» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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Maxey can't help but steel a quick grin in Rachino's excitement as he finds his palm pilot. Rachino kisses his palm pilot as he unzips the side pocket of his back pack and neatly places it within the pocket. So what do you have planned for today mom?"


"Well let's see, I have to take Ms. Shively to her doctors appointment, I

have a lunch date with your father at noon, and I have a dental

appointment at 3p.m. then I will be home to prepare dinner??why?" Maxey looks at her son as she pulls into the school's drop off zone.


"Just asking that's all"


"What are you not saying Chino?" Maxey drops her head as she focuses closer on her son.


"What about school?" Rachino ask.


Maxey sighs, and then she looks ahead. "I don't know son, we will have tosee"

She leans over and gives her son a peck on the cheek, he smiles as he opens the door to get out.


"I just know how badly you want to go back, and I want you to know I will support you every step of the way, love you mom" he walks into his school building. Lord thank you for blessing us with such a gifted child, he is so mature for his age, what did we do to deserve someone like that?

Maxey thought as she slowly pulled away.



Zamera steps out of her steaming bathtub after a long soak. Her

Thoughts are on her husband Joel is occupying every part of her mind. She is then interrupted by the telephone which she then decides to allow the answering machine to pick up. You have reached the home of Joel Prophet sorry neither myself or my wife Zamera are here to take your call please leave a message and instructions on how to contact you in the meantime remember God loves you. "Zamera, it's your sister Lizzie, hey, it's good to hear you two back together anyway give me a call when you get this message, I will need your assistance with Ella's bridal shower. Love ya!" the message ends.

Zamera sighs as she sinks back into the bubbles of her bathtub. Ella's

wedding,?..that means family from near and far. Cousins, Aunts

Uncles, memories. Zamera thought as she lay still between the bubbles

As they one by one. She then thought of Joel being with her every step of the way she gained comfort and confidence from the fact that she came back to let him go and found him still waiting for her. She knew she had found a man who truly knew what it meant to love, although she still had a lot to learn from him, she had the rest of her life to fall deeper in love with Joel Prophet. She finally arose out of the tub and grabbed a large towel and dried herself off then she reached for Joel's robe that was hanging on the door and wrapped the robe around her she leaned into the tub to release the water. She walked toward the bathroom mirror lit with decorative lighting Joel had great taste, there was also a photo of her when she was nineteen he had stuck in the pocket of the mirror. He kept my picture? She thought as she pulled her hair up into a bun and allowed some trestles to fall caressing her face Joel loved that look on her, it gave him easier access to kiss a caress her neck.


She left the bathroom and began to unpack her things she pulled out a

quaint light pink mini dress and thought to herself I’m not really

feeling pink, she reached through her back once again and pulled out some nice light blue slacks and thought yes this is it! I will shock everyone in pants?. She pulled out her thin white top that hangs off of the shoulders and her white strapped stilettos. With the right accessories who can go wrong, this will shock the town.

Zamera slipped on her clothes as she began to hum to herself she walked into the restroom to look in the full length mirror on the back of the restroom door. Her blue pants left nothing to the imagination, and the top accented her figure well she put on her jewelry and looked for her sandals that seemed to have found their way under the bed she knelt down to scoot them out and noticed a hard wood stained box, she scooted her shoes out and then reached for the box. She sat on the edge of the bed the front of the box was unmarked, so she opened the lid it was photos of people she did not recognize they were photos of a couple singing and dancing, then one of a man and a woman sitting at a bar smiling and drinking. She went through the photos wondering who are these people? She thought to herself, she knew it wasn't Joel's father because she knew him and he had passed a long time ago and the pictures did not resemble anyone in his family, there was one photo that Zamera kept looking back at the photo of the woman she was very beautiful she had short curly hair, she was tall and she was standing alone, she looked like she was about twelve or thirteen in the picture. Zamera scratched her head. This 'aint none of my business, I got enough skeletons in my closet to be concerned about my husbands. She closed the box, placed it back under the the bed where she found it grabbed her keys and left.



"Mr. Maxwell there is a call for you on line 6"


"Thank you. Edna” John clicks over. This is John.


"Hey, honey” Eliza’s voice was perky John felt bad about messing

around on her, she was a good woman.


"hey babe, what's going on?" John tried to lift up his spirits but guilt slowly overshadowed him.


"O nothing just decided to do a little shopping, I missed you this morning but I wanted to let you know that you received some mail from Walden bank?..did everything go through for Daddy's loan?"


