me the strength to love her pain away Joel spoke quietly as she watched his wife get into her car and pull off. He turned and looked Don still sitting at that same table. He began to walk toward him.


You know what, vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord, everything you have done to hurt people to get what you want it’s going to come back to you, worse than before” Joel walked back into his office and slammed the door and fell on his face and prayed.


It was getting late and Maxey had not heard from Ted it was going on six o’clock last she heard he had called to cancel their lunch date which was fine, but now she began to get a little concerned. She called the office, cell phone, even emailed him a couple of times.

Ted, where are you? She thought as she wiped off the kitchen table.

Finally the phone rung she laid the towel down to answer the phone.




Honey, I am so sorry I am going to be late tonight, we had some glitches in the system all day and we have a ton of work to complete. Ted paused to sigh, So now the system is finally up, I’m going to be here a while.”

Ted sounded exhausted on the other end of the phone, Maxey knew how much he did not like not having dinner each night that was their family time.


O sweetie don’t worry about it I am just glad you are ok, I knew it had to be something. We will be alright……………… ok?”

Maxey missed her husband she was not used to eating dinner without him. When they got married he always said that mealtime was a time for them to communicate and with Rachino it made it seem more important, it set standards and values within their son and enhanced their marriage. Maxey knew that some married couples take time for granted, whatever time she and Ted spent together Maxey cherished because she knew it only helped their marriage grow strong. Rachino came out of his room and into the kitchen.


where’s dad?” he asked as he stood at the kitchen table.


He’s still at work, they had a system failure and it just came back up so he will be there for a while…………


Maxey sighed as she put on her oven mittens and took the meatloaf out of the oven and placed it on top of the stove.


…………………..go ahead and get washed up for dinner and then we can over your homework after we eat alright?”


.yes ma’am.


Maxey could here the disappointment in Chino’s voice but he went and washed his hands for dinner and began to assist his mother with setting the table.


……how was school today?” Maxey tried to lift her spirits by changing the subject she knew both of their minds was on Ted. She sat two plates on the table each directly across from one another so when they sat and ate they could look at each other directly. Ted usually sat at the head and Maxey at the other head with Chino in the middle but tonight she wanted him to not feel alone in the middle so she sat across from him.


It was good mom, Mr. Ralph fell down the steps….and all the kids were laughing because he had all his books and projects in his hand and they fell on the floor”

Now Chino how is that good?” Maxey places the macaroni in the center of the table. Chino walks over and picks up the freshly stirred instant mashed potatoes and places them next to the macaroni.


It was funny because when we got into class he couldn’t find our tests papers so he had to go print them again which gave us time to goof off”


I don’t know if honesty is the best policy for you at all times, you amaze me” Maxey smiles at her sons seriousness.


Maxey and Chino sat down and ate their dinner as they went over the days events.


Lizzie walks up to Rosalie’s door and knocks.


Who is it?” Rosalie puts her paper down to walk toward the door to answer it.


Aunt Rosie it’s me Lizzie” Lizzie responded. Rosalie unlocked the door and let her grand-niece in.


Hey baby how you doing? Shole is good to see ya, have a seat…come on.

She scooted the chair from under the table where she was sitting and patted the seat so Lizzie could sit down.


You thirsty baby?


no I’m fine” Rosalie poured some cool lemonade in a glass for Lizzie.


Rosalie was in her late 70’s now but nothing she did testified of her years. She had salt and pepper hair but her smile would light up a room. Rosalie was Don’s oldest living Aunt. She practically raised him and his sister Kristine. She was the only grandparent figure the girls had.


Lizzie sipped the lemonade and placed the glass back on the table.


What’s on yo mind chile?” Rosalie sits in the chair next to Lizzie.


It’s just too much, I mean things are getting kind of crazy at work, Daddy is hiding something that I know. And things aren’t going right with me and John. It seems like everything is happening all at once. I try to keep it together but how can I Aunt Rosie when there is so much deceit and trickery going on. Sometimes I just want to move and find another town to live in far away, just take Jade and leave-


Now baby I understand your frustration and all, but Lizzie they need you, if you leave then they would really go down. You have so much of your mother in you, she was strong in spite of what people have said about her, she was a very strong woman. But look how much they depend on you, and your baby sister Zamera she is back praise God! Allelujah, honey she is back now I know her and Joel may have had their problems but she is home now, be there for her she needs you. Pray for your father, you know we done all done things we are ashamed of, but it doesn’t matter because the past does not define you it refines you, so let it and be at peace.


Rosalie takes Lizzie by the hand and she prays for her exactly what Lizzie needed.

Lizzie wiped her tears as they fell and kissed her Aunt on the cheek, what would she do without Rosalie’s wisdom she prayed the Lord would extend her life span at least until she had developed her specific attribute.


Cleo pulled up to the bar got out of his car and walked inside. It was kind of empty only about two people sitting at the bar talking to Ella. He walked passed them and he spotted Don sitting at the table alone, he looked like he was lost. Cleo pulled out a cigarette lit it and walked over to where Don was sitting. He pulled up a chair, Don did not bother to look up.


You know that don’t work with me” Cleo said as he slipped Don a hundred dollar bill. “Where is she?”


Don looked at the money then back down.


.don’t ignore me old man……where is she?


Ella looks over at the two talking which causes the gentlemen sitting in front of her to look over. Her heart begins to beat quickly. She wondered what the two of them were saying to one another.


Don looked up at Cleo.


She gone.” He simply replied as he sighed and looked back down.


A sly grin comes over Cleo’s face. “You know……at first I believed you, but right now I think you are messing with my emotions….and I don’t like that. So I want you to listen and listen good….I’m gonna leave, but I will be back and when I come back, I want to spend some time with Zamera. Now either you have her here at the bar or old man come sunrise tomorrow you won’t have a bar. Do I make myself clear”


Cleo looks at Don for a response. Don looks up at him with no response. Cleo stands up as he pushes the $100.00 bill closer to Don. He adjust his jacket and puts his cigarette out on the table.


You heard what I said, old man, sunrise.”


Cleo turns and leaves but not without tipping his hat at Ella as he exits.


Who was that” one of the gentleman asked.


have you ever seen the devil face to face?” Ella asked.


No ma’am” the gentlemen responded.


Well now you have” Ella continued wipe the bar down as her father slowly walked back to his office.

Back at the house Angela enters the bedroom to see about Don. He was resting so she headed outside and sat on the porch. It was beautiful the sun was shining it wasn’t too warm or cold it was just right. It just donned on her that if she was to lose Don that she would no longer be connected to the Kingsley family since she never had any children by Don, how crushing she thought. Her spirit became wrought.







Joel’s face was ring and wet he had perspired through his clothes he had to take his jacket off and his shirt he got up off of the floor.


O thank you Lord!

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