» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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that." he rubs his head.



"Sssh Joel. She reaches out as they gently embrace. You don't have to apologize to me." Joel was a like a brother to Eliza, he was the only one whom she could relate to on an educational level, after she graduated and her father placed the bar responsibilities on her, she felt overwhelmed until he hired Joel, he was a life saver. Joel was there through Don's heart attack, the death of her mother Vanessa, and still he had to experience what he did with her little sister and is still here, he has a special place in her heart for that. "Go ahead." they pull away.


She rubs his shoulder trying to offer comfort the best way a ex-sister In law can.


"Go see dad. I will see you later, k?"


Joel nods and leaves the living room. He goes upstairs to Don's study before he enters he can hear John Eliza's husband and Don laughing.


Don spots Joel, "Just the man I want to see. Come on in son."


"How ya doing, Joel?" John gives him a friendly hug.


"I'm good and yourself?"


"Can't complain."


"I got a chance to see Jade she is getting big."


"Yeah, that's my pumpkin."


Joel looks at him knowing deep inside how John truly feels but for the sake of Don, he accepted the comment with a smile.


"What can I do for you sir"

Joel turns toward Don willing to listen to whatever the old man had on His heart.


"Well, Don you know...since you have been handling things so well down at the bar, I was wondering if you were willing to add on another project?"


Joel looks at John and then back at Don.


"That depends on what it is sir? I mean no offense-


-None taken son"


I pretty much have my hands full with the Barr and all the legalities of tax preparation."


"And I understand, but you see with Lizzie expecting again, and Ella getting married, I'm going to need more hands on deck. Now, John has graciously accepted his time and talent, but I need for The Kingsley Barr marketers to see men coming forward more so than the women-


"You mean Lizzie and Ella."


Don recognized the disappointment in Joel's voice. He stood up and came around his desk to close the door.


"Have a seat son"


Don beckoned.


Meanwhile down the hall Zamera was in her old room, she pulled out her suit case and began to unpack her clothes and hang them up in the closet. There was a knock on the door.


"come in..." she faced the door and went back to unpacking. Enter Angela into the room.


"Hey, there you need any help, unpacking?" she sits on the bed.


"no ma'am thank you, thank you for asking though...i appreciate it.


"Zamera, you know I am here for you,..whenever you are ready to talk I am here.


"Thank you Angie, but really all I want now, is to be left alone....


she sighs as she hangs her lavender pants suit up in the closet.


...It's officially ended with Joel and now I feel like I can breathe and move on.


What about Cleo?


What about him? Zamera puts her personals into her drawer.


Child I’m not blind, what is going riding around town in that long black limo-we see you and so does everyone else" Angela crosses her legs and leans forward.


Angela...look I'm tired, I just want to run a warm bath and relax.


Angela sighs understanding the child, she understood in her 26 years she has experienced a lot of things she had to grow up fast and to top it off ,she has lost the man she loves the most.


Angela walks over to Zamera. "Like I said, if and when you want to talk about whatever, I am here for you"


Angela leaves the room and shuts the door behind her. Zamera looks at the closed door and begins to weep quietly to herself. If only I would have told him how I truly felt inside she thought. She exits her bedroom to across the hall to run a warm bath, she sits on the ledge of the tub, the water begins to run, she hears voices echoing out of her father's study. Dad sure has his hands full with company tonight, it has been a long fifteen years she thought as she placed her hand gently

Under the facet to test the water.


"well Joel, I know I have put a lot on your mind to think about, so do take your time and please be reminded that I truly value your opinion."


Don picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.


"Yes, sir...I will be sure to let you know whatever I decide." Joel gets up out of the chair stands up to fix his jacket.


Nice seeing you again John.


Likewise Joel.


Joel leaves Don's study. He enters the large hallway and decides he needed to use the facilities he heads toward the laboratory he can hear water running. He walks up to the door and knocks softly.


"excuse me..."




"yes, I just need to use the facilities will there be anyway possible?"


Zamera recognizes the voice oh so well, her heart pounds, she becomes indecisive she doesn't know whether to answer the door or not.


"You can use the one in the study..."


Joel squints his face he recognizes Zamera's voice.


" that you?


Zamera slumps as she slowly sighs and opens the door, Joel can't believe what his eyes see, Zamera's beauty was amazing, she had on no makeup, her hair was parted down the front, reaching past her shoulders she still had on that beautiful white dress he saw her in at the bar, she looked radiant but he sensed uncertainty in her eyes.


Zamera, he paused as he lifted his hand to cup her face she turned her face slowly away as her hair fell on her on cheek, Joel stepped closer to her, he was now entering her personal space a place where only he could enter and cause her to let down her guard. She felt her heart calling to him,but still her mind refused. He slowly reached out again, this time using both of his hands, as they touched her cheek she became weak, at this

Point Zamera could not refuse, she knew this place all to well she actually met his warm embrace, a place she has been longing for two years and to have him come to her was overwhelming.


