» Drama » Forever in Death, Gigi Amora [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forever in Death, Gigi Amora [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Gigi Amora

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wasn’t anger or fear, it wasn’t sadness or regret, it wasn’t anything I had within me. With that sound came a voice, soft, and sweet like the churning of buttermilk, and as silky as a butterfly’s wings.
“Get up,” it seemed to say, “and protect those you hold dear.”
That was enough, enough to wake me from my dream, so that I awoke to the nightmare. A nightmare I knew I had to face. I viewed the sight, as though I weren’t even there, but still asleep, and my spirit was far off, and seeing it through someone else’s eyes. I saw myself, slowly, oh so slowly, roll onto my elbows, then my knees. And finally, I rose, grasping the Shadow Blade tightly in my fists, and pull, pull, pull. I could see blood welling out of my mouth as I did, I could see wings growing out of my back, I could see my ears, they were pointed and furry; and horns, no, I saw antlers beginning to grow out of my head, but much slower than the rest. They were just small nubs on the top of my head, But I saw my eyes, I saw my face, I wasn’t angry, I wasn’t afraid. I don’t even know what I felt, what WAS it?
I looked to my friends, and I saw Gad; I was tempted to run at it now, but I was glued in place, like I was chained to the ground and the air, unallowed to move from place. I looked back to me; my eyes were almost glowing in the dim light of the morning; which was steadily turning cloudier and cloudier by the second. A storm was coming, coming to wash away the poisoned and blacked blood of a liar.
I heard someone scream, I looked to Arin, she was holding Alex, trying to get him to wake up; he had passed out from the blow Gad had dealt. I saw her look up, her face was shining slightly, she was crying.
There was yell, a shout of sorts, I immediately drew my attention back to my body, it had managed to get on the top of the hill, and was still trying to get the Shadow Blade out. It was coming out, almost halfway now, and within an instant, I pulled out the blade with a battle cry and the first flash of lightning behind me. I stared in disbelief, my spirit anyway. Gad heard the cry, Arin did too; and perhaps Alex, but I don’t know. Gad had taken a form now, the form of a very muscular man, covered in old scars and healing wounds, I smiled with bleak satisfaction that it was still in pain from our skirmish.
“You…” said Gad “How can a Human as weak as you POSSIBLY stand, let alone walk after my Death Blow.” I heard the creature laugh now. Gad thought it was funny that I was in so much pain. “Try as you might, little Human; I doubt you can even speak. Now…to finish you off.” Gad pulled out a sturdy blade; I had grabbed the stick that was lying on the ground next to me. I dropped the Shadow Blade and I saw it dissipate. A light rain was beginning to fall.
“I…” Gad looked up, and so did I, for I had averted my eyes to what gruesome sight was to come.
“I… I am… I am no Human.” My body said, panting, and breathing hard. I figure the freezing rain must be closing my wounds and stopping the bleeding.
“Gigi…?” I just barely heard her over the rumble of the thunder above us. The rain picked up, it was heavier now, it’s patter could be heard on the trees around us, masking any possible sound from escaping, preventing anyone from knowing where we were.
“What did you say, pathetic Human?” Gad mocked.
“I am… I am…” Before I could finish, Gad darted towards me.
“Run you ikiyakatou!” I yelled to myself. No one could hear me though, not even my body.
Gad’s blade, and my branch met and the flash of lightning light the sky. My body spread it’s wings, and flapped into the air for a second, then plummeted down to strike. Gad was ready, It took it’s blade and slashed; so did I. We got closer, and farther apart, slashing, biting, striking, thrusting, punching, kicking, flying, landing, dodging; a battle not fit even for my eyes. Eventually, we separated for long enough to take a breath.
“I am no Human,” I said again, my left eye now surrounded in four long lines of blood. “I am Gigi Amora, Commander of the Clan of Deamons.” Gad looked shocked now, my vision was now transferred near my body, I saw Gad’s face. It was smiling.
Gad let out a raging maniacal laughter. “So I get to kill Megane AND the Commander of the Clan of Deamons; thank you, Gigi Amora, thank you for giving me immortality!” It pelted towards me. Then, I felt it again, that feeling that made me get up before. I looked to Arin. She was clutching Alex’s sleeping body tightly, he had just barely awoken; for he was staring at Gad, with anger, and staring at me, with thanks and love.
Love. That was it! What I was feeling was a form of love! Not a normal friendly love, not the affectionate love, but a kind of love that would let me do anything to protect those I hold dear. This was a motherly love. I looked back to Gad, fast enough for my mind to tell my body to dodge and counter. I was filled with a new kind of thought; it was flowing into me like a waterfall, never-ending. I flew, I struck, I bound, I wavered, slice, dodge, counter, fall, fly, bite, scratch, cut.
We attacked, came together and separated over and over.
“No!” I heard a yell, I looked, Alex was standing now, he was clutching his shoulder tightly; he looked like he was about to pass out again. “Don’t do it Gigi Amora! You can’t do it, PLEASE!” I knew why he was yelling, it seemed as though I were throwing my life away by battling Gad to the death. But I still remember my Future-Dream from a few years ago.

