» Drama » Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Rescue My Daughter, Marva Smith [best e reader for android txt] 📗». Author Marva Smith

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she is married and she has finally, finally found out what it means to be loved and be in love. I’m happy for her, she is free Lizzie. She wants to start over her and Joel.”


Lizzie sniffs and wipes her eyes. She turns and sits down on the sofa at Ella and Mike’s new apartment it was nice and cozy they wanted to save for a house so they were making sure they only had the necessities but it was enough because the love they had for each other was more than enough, Ella always thought when you are truly happy it does not matter what you have you are at peace. She looked at Zamera who now is finally coming into her own, and Ella who is truly in love and content and then she looked at her life a marriage that’s is over, a child who will grow up without a father in the home and also another one on the way. Lizzie just sat there quietly not saying a word for what seemed a life time to her. Ella came and sat down beside her.


It’s alright sissy no one expects you to be superwoman, we are all human.”

She hugs Lizzie and then she gets up to prepare dinner.


Later that evening Lizzie went to pick up her daughter from the babysitters and headed to their new home over aunt Rosie Lee’s house. She gave Jade a bath as Aunt Rosie prepared dinner they ate and then she tucked her daughter into bed. She laid there in her room not able to sleep at all so she arose and went downstairs it was dark she turned on the light and sat on the sofa once again she could not understand where her marriage went wrong she thought over and over again all of sudden he just started messing around on her all things were going well she could not for the life of her figure it out. She fell asleep on the sofa that night she arose to the sound of cartoons and pots and pans rattling in the kitchen she opened her eyes Jade was sitting on the floor watching cartoons and Aunt Rosie lee was in the kitchen fixing breakfast. She got up and kissed Jade on the forehead and walked into the kitchen.


what a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arm. Oh how sweet to walk in his pilgrim way leaning on the everlasting arm-

Aunt Rosie lee had a mellow voice it was so pure and soothing. She turned as she began to fry some bacon.

How you doing this morning baby?”


I’m good….aunt Rose

Lizzie sat slowly down at the kitchen table.


Here drink this. Rosie handed her a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Lizzie took the glass and took a sip.


Aunt Rosie have you ever felt useless?”


Baby, well I can’t actually say I have ever felt useless, now I have felt not-needed”


Well what’s the difference?

Lizzie took another sip of her orange juice.


Rosie lee places the bacon neatly on the plate she has on the stove.


it’s not so much feeling useless but just not needed in a specific area, I believe that we all are useful it’s just finding the area that you will be of more use, you understand what I’m saying baby? Jade needs you and this new baby is going to need you, you see you are needed…..and you have to ask the Lord to use you and put in a place of perfect peace so the things around you don’t bother you but they cause you to be better.


Come on, baby Jade come and eat you some pancakes and bacon”

Aunt Rosie lee goes into the living room to meet Jade and take her hand and bring her into the kitchen.

Now you have a seat right there next to your mommy and I ‘m going to fix your plate. Jade sits in the chair she places her doll on the table.

They all sit and eat breakfast.


So what are you going to do today baby?”

Rosie asks Lizzie.


I don’t know I think I might take Jade to the park, do a little shopping……you need anything from the store Aunt Rosie? Because you know I will be paying your rent while we are here and you just worry about your utilities I insist.”


Now baby I aint crazy, don’t you worry about no bills, you focus on taking care of these babies now, I got this-


-but Aunt Rosie-


Hush now girl, if you was on drugs strung out, poristituting it be different cuz your soul would be messed up. But you know what you are doing you stay here as long as you like with these babies, they bring me much joy. Only bill you need to be paying attention to is what the Lord is saying to you, you hear me?”


Yes ma’am.

Lizzie ate her breakfast she thought Aunt Rosie does not need my finances….that’s an area I’m not needed in.


Back at the house Angela enters the bedroom to see about Don. He was resting so she headed outside and sat on the porch. It was beautiful the sun was shining it wasn’t too warm or cold it was just right. It just donned on her that if she was to lose Don that she would no longer be connected to the Kingsley family since she never had any children by Don, how crushing she thought. Her spirit became wrought. She tried to push the thought out of her mind as she did so the telephone rang she went in to answer it.



Angela’s voice was kind of low.


What’s wrong? You sound kind of down, how is Don?”

Maxey’s voice brought some comfort to Angela. She felt alone in her own world the thought of losing Don gave her no sense of purpose.


So what time is Jewel coming by to sit with Don?”

