» Drama » Forever in Death, Gigi Amora [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

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my death might be, but I know that it isn’t…I had been told my own soul what my death will be, for souls always know these things. I am not to die for a long while, if 15 years is considered a long time, then yeah.
“So, what place did you have in mind anyway, Gigi?” Arin said, thankfully interrupting my thoughts and keeping Alex from asking yet another question that was hard to answer.
Shaking the bloody thoughts from my head, I looked at my two friends, one old, and the other still fairly new; in love with each other. And I, the middle aged of the group, still had yet to even discover what love meant; again I was reminded of the dream, the scent of blood was so clear, I could smell it as though it were here in the waking world, not in front of me; but nearby. I looked at them, the only couple who had ‘fallen in love at first sight,’ and I thought to myself, what does it mean to love?
“Gigi?” It was Alex this time, disrupting my thoughts, bringing me back to now.
“Yeah, sorry, just…spacing out,” I said, trying to reassure them there was nothing wrong. “Okay, near the park by my house, there’s an open area, it’s completely empty, so no one can see, let alone stop us if they see what’s going on. Remember, this confrontation is between Megane, and Gad.” I continued firmly, “Alex, if you can get us to the park, I can lead the rest of the way, kay?” They seemed to agree, and nodded approvingly; I knew they were just as scared, if not more than I was. We were going up against a religious figure that has been used as a sign of peace, and hope; when in truth it was a ruthless murderer and disapprover of all things that had to do with life. Gad, as it’s called, is known as ‘God’ in many cultures, even in today’s society to people everywhere. The word ‘God’ is one of the most commonly used words in the world; most of the saying comes from Christianity and Jehovah’s Witness’. Masking this blood-lover’s truth inside all of the lies, the lies that make people like me and my friends laugh at the lion before it strikes. We were afraid of the beast, because we all knew and had seen what it could do. Arin, was the reincarnated example of the Lion’s brutality, forced to be killed, every life at the age of fourteen; the eleventh month of the year on the full moon. We all recalled this, I could see it on their faces, Arin did not want to die, and Alex did not want Arin to die. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, if the matter could’ve been avoided, I would find some way, some sort of different route to take, I would; so that none of this could have ever been, so that we wouldn’t have to face the ferocious beast, and force it to draw it’s last breath when long past death. In our silence, I tried formulating a plan to kill Gad, or at least draw his attention to me instead. But instead my mind wandered the eternal abyss of my empty head, and found the memory of the day when Gad’s death was prophesized.

