» Drama » Half Bred, Tala Anderson [large screen ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Half Bred, Tala Anderson [large screen ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Tala Anderson

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Chapter 7


Chapter 7


Enemies from the Past


Mist's prov


        Days past and we came closer, my life had changed in so many ways. I felt like I could be my self once again, but I knew I couldn't stay long I'v been so happy being with them, but I always feel like I'm being watched.


        Like someone is waiting for the right time to strike. I could not understand what was going on, but I know I will find out soon.


        One day after school I went home and found the door wide open. I walked in and looked around then I was hit by something or someone.


        Flashes of my past went through my head. I saw my mom and dad's face. Then I saw Sean and his family. Sean trying to get out of his mom's arms and his dad throwing stuff at me. 


        When I came too there was a man standing in front of me. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes and a scare that ran down the side of his face. I looked up at him and said with a weak voice "Who are you and what do you want with me?"


        He kneel down and said "Well well well the cat that got away. So you really don't remember me. Let me refresh your memory a little. You sitting in the corner while your mommy and daddy being killed then little o you decided to be a hero and you cut my face. Remember now. Now it's time I have a little pay back. But before I kill you I want to have a little fun!"


        He grinned and took a knife and cut my arms and legs then he took the end of the knife and hit me in the face with it.


        Before he had a chance something came crashing through the window and through the man across the room. Sean jumped thought the window and ran up to me. Josh attacked the men and I don't no if they were killed or what.


        Sean had a confused look when he saw Josh but snapped back and ran to me and and said "Come on lets get out of here." He untied me and helped me to my feet. 


        Josh had turned back and ran after us to the other side of the car and started it while Sean put me in the back. After seeing that I was being put in a car darkness was already taking over. Then nothing.


         It was dark and a little girl was screaming I saw the blood and anger that took over the the room the mans face keep popping up in my head. I was trapped with no were to run.


        Scared and alone as the girl I found to be me screamed to the top of her lungs as here mom and dad were being killed. Finally the pictures stopped and all was black and come then nothing.


         When I came too and heard a female yelling to the top of her lungs. I looked up and saw Sean's mom and she kept yelling "I can't believe you brought it here and after what you just told me. You are putting your own family at risk."


        I new that she was talking about me, but I didn't care all I cared was that my head was hurting and I wanted them to shut up. I then noticed I was in Sean's room I looked around the room and saw Sean sitting on the bed beside me telling his mom that I was family to and that he loved me and would do any thing to keep me safe even if it caused his life.


        His mom just stared at me then looked at Sean and said, "just get her out of here. Now." Sean got up and said, "get out she's not leaving till I know she will be ok got it." His mom look shocked then turned and left slamming the door behind her. 


        Sean looked over to me and saw I was a wake and asked "How do you feel? I was so scared I didn't no what to do I was so scared I thought you weren't going to make it. I could feel every thing from being scratched on the legs to the arms it hurt so much I thought it was just me then I herd you scream and took off running."


         I gave a weak smile that changed to a confused one and said, " Wait you could fell all my pain?" Josh then waked in and saw me awake and said, "hay how you feeling?"


        I looked at him then said " I feel light headed that's all. Hay can I ask you something?"


        "Sure!" He said with a grin on his face. "How is it Sean can feel everything I can?"


        " So you want to no about the soulmate thing huh!" Me and Sean just looked at him with a confused look on our face Sean then said "the Soul what!!"


        "The Soulmate it's were someone finds there other half the true love there world and things like that there other half.  Well that is what you and Sean are. But for a werewolf like me its different we have mates sort of like soulmates, but a little different we imprint on our mate so its a little different."


        After being told about the Soulmates and other stuff  I understood. Sean was a little mad cause no one told him Josh was sort of like me, but now he understood why I felt calmer when I met Josh instead of being so scared and not talking to him.


        After a while I started feeling light headed then every thing went black. When I woke up I was still in Sean's room, but this time it was quiet. I looked around finally my eyes meet Sean's.


         He was sitting on the bed beside me. When he saw I was awake he wrapped his arms around me and said, "I thought you would never wake. I talked my mom into letting you stay here." Right then someone came through the door. 


        It was his mom she came in with a bowl and a rag and handed it to Sean then walked away, but before she could get to the door I grabbed her hand and said "Why don't you like me? Why do you think of me as a monster?"


        She looked at me and said "I don't know, your just different and I don't hate you." I smiled and said "I might look different and I might be half Shape shifter, but I still have human blood flowing through my veins.


My mother was human and my dad was a full blooded Shifter, but they fell in love any way. They didn't care if they were different." She walked over to me and sat down and said "I'm sorry I guess I judged you by what you looked like, and not by your true self. I see now why my son helped you so many years ago." I smiled and pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her. After a sec or two she did the same.


        I pulled back and finally got a good look at her. She had long brown hair. a vary pretty complexion. She was short and she had brown eye's.


        Sean's dad walked in and saw me. His eye's got so wide. Sean's mom explained everything to him and he understood, and decided that what Sean did was the right thing and accepted it. From that point on every thing changed at least I thought.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8


A Secret Revealed


Mist's Prov


        Me and Sean went back to school and every thing got better. A lot  more people started to talk to me and everything was awesome. I felt excepted. At lunch I was sitting with Sean, Josh, and the rest of our friends when Clair came up and said to Sean "I see you and miss weirdo are together. I thought we were together."


        Sean looked at her with shock written all over his face as he said, "we were never together or did we have anything. I said hay to you once that was it. You just thought you were just so cool you could have anything huh!"


        Her face turned red then said "I beet yall haven't even kissed. You would parable gag if you did." He just starred at her then turned to me pulled me to him and kissed me deeply in front of everyone.


        He pulled back and to look at me then turned back to Clair and said "I didn't gag or anything." She just stared at him and then turned and walked away. Everyone started to laugh at the fact that miss smart ass just got back talked no one did that to her except me and now Sean.


        Latter that afternoon me and Sean were standing in my front door saying good bye. Be for he left he took my hat and held it over his head saying "if you want it back thin you have to kiss me!!" I smiled stood on my tippy toes to kiss him and while he wasn't paying attention I stole my hat back.


        He said "hay cheater." I pulled him into a hug and said "by.." Before I finished talking I saw Clair with a her phone taking pics of me without a hat on and my tail wiping back and forth. I quickly took off down the stairs and tried to catch up with her.


        I yelled "Clair wait you don't understand. Please wait." But it was too late. Sean ran up and said "She can't get far we can go after her.." "No it's alright I'll just have to move again just when I thought I could be happy." I ran up to my room.


         Sean chased after me and said "Wait you don't have to go. It doesn't matter what you look like or anything you can just be your self. ok." I just cried and he held me close.


        Finally when I finally calmed down I said, "fine if anything starters or anything I'm leaving I'm so tired of having to run." I leaned I'm to him and started crying again. After a while we said our byes and he left.


        When I got to school the next day I was walking through the hallway when someone knocked me down and said "I thought Cats always land on there feet."


        Everyone was laughing now even some of my friends were laughing. I quickly jumped up and made it to class. When I got there everyone just stared at me. I sat down by Sean and Josh, but everyone else moved away even two others that I thought were my friends. The teacher walked in and told everyone to quiet down.


         As class started someone passed me a note. I opened it and and read 'Hay freak were can I get a tail and some kitty ears. HAHA MEOW MEOW!! What did your mom marry a cat.' I took the paper and crushed it. Sean looked over at me and saw that my eyes were going from green to red. He whispered "It will be ok I promise come down and ignore them OK."


        The class started to Meow and joke

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