» Drama » Half Bred, Tala Anderson [large screen ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Half Bred, Tala Anderson [large screen ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Tala Anderson

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and call me names. The teacher turned around and started yelling at everyone to shut up. Someone got up and said "Mr.Jaae I thought cats weren't allowed in school." As she said this someone ripped my hat of my head and everyone started laughing.


        Before the teacher could do anything I jumped up and took off out the door with Sean and Josh on my heels. I ran half way down the hall when Josh caught me and Sean finally caught up I guess I was going to fast cause it took Josh a minute to catch me.


        Sean came up to me and wrapped his arms around me and said "Josh you can head back to class now, thanks." Josh shook his head and said "No she's like family, you both are and if someone is bullying y'all there bullying me. So i'm not going any where." I pulled Josh to me and gave him and Sean a big hug at the same time and said "Y'all are the best."


        We decided to skip that class. Sean said he would talk to the teacher about it so he didn't turn us in for skipping. At lunch we decided to sit out side to avoided running in to Clair. Well at least we tryed to avoided her.


        Here she was comes with a grin on her face right up to Sean and said "So how is it dating a cat huh. You still love her now that she's a laughing joke through out the school." Sean just looked at her then said in a mad but calm tone "Look Clair I'm sick and tired of you bullying people mainly, Mist."

        He just stared at her then looked in my direction then looked back at her and said "I'v new her since she was very young. I didn't care if she was different, and I still don't." Then Clair and some other people started to Laugh. They chanted Kitty cat Kitty cat MEOW MEOW mow mow over and over.

         The sadness in my eyes changed to madness. I couldn't hold it in any longer Josh noticed and yelled "Clair you better stop you have no idea what she will do to you. You don't want to make her any madder." I could here a low grow escape my chested then I did something I hadn't done in a long time. Shifted right in front of every one.

        I couldn't control it. I lunged at Clair as she screamed trying to duck, but Josh stepped in front and changed so he could block me from Clair. He yelled in my head 'STOP MIST CONTROL YOUR SELF NOW! IF YOU HURT CLAIR THEN YOU WILL BE KILLED AND HATED BY ALL. I NOW IT'S HARD, BUT YOU HAVE TO.'  

        After hearing that I turned and looked at Sean I could see the fear in his eyes. I let out a whimpered then took off into the woods. Finally making it to a tree to hid in. I shifted back and stayed there. Sean's Prov

        Josh jumped in front of her and they just stude the for a sec till Mist backed down then turned to me with scared and sad eye's then took off in to the woods. I turned and took off after her but she was too fast.

        I surched the woods for hours but could not find her Josh found me siting on a log and said "Find her yet?" All I could do was shake my head.


        We surched the wood a while longer then Josh said "Just give her sometime to come down then go to her apartment and you will find her. As much as I wanted to fnd her now he was right. 


        Each day at school clair would make fun of Mist and say mean things about her and how she was not scared of Mist and stuff. But realy she was scared shitless. You could see it in her eye's. 


        At lunch she had the nerve to come up to me and start telling me that she was better then Mist and how she wanted to be with me and I got pissed and yelled "YOU WILL NEVER BE BETTER THEN MIST SHE IS SMARTER NICER SWEETER KINDER AND STRONG HEARED THEN ANY OTHER PERSON I KNOW YOU WILL NOT TALK ABOUT HER IN THAT WAY CAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT HER. I LOVE HER AND ONLY HER! GOT IT....... GOOD!" I said that with a pissed face and i ment it I grabed my bag and let the school I couldn't take it any more.


Mist's prov    

    I didn't see anyone for a few days I new they would all be scared of me even Sean was. As I lay there in my bed crying I herd a knock on my room door. I just sat there and acted as if it was nothing. Someone opened the door and walked in.


         I looked up and said "Who.." I couldn't believe he was here. He sat on the bed. I felt his soft hands wrap around me and place me in his lap. And I cried on his shoulder. Why was he here he didn't care he was scared of me, but he was. I looked up and saw he was crying as well.