Maxey asked on the other end of the phone


O around noon I guess

Angela sighed she leaned against the kitchen wall and just held the phone. Why?


It sounds like you need to get out of the house Angie, Ella told me you have not left Don’s side since they released him from the hospital. Why don’t you put on some clothes and go shopping or treat yourself to some nice cool ice cream or go visit get out of the house.”

Maxey’s voice was concerned she did not want Angie to get caught up and become bitter or depressed. The upbeat Angie she knew was fading she could tell although she was miles away in another city she knew what Angie was going through.

Look Rachino will be out of school in a couple of weeks how about we pay you guys a visit?


Now Maxey you don’t have to do that now come on, I’m fine. I just need to think some things over that’s all, you know?”


No I don’t know……..what things?”

Maxey’s concerned voice let Angie know that she was serious. “Where is Lizzie?”


Well she moved in with Rosie Lee last week….you know she filed for divorce…….finally”

Angie pulls the chair out from under the kitchen table and sits in it. She sighed silently to herself. Well I guess she figured it was time to handle her business you can’t raise a child in that kind of atmosphere I don’t know what she was thinking and plus the lady had began to call the house.


Alright, Angie calm down,……does Don know yet?”


No……..he does not know right now I will tell him when he gets better.”


How soon do you think he will be up and walking?”

Maxey asked.


Soon enough I suppose, by the way how is Ted and Chino doing?”


They are doing good, Rachino made the honor roll again and Ted said we are all going to go visit his mother this summer she lives in California. I haven’t seen her since we got Rachino. We sent her pictures but he has never met her-ok look Angie I gotta go Chino just got in from school, kiss Don for me and you do what I said get out and get around ok?


I will Maxey”


Love you, Angie.”


I love you to”

Angie hangs up the telephone. She walks upstairs to check on Don he is awake just staring out the window she walks into his room.


What are you looking at?”

she smiles as she walks to grab his hand.


I bought this house when I first met you, did you know that?


Angie shook her head no.


Yep, I knew you were the one……after Vanessa……..I didn’t think….”


Shh Don it’s alright, I know it still brings you pain to talk about her.”

Tears fall down his face and he wipes his eyes.


Angie, she was something………she was so beautiful, but what she did hurt me to the core, I mean I gave her everything Angie”


Don why are you talking like this?



he grips her hand

no one understands the pain I suffered. How would you like the whole town knowing your wife you had been married to and faithful to for 25 years turns and cheats on you and not only that has a child and tries to tell you it’s yours, you taking care of this baby until one day a complete stranger tells you, that aint your child.


Angie removes her hand and walks toward the window.


Is this what your gonna do? Sit and wallow in your pain!

Angie tears up.

Don I want you to get well, but I don’t want you well if you are going to continue to throw the mistakes of THAT woman in my face, honey I love you and I want you to get better but if it means I have to spend one more second listening to how Vanessa Kingsley did you wrong I’M GONE! I have spent thirteen of my years with you Don, not married but with you. You weren’t exactly faithful to Vanessa instead of trying to make her wrong right you had to get back! And here I am dumb enough to go down the road with you.


She sits on the bed.


Don we have all made mistakes ‘aint none of us perfect, but we have to let go and move on! She cheated on you and had a baby you and then you cheated on her WITH ME! What do you want Don!!

What in the hell do you WANT!!!


Angie runs out of the room in tears she realizes she just can’t take no more she had to get out of the house away from the memories away from the pain, she runs passed Jewel as she was entering the house she did not stop she just kept going.


Ms. Kingsley, everythang alright!”

Jewel tried to holler to get Angie’s attention but she was too far down the street. She kept running until she couldn’t run anymore she stopped and headed toward the park and sat on the bench to catch her breath, she had even broken a sweat she slumped over the bench looking at the concrete ground thinking to herself.


What is wrong with me? Why did I act like that?


Angie leans up against the back of the bench she looks at the beautiful green grass sway as the wind slowly blows it. She just sits there and relaxes it was so refreshing and calming to her.

She finally decided to take Maxey’s advice she walked back to the house she had ran four blocks she did not even realized she had ran that far. She went into the house freshened up she got her car keys and she told Jewel that she was leaving and she left.


Tony put a closed for business sign on the entrance of the bar. It had been placed their due to lack of customers, mostly everyone was headed to Harlem that’s where the money was now the clubs, black businesses booming and the opportunity. The pluthra of people coming in on the weekends from Harlem died down all that was showing up now was the locals. Jema went to work for Marcus in his studio, and Ella was still planning for her wedding and besides Mike suggested

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