» Drama » Half Bred, Tala Anderson [large screen ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Half Bred, Tala Anderson [large screen ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Tala Anderson

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Clair. I was the freak of the town. No one cared if I no longer was there. Even Sean's parents called me a freak. So I ran. I lived Alone. I got a job some were no one new me I hide my true self so no one new I was different. I never stayed in one place never. I always ran."


 "Did you know? No one did anything about my parents being killed. That the man who killed them is still out there right now looking for me. Well was looking for me he found me and now I'm stuck here scared he'll show up again to try and kill me and will most likely do it this time" I said as my rampage went on!


  "If it wasn't for finding Sean after so many years I would be dead right now. I would of been still on the run. So no Clair, I would never of chose this life. There are only two things that make my life even worth it. Sean and Josh, and getting revenge on my parents," and it was all true and no one could tell me different!


     Clair just looked at me with a dropped jaw. Right as she was about to say something back the bell rang. I turned on my heals and ran out of the Lunch Room.


      And that's how the rest of the day went. I was either telling my story or yelling at someone for saying something out of line to me. 


        Latter that nigh Sean and me were lieing in bed with the sound of the night out side my window. Me in his arms I felt like notihng else mattered. Like no one could take this from me. I could say no one could, but then I would be lieing.


        Someone could and that was the last thing I wanted. Sean was my everything I don't know were I would of been right know if I never would of met him. I new it would hurt him when I leave, but I can't stay I just couldn't. 


        Sean's voice broke my from my thoughts by saying, "I'm scared as well." I looked at him in confusion.


        "What do you mean?" He look at me and replyed, " Im scared im going to lose you. That if that guy does come back that I wont be there in time. Im only a human. I dont have anyway to keep you saft. Im useless. I love you so much and there's no way I can keep you safe. No way to keep you from any type of harm."


        I stoped him by saying " You are not useless. You might be human, and might not be able to keep me from any type of harm, but you have to remember my mom was human and my dad didn't care. He was stronger than that guy and still got killed. You are not useless. YOU have been there when im down. When all I want to do is die, you are there. If it weren't for you, I would of lost it. I would be running from everything." 


        Taking a breath I gave him a peck on the lips then continued "YOU showed me what it was like to love someone. To be happy. I feel like my life has changed so much. And it has all because I met you. Sean you are every thing to me. That's why I fell in love with you. God Sean I love you so fucking much. So don't go saying you are useless cause you are far from useless."


        Sean pulled me into a kiss and said " I love you, too," aginst my lips. That night he showed me just how much he truly did love me, and I new there was no way I could leave him. He is my everything. My life. My Soulmate and my love.

Chapter 10

 Chapter 10


'Positive' O No


Mist prov


Two weeks have passed since that night. At school things are great. Many other students stopped being around Clair, Do to as they say 'She's not worth being around' or something like that! I really didn't care, and here i am waking up Monday morning running to the bathroom to throw my guts up!! Once I was finished I just sat there! I have been feeling sick, but I don't know. It's most likely something I've eaten recently. 



I got up from the floor to get a nice hot shower. Striping the PJ I was wearing, and got into the nice hot shower. The heat feels good on my bare skin. Each drop was like a spark that woke my body from it's slumber. In other words it felt amazing.     


        Once I got out and dressed. I headed to the kitchen to find Josh sitting on my counter eating an Ice cream sandwich which so happens to be the last one in my freezer. 


"JOSH,' I yelled, "THAT WAS MY LAST ONE!!" I ended up chasing him around the kitchen with a wooden spoon. 


        Josh yelled and laughs and teases saying stuff like ' what you going to do about it halfling' and calling me a rabid animal. After a while I finally caught him in a corner, and started to whack him with the spoon. He was yelling and telling me to stop as he laughed and tried to grab the spoon. 


        Our little seine was soon ended when someone cleared there throat and the smell of food hit my nose. I jumped up and took off to the bathroom throwing up my guts once more. Sean walked up behind me and held my hair out of my face. Once I finished I sat once again on the floor, with Sean sitting beside me.


        "You don't look so good why don't you stay home and get some rest." Sean said with a cute little smile on, but I could tell he was worried. The look in his eye's gives it away as well as the filling I get. 


        I smiled and said, "No, I'll be ok. I have a test today anyway," getting up from the ground. I walked over to the sink to wash my mouth out, and brush my teeth. 


        "Do you want me to take you to the doc latter if you don't feel any better." he asked? I couldn't go to a human Hospital, that and I didn't want to know why I was sick, but I have a feeling I know why. "No, I'll be fine I think I just ate something bad and im having a bad reaction to it," I stated looking down at my feet. All he did was node. " I can't go to a human hospital anyway."


"Yea I know, I'm just worried about you," he said. I smiled and told him i would be fine. We both walked out to find Josh covered in chocolate. Well on his face anyway. Wait chocolate.... O'No he didn't. "Josh what did I tell you about getting into my food. THAT WAS THE LAST OF MY CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!!!!!!" I yelled and whacked him again.


        "Ow women stop hitting me, and what do you expect I'm a guy, who is in a house full of sugar. What do you think would happen to the ice cream," he asked with a smile on his face. "You owe me big time mister," I say as I turn and walk out the door! I can hear them both laughing behind me. 


Sean's Prov


        I'm worried. Very worried. Mist has been feeling sick for a couple days now and just to day she started throwing  up. I think she might be pregnant, but I'm not for sure.


        All through out the day she has run to the restroom throwing up. I don't by it that she ate something bad. So not knowing what else to do, I turn to the only person I know that can help me. Josh.


        During lunch I dragged him off to the side to ask him some think and to see if he could help me out!


        "Hay I was trying to get something to eat," He said trying to walk off again. "Josh I need to talk to you, about Mist." I said. This seems to catch his attention. "What has that loser started back messing with her?" He asks. I hope he doesn't show up again if he does Im going to kill him.


        "No, I need to know is there a doc I can take Mist too? She's been throwing up and I think she might be....... pregnant!" I said a bit hesitantly. When I said that his jaw dropped. 


        "Dude you and her had sex, and you think she's pregnant. Holy Shit I didn't see that coming! Wow I'm..." I cut of his on going rampaging saying, "Josh just answer the damn question." 


        "Yea, there is at my pack house. We have a pack doctor there." He finally said. "But how are you going to get her to go?"


        "I'll think of something." I told him, walking away to go think. I might be a dad. I don't know if i'll be a good dad. I'm only 18. Ugh what have I done. Well I do know one think I'm not going to run, to be honest I hope she is. As long as I have her I don't care, and being a dad can't be that bad.


        Mist's Prov

        It's been two days now and I've decided to take a test to see if i was right. I walked into the store and got three different types of pregnancy test. I kept my head down the whole time. I got weird stares from everyone in the store. Even the cashier gave me a look and said " I hope you have a nice life!" with the most sarcastic voice ever.


        Once I got home I used all three two times. Don't judge me I have to be positive. I checked the box and it said to wait 5 min after taking test, so I made me a glass of water and waited. 


        My 5 min's was up, so here goes nothing. One look, and I could feel my heart stop. Tears came to my eye's and I slipped to the floor. What am I to do. Sean's going to leave me. As soon as I tell him, he'll push me away and run. I can't do this!! How could I be so stupid. 


        All six of the test were........ Positive! O' No


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