        He pulled me close like he was never going to let go. I pulled back and said "Why did you come here." Helooked at me with a confused look on and said "why wouldn't I? I love you and never want to be away from you." 


         He kissed me and I said "I thought you were scared of me. You looked at me with so much fear in your eyes." He was now shocked and he shook his head and said "No I was scared I was going to lose you." I was happy and sad at the same time. But I didn't bother with it. I was just happy being back in his arms.


        We laid there and said nothing I was just glade he was here and I was in his arms. I lay there finally letting sleep take me. I had dreams of him that night sweet happy dreams. 

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

 Back to school

Mist's Prov        

Time had passed and Sean finally got me to go back. As I was about to walk out the door, Sean walked over took my hat and made me change into some jeans and that had a hole put into it so that my tail showed. I keep telling him no that I couldn't go looking like this, but he wouldn't let me change.         When we got to school I looked over at him and said "I can't do this, please don't make me go in looking like this."


        He smiled and said "it will be ok, I promise. I want people to see how beautiful your true self is." I shook my head and said, "there going to be scared of me after what happened last week. Can't I just leave and go home."


        Without answering he got out and walked over to my side pulling the door open. "Look," he said, "don't listen to them. If you keep running all that will do is let them see that you are weak, and I know god damn well you are the strongest person I know. Even after Josh showed him self he still came. Yes people looked at him different, but he showed them he wasn't scared. Now it's your turn."          He took my hand and lead me out of the car. I new he was right so I held my head up high and we walked up to the front of the school. People stared, and whispered.


        We walked up to the school entrance when the principle walked out and said "Mist may we have a talk to you in the office. Sean you can head to class.." Sean cut her off and said," If you have something to say to Mist you can say it in front of me."          She look pissed but just rolled her eyes and said, "Alright I guess there will be no harm in it." With that she turned and started to walk to the office.


        I looked over at Sean to see him with a mad face as well. Grabbing his hand we headed to the office. Once we got there she told us to take a seat.         


         "Ok so now that every one knows you are different you know that's not a good thing right Mist," she said looking any were, but my eye's which I new were wanting to go red.


        I smiled and said in the calmest voice I could, "I'm sorry im not like all your other students. I tried to hide it, but hay when someone makes me mad and starts calling me stuff. I can't handle it, but no one else can ever find out and it cant get to the press nor can anyone out side of town find out. Please i've been running all my life and I cant keep going. I hate having to run." It wasn't till after I stopped talking did I notice I had started crying. 


         She gave me a smile then said " Tell me about your self and why you run tell me everything so I can help you." So I did. All the way from when my parents were killed to meeting Sean to what happened this past couple of months.  


        She told us she would keep it a secret and make sure everyone at the school did as well. I thanked her and she told us we could go to class. Everyone just stared, but no one said any thing.          When me, Sean, and Josh walked into the lunch room everyone turned to look at us. We just turned at headed to the lunch line to get our food.


        Before I made it to my seat someone tried to trip me. Only this time I caught my self and my tray before it could hit the ground. I turned around to come face to face with one of the football jocks and his sluts.


         I took my tray and dumped it on his head, and said " If you ever try to trip my ever again then you will get more than just food on your head. GOT IT!" He just nodded and took off to the bathroom to wash all the hot spicy food off his face. Clair walked up and said, "What now that you've got the whole school scared shit less of you, you just think you can do what ever you want. huh!!" Now I was pissed.


   I walked strait up to her so I was looking her dead in the eye's and said, "look here bitch, If you think I wanted to be feared you are dead wrong. I wanted to be just like everyone else. Do you think I wanted to be born this way? Or to see my Parents murdered will I had to watch at the age of 5? Does it look like I could just I don't know pick my life? NO I have to live with this thought everyday." I stopped to take a breath as Sean wrapped his arms around my waist.         


Then started yelling again, "I've lived by my self since I was 5 years old. 5

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