» Drama » Forever in Death, Gigi Amora [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forever in Death, Gigi Amora [best sales books of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Gigi Amora

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What was happening, I wonder. I already knew, but I hadn’t bothered to turn around.
Arin and Alex stopped when they saw I was standing like a post in the ground.
“Gi-“ Alex started.
“SH! It’s here, and it knows what we’re here for…partly” I said, trying to hide my mischief.
I heard shallow breathing, just below the back of my neck. I felt a sort of smoke gathering and dissipating behind me. Gad was here, and it was angry; but it was afraid. Evil smiled.
“Gad…” Alex said, with obvious distaste. Arin was scared, I saw her trembling.
I heard myself speak, but in Kyostois. “So, the coward shows his miserable face?” Evil laughed, she wasn’t scared. Neither was bad, but Good and I were, we were almost terrified. It had always been hard, dealing with multiple personalities, but we found a way that it would be fair to everyone. I felt a small point in my back. I readied.

Gad slashed.
I ran.
I ran down the hill, into the ditch; and tripped on a rock and fell. I didn’t waste any time, I got up and ran, despite the now searing pain in my back, and got to Megane as quickly as I could.
“Fool…” A voice said; but in Human-speak. I was standing beside my friend, glaring at the molding shadow in front of us.
“Gad,” I said, “what a mess you’ve become. You’ve not even a form to contain your phalse hatred.”
Gad just stood there, its silence was intimidating.
“Your heart has blackened with the lust for power, your formal body has transformed into nothing more than a poisoned shadow, You barely even know how to speak, let alone mercy.” This truth angered the shadow, and created a long blade in which to slay us all.
“Please…” Arin murmured. “Please, I beg of you don’t kill us!” Her voice sounded as though she were holding back tears.
“Don’t bother begging for mercy.” Alex replied.
“Gad doesn’t care about anyone but himself now, least of all you, Megane.” I finished. Gad hated Megane with all of it’s being. It believed that Megane was the cause of Jeensos changing its ways against it; and that it was Megane’s fault that Gad couldn’t gain immortality.
“You ALL are fools.” Gad said with unmasked hatred. “You betrayed ME, I am your lord. I am your GOD!”
“You stopped being a ‘god’ when you killed Deamon Amora’s soul!” I yelled, I was angry, that anger masked my fear, it overwhelmed me. I hated Gad for what it had done; I hated it with all of my lives. I hated Gad for everything that happened because of it. My back didn’t even hurt anymore; I could feel something growing, but slowly. I wasn’t worried; I was full of the hatred I had built up over the many years.
“Only those driven by fear would dare to attack-“ I threw a rock at Gad. I had picked it up and was next to me. Black blood started to leak out of the shadow.
“FEAR?! You think FEAR can drive this anger?! You think fear can drive my hatred?! You’re WRONG!” I shouted now, I could tell that my friends were afraid, I had never shown this side of me to my friends. I never wanted to scare them. But now wasn’t the time. “Don’t you talk to me about Fear Gad! I KNOW fear! I KNOW sadness, I KNOW what it feels like to lose those you care about!” remembering my close friend, who had recently told me that he hated me.
Gad was especially angry now, I heard Alex tell Arin to get back. He was right, Gad was going to strike, I readied myself; he moves, I move.
“You think your everything just because you were once a Soul Creator! Soul Creators are humble! Yet you crave for power-“ Gad struck, I just barely dodged, Save my hind quarters now had a large, deep gash from above my hip to my thigh. It stung like salt water on a fresh wound. “Only the selfish long for meaningless revenge.” I muttered under my breath.
Gad turned to Arin, she and Alex separated right after the first attack and she was now left defenseless. I only just noticed, I tried to get up and rush to protect her, but my new wound slowed my legs. I couldn’t get there in time.
But Alex could.
He rushed up to her as fast as he could. The blade only managed to sever a small lock of her hair, but Alex was stabbed in the shoulder. I heard him cry out in pain. Gad seemed satisfied, so it continued to draw the blade in all sorts of directions; making him scream and almost beg for mercy. Arin was too scared to run, I could tell because she had collapsed onto the ground. I ran up to Gad, grabbing the stone and throwing it as best I could at its ‘head.’ It hit. Gad reeled back and loomed over the hill.
I took that small moment to turn to them. “You guys okay?” I asked, I was met with a small nod, Alex’s teeth were clenched, he hadn’t the energy to speak.
