» Drama » Forever in Death, Gigi Amora [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

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tortured the liar into submission and had left him for death; my mate gave birth to eight beautiful cubs. A fox, who’s coat was as black as night, was named Salinkeay, meaning ‘Bright Night;’ another, a beautiful white like my mate, but had eyes as blue as the ocean, was named Magikalei, which means ‘Water Bringer.’ We continued naming our dubs for the night, while I let my mind wander towards the fire pit, to hear the story from the Deamon known as Learuko Manshiou, how they had succeeded in their mission.
“Right when we had arrived the winds changed, masking our scent to their dogs. We had found shreds of cloth on the bodies of the dead and used it to disguise ourselves as beggars. We traveled in groups to find Jeensos’ hut, with Megane leading the way. It took what felt like moons, but we finally found it; and lucky us, the poor ikiyakatou was asleep!” Ikiyakatou means ‘idiot’ or ‘moron.’ “Megane and I stood out on guard, making sure no Human thought we were there to harm, but waiting to receive his ‘blessing.’ There was a small rustle, then all was quiet, not even the small-lights sparked or made any noise while the whole of the clan of Humans slept in their dreamy comfy beds. Chinchia, Mariniou and Cakchikki dragged Jeensos from the door, still fast asleep with a gag in his mouth to keep ‘em from sounding.”
“Kcanchiokou, what’s wrong?” I heard my mate say, I twitched my ears to let her know that I had heard her, but I was far more interested in the story. Thankfully, she was too, and kept quiet to hear.
“We took Jeensos to the closest open field to the village, and tied his hands and feet to the Scare-post, then Megane found some nails loose from the fence and said they would keep him in better. We hammered the things in, and Jeensos woke and screamed from his own petty pain.” The young Deamons laughed at the Soul Creator’s child, since it is impossible for such a being to even know the meaning of pain.
“It took ten of us to pull up the post and keep it in the ground, the whole time the ikiyakatou was screamin’ his head off for help, the Humans heard and began coming out of their dens, staring at us in fear and surprise. Some of us had to form a row to keep the Humans out of our affairs, but they threw stones, pitchforks, one even threw a dagger, and it stuck someone right in the heart!” I looked at my master’s wrappings; I remember he had the same wound in his chest that had come from a blade.
“That must be how he died…” Norintou whispered, I let out a small and subtle whine to agree. She let her newborns feed as she resumed rubbing her head on my shoulder; licking her head as thanks, we continued listening.
“We managed to get the humans to back off, and then we speared the bikanto!” Bikanto means the same as bastard. At this, the Deamons cheered, some who weren’t in the front to witness the show cheered even louder than others. Learuko continued telling how they had speared and slashed Jeensos’s body until it stopped moving altogether. As he was wrapping up the tale, Megane stepped in, timidly, but spoke clearly.
“Before the lot of us left, I saw Jeensos look to the sky, crying tears of blood.” Everyone stood still, I dared not breathe. “I went up to him to see if he was just dead that way, but he was still breathing, hardly…” the Human continued, not even Kaackounii, the most cruel dealing Deamon in the clan dared ask why Megane had not killed him then and there, for it was obvious there was some sort of telling that happened. “I heard him say ‘When the hour of death has come, my father will lie, lie in his phalse-truth. Seeing the last of the light as his blackened blood stains the world, and his flesh absorbed to end the suffering and begin anew’”
Everyone remained quiet, even my mate’s newborns made no sound as they suckled her sweet, warm milk.
“What does it mean?” I heard myself ask, of course the Deamons cannot understand Devil-Hearts, so there’s no way they could answer me. But Norintou could.
“Maybe Jeensos saw that what his ‘father’ was doing is wrong and changed his ways. Maybe, maybe he saw Gad’s death.”