~ * * * ~

I was hiking along an old mountainside trail. It was mainly populated with many boulders, small rocks, and shrubs struggling to survive in the frigid mountain terrain. I was walking slowly with my Hiking-cane, a strong branch to help me get up the mountain slopes. After a while I heard a rustling sound from far in front of me. It got louder, turning into heavy footsteps, and louder still, becoming that of a large animal. I was standing in front of a boulder about three-fourths my height. A young brown bear, I’d say about three or four years old, jumped from it, landed behind me and continued running. I watched as it went, I had a collar, old fashioned, thick, made from strong materials.
I turned back.
To find three hunters, all with rifles. There must be much bear taming, because they thought the bear was mine. Without saying a word they put up their guns, I hear three simultaneous shots. I know where they hit. My heart, my mind, and my soul; not just killing my body, but my soul as well. It was a daydream, but it was a Future Dream. I heard many other shots sound as I quickly faded into blackness; I was slightly taller than I am now, and I looked and felt as though I were carrying a heavy burden. But it wasn’t too heavy, since it felt like I was used to carrying such a weight.

~ * * * ~

I knew for certain this was not the day I was going to die. It wasn’t yet my time! My sight darted alongside my body, becoming one again with each step. Gad readied it’s blade. I readied my dagger, which I always keep with me.
“NO!” Alex yelled, we clashed; sparks from our weapons flew as lightning bolts flashed across the sky. The rain was greatened now, pelting everyone aside from Gad with its icy fingers. We flew in our set directions and stood, stood like those actions movies where it looks like a draw, but one person caves and falls, dead. In this case, we were both hit. My sight was still outside of my body, so I saw who fell first. It was Gad.
My body put my dagger to its side, and walked over to Gad’s body, which now had a deep and long gash across its shoulders and torso. Shaped like a lopsided cross. I watched as my own body moved without my mind, or my eyes to guide it.
Gad’s body lay in ruin, blackened blood poured onto the wet and muddy ground; turning the dark green grass a solid deep wet, and black sludge. Its body was already beginning to decompose, as if it had been sealed in an airtight package and dead for years, only now to be exposed to the air. It was breathing, hard, and shallow, its blood coming in a seemingly endless stream, gathering itself in a small puddle around their precious body; it seemed the blood had a mind of it’s own. Like it wanted to whisk their body away, or go back inside, to prevent Gad from dying like it should.
“Ikiyakatou.” I heard myself spit. “You should have known, only a coward would run away from death.”
“I… will not die… not to you…” It panted; I would have felt sorry for Gad, if it wasn’t the mass murderer of our people.
“You are the fool, Gad. For avoiding the prophecy your own ‘son’ used his last words to give.” Lightning again flashed, followed by a loud, and sharp clap of thunder. The storm was above us.
“Wha-?” Gad sputtered, let out one final effort to support its life; and died. Gad’s body dissipated into more sludge, absorbing into the ground, causing the grass around the puddle to wither and die.
“’When the hour of death has come, my ‘father’ will lie, lie in his phalse-truth. Seeing the last of the light as his blackened blood stains the world, and his flesh absorbed to end the suffering and begin anew.’” I repeated the prophecy that Jeensos had spoken of, all those years ago. The rain was much harder now, the drops were large, and it must have stung our wounds; but no one seemed to mind.
In what felt like no more than a heartbeat, my vision went back into my own body, I felt all of the pain; my back, head, legs, arms, everything was throbbing. The pain was instantaneous, and was so severe; I passed out.

I welcomed the darkness, though no dream came to me, I knew I was a sleep. However, they are not lucid dreams either. The darkness lasts only a few seconds before I awake to the light of the morning sun. It is a comforting darkness, the same darkness most children succumb to when the lit world isn’t to their liking, it is a velvet blackness, smooth and silky, that makes you feel at ease; no matter that you can’t see anything. There was no scent, there was no light, there is no pain, or fear in this darkness. Sometimes, if you’re lucky you can feel the sheets around you as you sleep, feel them cradle and warm you; as they lightly and gently move to cup around you. It was that sort of darkness; my pain was forgotten, and it

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