» Drama » Awakend, Brooke .M. [best free ereader txt] 📗

Book online «Awakend, Brooke .M. [best free ereader txt] 📗». Author Brooke .M.

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the Microscope And Saw Faint Letters. I Turned The Lenses To Low And Read “I Love You” I Looked Over And Up At Codie But He Looked Away And Whistled In Suspicion. I Smiled At Him Then Switched Back the Glass to the Cell. When The Bell Rang I Went To My Other Classes. Today I Only Had 2 Classes with Codie, And 1 With Joey. The Rest by Myself, As Usual. After School Me And Codie Walked Home While Joey Stayed Back At School. We Walked Around The Block For A Bit And Then over To His House. With his Mom Still Being Out Of Town He Must Get Lonley. We Watched A Action Movie; Fast And The Furious. Paul Walked Is Gorgeous. I Had A Long Day At School Anyway, And Even With All The Excited Ment I was About to Fall Asleep When he turned of The Movie and Took Me by the Hands. I Looked At Him Still Trying To Stay Awake. “Mmm” I groaned. “We Need To talk About The Other Night” He Said. “I Was The One Who Wasn’t Ready, And I’m Sorry For That, But You Can’t Ever Do That Do Me Again; You Can’t Walk Out On Me, I Love You And I Can’t Even Begin To Think About Loosing You I Just Can’t, So Please, Don’t Run From Me” He Frowned. I Hugged Him Wrapping My Arms Tight Around Him. “I Won’t Ever Leave You, I Promise I Love You Too. I Was Just Excited, And A little Spontaneous That Night, I Only Want To Do It When your Ready I Smile. He Looked At Me And Said Very Slowly “I Want To, I’m Ready To Try” He Started Lifting Up My Top. Then My Pants Came of, Then My Bra, Then My Underwear. He Kissed Up My Body Till He Got To My Lips. I Was Looking Him In His Beautiful Green Eyes When His Smile Took My Attention. I Gently Pulled of His belt, Then His Jeans And The Rest Of His Clothes. When We Were Both Naked My Stomach Started Turning. He Was So Muscled, So Sexy; But I Felt Fat And Ugly (Even Though I Weighed Only 90 Pounds At Age 15) I Laid on My Back As He Laid over Me. “Ready?” He Said Worried. I nodded My Head as He Pushed in Gently. I Bit My Lip in Sudden Pain but It Started To Feel A little Good after a While. I Tightened My Grip Around His Neck. He Asked If I Was Okay A Few times But I Was Moaning Pretty Loud By The Time We Past 20 Mins. I Was So Red In The Face, I Was Moaning In Pleasure And Holding On To Him. My Stomach Felt Kind of Weird Though, He Moved In And Out A little Faster Until I Began To Twitch And Squirm. I Was What People Call An “Orgasim” I Held On Tighter Then Ever As It Felt All Tingly Inside. He Laughed At My Sudden Change From Pleasure To Awkward. I Seen A Slight Bit Of Blood, I Was A Virgin and it Was Normal But Still Very, Very Awkward. It Started To Feel Really Great! He Pushed It Harder… And A lot Faster!, I Felt Like I Was Going To Scream! It Was Happening Again, That Weird Tingly Feeling. I “Cum-med Again” And Then He Did A Minute After. I Was On Birth Control So He Released Inside Me, I Didn’t Mind It Just Felt A little Weird Is All. We Walked Up Stairs To Go Take A Shower Together, We Rinsed Off And Got Out. I Put Back On My Clothes And He Put On His. “That Was Amazing” I Laughed. “I Agree” He Pushed Back His Hair. “Sorry About The Blood” I Smirked A Bit. “Don’t Worry, Its Normal Right?” He Laughed. I Kissed Him Goodbye and Walked Across the Street to My House. I Was Brave Enough To Do it, I Had Sex for the First Time. I Couldn’t Believe It. It Was So Pleasurable.
When I Walked In My Door, I Didn’t See My Dad. I Took My First Few Feet Up The Stairs When He Back Handed Me Pushing Me to Hit My Head On The Steps. I Woke Up With Blood On My Shirt, On A Gurney In An Ambulance. My Head Was Dizzy, Pounding, Throbbing In Intense Pain. The Medic’s Were Attending My Head, It Was Gashed Open From The Stair And Gushing Blood. I Closed My Eyes A Wished It Would All Go Away. I Opened My Eyes To Arrive In A Hospital Bed With Joey Beside Me, But No Sigh Of Codie. I Looked Around But He Wasn’t There. “Where’s Codie? How long Was I Asleep Anyway?” I Held My Head. “He Was Here About 10 Minutes Ago But He Left, His Mom Called And Said She Was Coming Home” He Smirked. “Oh, Okay. Ow! What Happened?” I Held My Head; Looking At My Hand Covered In Blood. “Just Go To Sleep You Goof” Joey knocked Me Over On My Back Gently. “Fine” I Laughed. Closing My Eyes I Went Back to Sleep. I Woke Back Up In Codie’s House. I’ve Always Been A Deep, Deep! Sleeper. For Example, I Don’t Even Feel Being Picked Up And getting Dragged Into A House. I Kissed Codie’s Cheek. “Thank you” I Smiled. He Knew I Was Always Happy To Be Away From My Dad. He Nodded. Codie’s Mom Walked in the Room with a Wet Face Cloth and