"o yeah about that I need to bring your father up to breast with the outcome of that meeting"


"Well what happened?"


"They were just a little shaky about extending such a large amount on such short notice, I mean what Joel did was smart?. and efficient but it may not have been the best choice." John's clears his throat.


"What do you mean? Joel handled the fall very well, if it had not been for him putting up his own house, the Barr would have completely went under? he worked with what he had?. besides he didn't hesitate he just went straight to work." Eliza's voice becomes a tad bit defensive, after all John totally ignored the family and her when the Barr was slipping now he has all the answers. There Is an awkward silence on the phone.


"hello" John finally speaks. "Lizzie?"


"I'm here?? her tone still the same. Where were you last night?"


John is thrown off by Lizzie's straightforwardness she has never been the direct type.


"What do you mean?. I told you I was work-"

Eliza hangs up the phone. Her ears could not stand another lie, she got sick to her stomach at the sound of his reply. If there was thing she could not stand is a liar and she was definitely married to the biggest one. If it wasn't for Jade being so young, she would have left him the first time he cheated but she can't stand the fact of a child growing up without her father. She grabs her purse and tries to call Zamera once again no answer so she heads to work. Within seven minutes she pulls in front of the Barr reaches back to grab some papers, gets out of her car and enter the Barr. She eyes Tony as he is training what looks like two new waitresses, she walks back to office. She knocks on the door.


"Daddy?" she opens the door to his office it's empty so she walks over to look for a pen and paper to leave a note. She finds it she bends down and begins to write Daddy, I talked to John about the loan for Walden Bank I think you may want to check it out for yourself, I will let Joel know also. Love Lizzie. She places the note on his chair and leaves the office closing the door behind her. She walks to Joel's office and finds him with his head buried in paper work, she smiles as she flops down in a chair by the door. He looks up quickly long enough to speak and then dives back into his work.

"Look at you, you would think you had a mountain of work to do, we know

you be faking Joel" Lizzie teases as she swings in the swivel chair.


"You would like to think so?..Joel looks up from his work. I have been trying for months to figure out this budget and every week it' s not right. I mean the funds are there on Tuesday and then by Thursday evening before close the figures are wrong?..Lizzie I just can't figure it out."


Eliza sits up on the edge of the chair and then walks around Joel's desk to look at the forms on his desk. "What do you mean?


"Look? he holds the paper up so she can see. See these figures here that's Tuesday morning ok?. then Wednesday fine right and then look Thursday morning cool right? Lizzie nods her head in agreement. Now look Thursday evening!


Lizzie takes the budget out of Joel's hand. "That's 750.00 less than thursday morning? How did that happen?


Joel throws his pencil on his desk, and rest back in his chair. I tell you Lizzie for months it's been like that I have asked everybody in here have they seen any unusual activity, new faces what not? Everybody is cool. I can't explain it.

Lizzie puts the paper back on his desk. "Well brace yourself" Joel looks at her curiously. "What?" "I may have some news that may work out the kinks in your budget." She walks over to close the door to his office.


Zamera entered the Barr she walked over to the counter and placed her keys and purse behind the bar next to Ella’s who was on the phone.


Tony looks up as he talks to Jemah and points toward Zamera and beckons her to come over.


How you doing Lady?” Jemah smiled as he spoke to Zamera.


I’m doing good, Jemah I can’t complain, and how are you?” Zamera takes a seat nearest to the gentleman. Jemah looked at Zamera as he transitioned from the song he was playing to the one Zamera used to sing.


Zamera smiles as Jemah begins to hum the melody.

Come on Z, help me out….hmmmmm…hmm.hmmmm……

And All my life………. I have waited for this moment, to sha-a-a-re………………. my light, with the one I love so dear……….

Tony smiled as Zamera’s voice brought tears to his eyes. It was so mellow, something that they all have missed it was like her voice was the switch to turn on the knob. As Zamera continued to sing Ella came up front from off the phone she leaned against the Barr smiling as her sister’s voice touched her heart.


As I ta-a-ke this step, closer to my loved one…I –I-I am safe, oooohhhhhh, I –I am safe. Zamera stopped singing as she heard applause coming from her father who had came out of his office once he heard his daughters voice. Zamera looked at him and then she looked down her stomach began to hurt.


Beautiful, just beautiful” Don walked toward the stage where the three were gathered. Do you want to open up tonight? Don laughed very sarcastically as he approached Zamera. She then held her head up and looked him in the face.


No father, I thought I would just take Tony and Jemah in the back and handle business that way….what do you think?” Zamera waited

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