I looked to Gad again. “How can you think to make the world love you, when you can’t even love another living person. You were supposed to HELP us!” I said, walking slowly away from my friends, and off to a more open area. “Of course, your selfish and blacked heart never saw what was real did it?” I said mockingly. “All you know is hatred, bloodlust, and pleasure. As for me…” I paused, waiting for an attack. “As for me, I had them all taken away, now the only one’s I have left are anger and sadness.” Just speaking seemed to outrage the blackened and transparent blob. And it towered toward me, exactly what I wanted. I just kept speaking, drawing it’s attention to me even more and more by the moment.
“You think you know what it means to lead thousands of people? HA! Even an ANT could do a better job, and they don’t even have brains!” I was laughing insults now. It was fun insulting it, for a time.
“You dare to insult ME? You will pay for comparing me to such worthless maggots!” It yelled. It didn’t really yell, the voice was sort of, sounded in my head by this so called ‘Soul Creator’
“Maggots you say? At least they know how to rid their own without causing pain.” I smiled, at that, Gad struck, lunging itself straight at me. I knew it.
Dodging just in time, I rolled and was on my hands an knees, I felt something furry on my hand. I looked down…
I had a tail.
I was black on the top, white on the bottom and tipped with brown, something I hadn’t expected to see. Ever. I would have spent hours feeling how soft it was and trying to figure out how it got there, but now was defiantly not the time. I looked up, and shot towards the ground to miss getting my head split open.
“Word of warning, perhaps?” I muttered. My back and legs were aching now, they were so sore, I had barely the strength to move, let alone attempt to dodge another attack. I had to think quick, I saw a stick nearby, stuck upright near the ditch. I had to make a run of it, and risk getting my friends killed, but it was the only way to get a weapon. I had to take the risk.
I darted. Gad did too. I just barely got there in time to grab the stick, and pull it down and out. Doing so, sliced Gad upright, I heard a sickening shriek of pain, the sound a baby makes right before it pukes combined with the sound of screaming fans. I shook my head. Keep it together Gigi! You can’t let Gad win! You CAN’T!
It seemed like it at first. But Gad was fast, much faster than I first thought. It created a blade from itself, then thrust. It was so fast; I didn’t even have time to so much as blink.
I felt the icy sting of the shadow-blade as it lodged itself deep within my stomach. I staggered for less than a heartbeat before I fell. I fell into the small ditch.
As I lay there, my blood streaming out of my body in small pools, Gad stands over and laughs at me; its blood pouring out of its body in little showers. The black blood splattered on my face as it laughed. I was in so much pain; it took almost all of my energy just to breathe.
“You foolish Human, you haven’t even half the power to destroy me! I am Gad, I will never lose; especially not to a weak little Human like you!” it laughed. This angered me more than anything ever had. Calling a Deamon a Human was an insult commonly met with the death of the insulter. I was no Human. I was a Deamon. A Deamon, who was about to die…
It was all it could do to clutch the blade, and try to tug it out. I gagged up blood, black blood.
“This is my gift to you, pathetic weakling. When and if I die, you will become my successor, and will have as much hatred for them as I do. You will die early, and never come back.” Gad said, it began laughing again; it stopped shortly after and turned around, then went back up the hill to finish what it came here for. To kill Megane… again.
The pain was so intense, my back, my thigh, my stomach; all of it was throbbing. I was beginning to fade into darkness; no matter how much I tried to resist I couldn’t. My body wanted to die, but my soul and my mind wanted to live. I wanted to live, to protect those I held dear to me. To protect them so that they will never be hurt as I was many times before, so that they can be happy, and live good lives with each other; so that they can live in peace, and die happy from it.
I was fading, my vision clouding. It felt, at that moment. This is the day I’m going to die.

Chapter Five

That’s when I hear it, that blood curdling sound, the noise that awoke me that morning. It was such a sad sound, and angry sound, full of fear. It wasn’t a scream, and it wasn’t tear, but some sort…some sort of howl. I cannot explain it, but that sound, that sound woke me from the darkness of the Dream World, it took me off the path to death, whatever it was, it awoke me from my dreaming.
I felt something within me, it

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