Ice Bag. “You’re Staying With Us” She Smiled. “Your Father Is … Well He’s In Prison” She Continued. My Eyes Lit up in Happiness as I Lunged at Mrs. Walker (Codie’s Mom) Hugging Her. “Thank You So Much!” I Said Quickly. She Laughed at My Sudden Happy Facial Expression, I Just Found out My Dad Was in Jail and the Best I Could to Was Smile. “My Only Rule is you And Codie Sleep In Different Rooms, Please” He insisted. I Hesitated. “You’re House Your Rules, I Just Thank You” I Smiled. Codie Walked over With Me And Helped Me Pack Up My Clothes, And My Other Items. I Didn’t Want His Mom Buying Me new Stuff. Not At All. I Looked In The Mirror As I Got My Toothbrush From The Bathroom. I Had A Bloody Scar Over One Side Of My Face. I Lifted it off The Wall And Through It Down The Hallway. “I’m Done With Getting Dirty, I’m Not Dealing With It Anymore” I Said Aloud. Codie Looked at Me in Confusion but Grabbed Some of My Small Bags Filled with My Shoes/Hair ties/Socks/Underwear/Bra. I Carried three Bag of My Jeans/Shirts/Sweaters/Shorts/Tights and Legwarmers. We Walked Into His House As He Walked Me Up the Stairs To The Entrance Of A Blank Wall. I looked Over At Him. “What The Fuck?” I Questioned. He Moved A Picture to The Side A Bit And the Wall Opened A Door. I Jumped Back Surprised And Laughed. “That’s Awesome!” I Shouted. “My Dad Built It for Me To Put My Stuff In, Things I Didn’t Want People To Touch” He Looked Down At Me. I Kissed His Cold Lips. “I’m Sorry” I Said. He Nodded. We Walked Into The Room. It Was Huge. I Set My Bags Down, And He Set His Down. He Pulled Out A Wad Of Cash, There Had to Be At Least 2000 Dollars There. I Looked At Him And Pushed It Away. “You’re Rich?” I Asked. “A little, take It, It for a Bedroom Set, My Mom Said So”. “I Can’t, Its Way to Much!” He Took Out A Dollar And Smirked. “there” He Laughed. I Gave Him A Big Dirty I Took the Money. He Pulled out His Mom’s Car Keys. She Didn’t Seem Like She Liked Me Much. Codie Said She Would Learn To Love Me, But I Didn’t Care Either Way. Me, Codie And His Mom Drove To IKEA. I Bought A Bed, Some Dressers, And Some Bed Side Tables For Under A Thousand Dollars. I Got Black Sheets with Red Blood Splats on Them for Under 40 Dollars and Used The Rest, For Some New Clothes. When We Got Home Some IKEA Guys Helped Set Everything Up. When I was Settled In, I Put Away My Clothes, Shoes, Regular Teen Things. I Walked Down The Block While Codie Stayed Home To Help His Mom With Some Things. I Went To The Shoppers Drug Mart to Buy Some Pads, Tampons, Tooth Paste And A New Hair Brush. I Was Starting Over. My Dad Wouldn’t Be Getting Out Anytime Soon So I Was Going To Get My New Life Started. I Cashed Out And Walked Out The Store And Down The Street With Two Bags. I Bought Some Extra Pads Just In Case I Didn’t Get Money Next Month. I Wanted To Save Up, Mine And Codie’s 6 Month Anniversary Was Coming Up Soon; It’s a Big Deal To Me And I Wanted To Get Him Something Nice. I Walked Into The Door And Up Stairs To My Wall. (Lol) I Turned The Picture To The Right And Walked On In. I Unpacked The Pads/Tampons And Placed Them Into My Bedside Drawer. I Put My Toothbrush/Paste In My Own Bathroom; Can you Believe It? I Have My Own Bathroom. When I Turned Around Codie Was At The Door. I Hugged Him Tight A Kissed his Cheek. “I Love This, I Completely Love This”. He Smiled At Me As I Said It. “I’m Glad You Like it Babe” He Laughed. He’s Never Called Me Babe In The Whole 5 And A Half Months Weve Dated, But I Liked It It Was Very Unique. “Babe?” I Laughed. I Pulled Me In Close Wrapping His Arms Around My Waist “You Are My Babe” He Kissed My Lips Closing The Door Behind Him. It Was More Pleasure Than Pain That Day.
The Woods

Its Been 2 Weeks Since I Moved Into Codie’s House, I’ve Been So Busy I Havn’t Even Had Time For Joey. He Had To Go Back Home When I Moved In With Codie, I Felt More Guilt In My Stomach When I Seen The Pain In His Eyes At School. New Scars Each Day, From His Step Dad I Assumed. Joey Is My Best Friend, No Doubt At All. I Missed Him… I Didn’t Care What People Said At School, Being That People Recognized Codie Was Gay They Judged Him More Than They Judged Me, He Doesn’t Even Show Up To School Much Anymore. I Had To See Him. I Took A Shower, Got Dressed, Rushed My Hair In A Messed Bun And Walked Out The Door. I Avoided Each Crack In The Side Walk, My Mom Was Already Dead, And I Was So Sure My Dad Would Be Soon Gone As well, I Didn’t Care For My Father, Not Even Half A Slight Of Love, But My Mom Was A Good Mom, And I Wanted Her Happiness As Much As I Had My Own. I Got To Joey’s Door And Hesitated. I Let Out A Deep Breath And Knocked Three Times Backing Up

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