Zamera pulled away and then turned her back to Joel, why do you fight me?

Joel whispered caressing her back gently.


Joel please, please leave"


Joel walks into the restroom closing the door behind him.


"Zamera, you are still my wife, no matter what..nothing can change that not

even papers. Joel leans against the bathroom door and slowly locks it with his left hand and reaches out to Zamera with his right hand.


Joel, could you please leave? with tears streaming down her face. Joel ignores the silent cry of fear, his leans down passed Zamera to stop the water filling in the bathtub. He rises and caresses her shoulders.

Why do you want me to leave? I am here. Joel closes the seat down on the toilet and sits down. Don't let me stop you.


Zamera wipes her tears and regains her posture if there was one thing she loved and also hated about Joel it would be his sense of committment which some people could easily mistake for stubborness. As she begin to undress, Joel stopped her by reaching out and taking her hand.


Not like this, I love you and I respect you. Do you want me to leave?


Zamera looked into her husbands eyes. She can see how much care and concern he had for her, Joel loved for who she was and who she is becoming he always saw so much more in her than anyone else, not only because he knew her but because he loved her. I could never resist him no matter how hard I try he always wins she thought to herself. She followed the soft tug of his arm pulling her to him and she leaned into him as they began to embrace once more. The door knob shook.



"Who is in there!" Ella exclaimed. I have two toddlers that have to go, so come on out. Ella banged on the door again. Zamera stood up as Joel begin to button her dress up from the back, she turned to him and gave small grin and quickly turned back again for he could finish. Ella bang on the door again loudly. Don stepped out of his office from down the hall.



"Ella! What are you doing...?"


Ella scooped up her neice Jade and they scurried into Don's office to use his restroom. Joel and Zamera could not help but laugh as she flew down the hall in hills with one 1/2 year old on her hip, in hills.


"Leave it to Ella, that women should have been a track star. Zamera laughs, Joel completes fastening her dress. She turns toward him he clasps her hands close to his chest.



Joel places his fingers on her lips.


"Ah ssh, we have plenty of time for that. Right now I want to spend the rest of this evening, with you. They leave the restroom, just before that Joel reaches as he allows the water to drain out of the bathtub.


Don puts his pipe back in his mouth and walks back into his study.


"grandpa, come down stairs"

Jade says as Ella fixes her dress.


I will pumpkin, but for right now, papa has some work to do.


Grandpa does not have to work Pumpkin' he wants to work. Ella smiles as she takes Jade's hand and they leave Don's study.



"So Maxey how are things going for you with Rachino? Angela asks as she fills a pitcher of tea.


"Angie, you know I can't really say, he is so quiet, and mannerable, he doesn't cause havoc, I'm truly concerned. Maxey and Angie laugh. Angela pours eyes into the jug. Well you know what they say, it's those quiet ones you have to worry about.


I hear ya, I'm just glad finally Ted and I have someone to share our wealth with, you know. It's nothing like having the means- O I'm sorry Angie-


That's fine, it's ok. Angie puts the pitcher down and runs out of the kitchen. Eliza enters the kitchen as she sees Angie run out.


What's wrong, what happened?


Me and my big mouth...that's what happened. Maxey sips her tea and leaves.


"May I please have everyone's attention?" Micheal stood 6'1 he had an authoritive voice, very noticeable. He fell head over hills in love with Ella the first night he worked the Barr, from the frist time he laid eyes on her he knew that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.


I would like to propose a toast. he looks around. Has anyone seen my beloved?


The guest laugh silently to themselves. All of sudden his voice raises.

"Ella, Ella my love where are you?"


Ella comes from the kitchen through the large foyer into the dining room where people have gathered for this toast she enters the dimly lit dining room.


"Aah, here she is ladies and gentlemen the future Mrs. Ella

Kingsley-Washington" Ella blushes as she brushes through the midst of the crowd her hair in an elegant ponytail with layers flowing from behind. Her black and white mini-skirt suit flattered her figure well she was radiant.

She walks up to meet Micheal's embrace as he smiles and continues his toast.


"To the love of my life who brings forth the breathe of kindness which has began to flow fluently through my heart, mind body and soul"


The guests sigh in the awesomeness of Micheal's eloquant words of love to Ella. She fell in love with a writer who knew how to express himself extremely well and has taught her how to love herself.

They toast and they peck softly as the guests applaud and cheer. As they smile and go back to celebrating Micheal turns toward Ella and they look into each others eyes and smile. He squeezes her waist as she giggles.


"You two are like two high school kids" George sparked out as he

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