Chapter Two

It was a dark night; the clouds covered the stars, leaving only light from the new moon; which in turn wasn’t visible. I was merely finishing up my catch of the day, or at least what was left of it, since my master got first dibbs on my catch. A deer, one of my kind at the time; was still warm from the roasting fire that kept the Days of Death’s chill away from our nice and toasty cave. The Day’s of Death is what we called autumn, or fall, back then. My master was a kind man, though he did not wear much clothing, he wore enough as not to break our laws. He came into our den with his daughter, Olingia, I believe her name was; and began settling for sleep. Our small fire was enough to light the small crevice of the even larger one outside; it was warm, and that was enough for me. I had just finished my meal when I sensed something was to happen, but thinking it was just another Human wanting to make us believe in the horrible new Soul-Creator, I ignored the feeling; and prepared myself for sleep in the bed next to my master’s.
I was just beginning to welcome the darkness of the Dream-World again, when I heard something outside the cave entrance, I knew the other DevilHearts heard and sensed it as well. I sat up and growled, my master put down his hand and touched my head, but I didn’t hush. I was standing now, going slowly towards the edge of our crevice, master heard this, and got up, leaving his daughter to sleep. We both went to the entrance to see what was there, The Deamon Commander had woken as well, and he was standing just below his Reader’s Post, a place where he conducted meetings with the clan. I could smell that he was cross at whatever had dared come near our home, lest they had a death wish. The Deamons and the Devil-Hearts had grown an undenying hatred towards humans since Gad’s reign began; Gad had taken from us the closest thing to a deity, the Deamon Amora’s soul, the most valuable thing in all of existence, even the Deamon Commander bowed in respect.
The other Devil-Hearts and their masters had awakened, and everyone stood staring in wide eyes at who had found us, found our sacred home for millennia. A pity looking, and badly dressed female human stood there panting at our door. She had short brown hair that was remarkably kept and bright aqua eyes despite her obvious exhaustion. The weakened and tired Human’s panting was so loud to me, I though she would somehow awaken the souls of the dead.
“I must…speak…with your commander…” The human said, wheezing and panting; the thing must have run the way here from their home. I stopped my half growl, and squeezed my way to the front for two reasons; one, to protect my master, and two, to see whom this Human was and why they were here. More curious than afraid or angry, I took half a paw-step closer. The other Devil-Hearts around me, I could hear them growling, spitting out death threats to the foolish Human; some few remained quite, and curious like I was. The masters brought out their weapons, spears, bows, knives, swords of all shapes and sizes. They were drawing nearer to the Human, seeing that she was a threat, I continued to growl and stepped forward with the other Devil-Hearts around me; each one of us closing in for our own kill. How pleased our masters would be if we had killed a Human, the dirty apes that had overpopulated us for almost 2 years now, all of us.
The human did not run, but instead took a half-step back, and looked at us with widened and fearful eyes. But she looked too tired to move, an easy kill for the hungry clan. I noticed her eyes changed from fear to rage, and almost changed green, despite the dim light of the fire well behind us. She took a large breath, and summoning up her strength, she spoke in our tongue.
“Please! You must listen to me, Gad plans something terrible; I MUST warn you! I must speak with your commander!” then, out of breath the Human’s legs gave way, and she stood there, coughing and panting. We all stopped our advance, and just stood there, I looked to my master for the command to attack, but he stood there wide-eyed in disbelief; as with most of us. The cave was silent, not even the young babes in our nursery at the top of our home stirred the stilled air. The Deamons separated, apparently their commander had heard the call and ordered a cease. He traveled the small hall of Deamons and Devil-Hearts slowly with the Devil-Heart commander’s son at his side. The son went up to the girl, and sniffed her face, by now she was quiet. The Deamon commander stood at the feet of the child, no more than a striking distance away; and spoke.
“You are a fool Human, unless you have a death wish, there should be no reason for you to set foot within the boundary.” The commander of Deamons’ voice boomed throughout the cave’s entrance, causing the child to look up at the commander. “Iyakiya,” he continued, naming his companion and ‘pet’.
“Strange scent, this Human has a strange scent. Not a Human scent we know; no, no.” the white wolf responded, even in the darkness, the albino wolf’s eyes and coat features were well distinguished.
“Human,” The commander boomed at the girl, “Who has dared set foot on our land?”
the Human sat there, looking at the commander dead in the eye; something few have dared to attempt since the beginning of time. Then, taking another deep breath, the Human spoke. “Megane…” she said, softly at first, but with a small amount of encouragement from Iyakiya, she spoke louder, clearer, enough for even the deafest of leaves to hear. “I am Megane Suostsourei, a member of the clan of Humans,”
“Well, that much is obvious” I heard an old grey fox near me mutter under his breath.
The Deamons began to mumble amongst themselves, accusations that the human might actually have been hired by Gad to track us down, and find where we had been hiding. Others were wondering if the human had even come on it’s own. As Iyakiya went back to his master, we all heard him speak, we Devil-Hearts at least.
“This human is not like others, no evil desire within; none that I can sense.” With that, most of us relaxed a little, but some were still on high alert. Norintou, A beautifully slender pure white fox, with a blackened stub of a tail, and a muzzle far more scared and pinked with many a battles fought; and also my potential mate as a Devil-Heart, went up to this ‘Megane,’ her hazel eyes glowing fiercely at the thing. Norintou was ready to strike; I knew this because her stub of a tail was fidgeting, vibrating as though she had no control over it. One look, that’s all the Human needed to give her, and Norinto would kill the wretched weakling.
But the Human did not look at the fox attempting to take their life; instead, Megane stood up and looked dead in the eye of every member of the clan of Deamons. A strict and high offense, that enraged us; but we kept quiet, we knew the Human wanted to say something.
“Gigi Amora, Commander of the clan of Deamons,” We heard Megane’s voice above the growling of the few Devil-Hearts that remained to

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