» Drama » Half Bred, Tala Anderson [large screen ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Half Bred, Tala Anderson [large screen ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Tala Anderson

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1 




Mist's prov


        When I was young my Parents were killed by hunters. All of the blood I saw. I was so scared and didn't know what to do. The man was walking toward me teasing and tanting me said "Come here my little kitty!!" I was so scared that I jumped at him with my neals fully extended and clawed his face he fell backward. Finaly finding my way. I was lucky to get away with my life.


        After the hunters left to look for me I went back to finded my mom and dad dead. I was alone with no where to go. I lived on the streets of a small town called Frontner for months all the kids would through rocks and other stuff at me thay would call me things like freek and weirdo and monster and other very mean things.


        One night I was looking through some trash for something to eat when some one came up behind me and tapped me on the sholder. I jumped and hid behind the trash can. Then I heard a vioce that said "it's ok i wont heart you." It was a young boy about my age. He asked "what are you doing in my trash? Are you looking for something? Or are you hungry?"


        I slowly came out from behind the can and asked "who are you?" He answered very nicely "My name is Sean What is yours?" "Mist.." I said in a low voice. He then asked "are you hungry?" I slowly noded. He smiled and said " follow me but be quiet." I quietly noded and followed him. He lead me in to his house then handed me some food.


        We walked back out side then I told him thank you. "Come to my house every night I will give you something to eat." He said in a really come but low voice. I then asked "Why are you nice to me?" He shruged and said "Why wouldn't I?" "Because I have a tail and cat ears. Im alot diffrent than you are."


        He looked at me confusingly then said " I don't care what you look like or what you are we are now friends and that is that. I have to go before my mom finds out im out here. I'll bring you something to eat every night ok." " Thank you soo much."I hugged him then ran off with the bread and a apple. 


        Months passed and he tought me to read and wright. One night we were sitting there just talking when I heard a voice say "Sean get away from that thing." It was his mom. He keep his promise and told his mom no he wouldn't leave me so he just sat there and told her No over and over. 


        She grabed him and he fought to get released his dad came out and started to through stuff at me and yelled get out of hear you freek. I took of running a promised myself I would never agine make any friends or fall inlove or any thing I would just be alone forever.


        Years passed and my life changed. I stated moving from place to place when i was 14. When I turned 17 I moved back to my old town. I was in 12 grade still. I got a job working at a shop and an apartment.


        The first day of school I wore black jeans and a gray shirt my black zipp up jaket and my gray and black shoes. I had black hair and a white strip in the bangges. My eyes at the moment I guessed were gray cause I felt so nervous and depressed like always they also change color depending on my mood. 


        My nose and and ears were piriced with my favorit rings they were black dimonds very rair diomonds might I add. I wore my favorit black hat to cover my cat ears and my tail was stuffed in my pants leg and it was very uncomfterble to sit on, but I learned to get over it.


        I rode my motercycle to school. It was in the middle of the school year so I was happy I had Awesome grades at my old school. I pulled up and got off my bike I pulled of my helmet and placed it on my bike. then grabed my gray and white bage and started toward the front of the school.


        Everyone staring cause I spead through the parking lot  to park, but before I made it some girls walked up to me and nocked my books out of my hands and thay hit the ground. I was mad now my eyes turned red not glowing red but red I looked up at the girl with my 'im pissed of face' and she just steped back and said "what is with your eyes freek." the word freek replayed in my head after that I picked up my books then headed through the doors.


        I want to the front desk to get my timetable for my classes I had Science first period. Before I went to class I stopped by my locker I was told all the books I need were in there.


        Classes flew by after that thin came lunch I sat at a table that was empty. Everyone just seemed to stare at me. Then walked it the chick from this morrning. Right up to the table I was sitting at she and said "What do you think you are doing??" I replyed very comly "Im sitting here eating my lunch and minding my on bizz. What are you doing?!" I asked with sarcasime in my voice.


        Everyone was staring now. Even the teachers. The girl didn't now what to say. She then got out the words "Do you no who I am. If you do thin you should no you are siting in mine and my friends settes."


        I got up and looked under and on the table then under the seats and then sat back down and said with even more sarcasum in my voice "I dont see a name or any thing on the table!" She got even madder and was about to punch me while I wasn't looking but I caught her hand in mide swing. Then lifted my head to look at her. 


        That was when a teacher walked up and said "Ok now you two stop this. Clair you and your friends go some were else and sit down. tomorrow she won't be sitting here so go on now or ill call your dad."  The rest of the day went by and no one seemed to notice me.


        My last class came which was History I walked in and handed the teacher my pappers. She looked up and said "Well, welcome Mist!" Then she turned to the class and said "Class we have a new student her name is Mist she just transfered here from california." She turned to me and asked "So Mist were where you born we are learning about diffrent peoples home towns?" I looked up and said " I was born here in Verginia."


"So you just moved back. How many times have you moved," she asked? I thought for a sec then said "To many times to count I went all over the U.S. I'v learned a lot of diffrent traditions in my travels."


"You and your family must have done a lot of moving?"  I sighed and then said "No just me." "O what about your family?" she asked with a confused look on her face. " They Died years ago when I was young."


"O sweety, I'm sorry I brung that up." I gave a half smile. "its all right Im over it."


Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Someone New Or Old


Sean's Prov


         There is a new girl I'm my class. Her name was Mist. My thoughts drift as I try to remember were I heard that name before. But couldn't put a finger on it.


        Then it hit me like a shock from lighting when she said she was alone. The girl from when I was younger, but this couldn't be her she didn't have a tail or anything like that other girl.


          But I feel like I know her from some were. Through out the day I see her and she's alown like she doesn't even want to try make friends like she don't even talk to anyone.


        Then she meets Clair and lets just say no one has ever talked to her like that. It happened a lot to day her and Clair yelling at each other. 


          I was about to head home when I saw Clair and her Football jokes messing with Mist's bike. I could tell that was a mistake. I watched as Mist walked out and when she saw her bike She looked pissed!


        Clair with her happy self walked up and said with a I don't give a shit child voice, "O, no your bike in broken and you helmet is crushed!!" Her and her friends started laughing. I just shook my head then stopped as they did something unexpected. They all took a step back like they saw a ghost or something.


          Mist said "You now what I think about girls or humans like you? Huh" Clair said in a real smart ass way "I don't care what, is a weakling like you suppose to do about it?" She spoke and said the laughter in her voice, "Come find out." and gave a devilish grin.


        By that time a entire crowed had surrounded them. Clair took of her shoes then ran at her. But Mist did something no one expected she did a front flip over Clair and landed it. Clair turned around and said "how did you do that?" She then tried to hit her again, but like at lunch she grabbed her fist in mid swing like before, but this time she squeezed and twisted it.


        Clair yelled out in pain then was punched her in the gut and she went flying across the ground people had to move out of the way to avoid being taken down by her.


  Before long a teacher came out and started telling everyone to go home and for Mist and Clair to stop fighting. I new just by looking at them that no one would stop them in the future. Once eveyone had left it was just me and her in the lot. She was trying to fix her bike thought it seemed like it was no use.


 I was amazed this girl could put up a fight like she did. But now I new not get on her bad side.


  I jumped in my car and drove up beside her and asked if she needed some help. She had a weary look then agreed. Once I was finished fixing the bike I gave her a ride to the gas station. The hole way I couldn't get my mind of all thouse years ago and why this girl brought back the memorys.


After I droped her off to fual her bike it started to rain so I gave her a lift to her place then headed home! Thinking about both the MIsts my Childhood friend then the new girl, but it couldn't be could it.


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