Chapter Four

“Hello~ Gigi, you there?” Arin was saying, patting my head like I was a dog, then scratching me near my ear, I liked that and she knew it.
“HEY!” Alex yelled, knocking me from my memories, “I know everyone’s scared, but the longer we dawdle, the less and less chance we have.”
“Are you absolutely POSOTIVE nothing’s wrong, Gigi?” I looked at my friend, realizing that I was now the Deamon Commander, and my close friend was now Megane, the very and only Human my clan trusts. She was in love with Learuko, who was a Deamon, which was forbidden in our law.
I shook my head; I hadn’t the time to think these thoughts, nor the time to worry about law at the moment. We had a task about us; we had to fulfill what was told long ago. Jeensos’ last words were a prophecy, I understood that now, and that prophecy told of Gad’s death, there was no date the death would occur; but as I am now, I would not allow such a monster to learn how to create their own world! Not only that, but if such a thing gained the power of even one Deamon, then it would be more than the world that would be flushed into chaos.
“I’ll open the portal,” Alex said as he began drawing the circle on Arin’s closet door.
“It’s more like a doorway, but whatever.” I mumbled. We all held onto eachother, I held onto Arin’s hand while she held onto both Alex and mine. I noticed there was a book on her desk, a book I had published just two days prior to the events in which it predicted. I had a feeling that they BOTH knew what was going on in my mind. I was scared; we were all scared, anyone would be scared if they had to do this.
“Everyone ready?” Alex asked intently, sounding as though he had hoped we weren’t; but Arin and I fervently nodded, and we stepped through the portal.
Going through it felt almost like a dream, it felt we were floating instead of walking, we were traveling at great speeds that seemed much slower as the time went by, like time had all but stopped. I was distracted by my thoughts, and didn’t even notice where we were until I saw the opening. It was a pale grey-blue light, the same color as the sky before I left. We arrived behind the tan plastic slide, I remember it fondly; I had used to try and climb it when I was younger, before I grew more an interest in climbing trees. Everything was quiet, not even a bird so much as sang through the air. I sensed that the few souls around us, were in their homes, and sleeping off their Thanksgiving feast from the previous day.
“Follow me,” I said softly, I didn’t even want to try and make myself heard; “and stay close,” I added, more to reassure myself than them.
We walked down the shallow hill towards the parking lot and the, now shut, gate that separated the park from the main road. I looked around, spying for anyone or anything that may pose as an obstacle. I felt we were being watched by unknown forces, I knew who was watching, but I tried hard to shake the fear that gripped firmly onto my shoulders. It gripped me like a flightless bat gripped a tree, for dear life, a life I felt I would soon lose the battle too.
“Alex, Gigi…I’m scared,” Arin whispered, I could hear her voice trembling, “I don’t want Gad to kill you, and I don’t want to die.”
“Hush,” Alex patted her head, “If the Deamon Commander says it’s going to be fine, then it’s going to be fine.” I looked at then briefly, then turned back to the path.
“We need to take a right, you see there?” I pointed down the road to a gate that blocked a large, impassable field.
I made the signal to move, and Alex began running quickly across the road, up to the gate, and finally jumping inside the open area.
“Gigi, what’ll happen if you’re wrong? What if Gad manages to kill us all-“
“Megane! I have no intention of dying, least of all today.” I stopped her mid sentence; I was getting more and more irritated with the discussion and my dream as the sun began to fully light the sky. I sensed some people were beginning to awaken, mainly the children. “Go, GO!” I pushed Arin forward, onto the road.
She ran, ran faster than I had ever seen her go. In no time, my friend managed to pass the gate and get to Alex. It was my turn now, I wasted no time. I ran, I ran like my life depended on it. And faster than I thought possible, I ran across the road, I ran to the gate, and I leaped over it in one jump, landing unexpectedly on my, still sore, thigh. I let out a grunt, but I was fine.
“Where do we go now?” Alex said as he came to help me up. “We can’t stay near the road, we’ll be spotted too easily.” There was plenty of worry in his eyes.
“This way, I took a good look at the place the other day on Google map.” I looked towards the hill that topped the area. “Just beyond that hill there’s a small ditch, it’s covered by the surrounding area, we should be safer… from straying eyes.” I added.
Looking back at them, I felt even more guilt; they knew their love was forbidden; yet they continued to remain with one another. I looked away, trying to keep my own emotions in control, if I let one in to much, too fast, then the other would come in; much more of it, much faster.
We walked in silence, quickly up the hill. We understood the importance of getting there in time, before the sun shone above the tops of the trees we needed to get there. It took much less time than I thought, we moved quickly, silently; avoiding all of the dead leaves that frosted the ground with their deceivingly warm colors of red and orange, yellow and brown. We were making good time; I had spied the ditch just as we topped the hill.
“Here!” I turned. And as soon as I did, I felt something, sensed something, something evil.

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