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Genre Drama. Page - 42

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Marcy gets her date with Brent and she passes out in the bathroom.....

This is only one week of the a teens life.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssss

Indigo was never one to fit in anywhere. She was never really noticed by anyone, including her own parents, and she does not know if she should feel grateful, or lonely. She is the outcast that everyone either ignores, or targets and that leaves room for a darker world in her mind.

Oh no! Noobs are gonna take over Handipoints! Perry (the boy with the dog head in the black T-shirt) teams up with his Kewl Kat friends to defeat the noobs! Which side will win?

Carly is a young girl. She lives a normal and happy life. One day her world turned upside down and she must struggle for things that were obvious for her. She lost everything and wish she could be same again........

This is about a girl whos name is Abby Darling, she is thirteen, and life suckes. . Her sister went missing for over a year and they have given up all hope. A masked girl (N.Y.) comes and leads her to weird things, that brake Abby down in to tears. N.Y. is showing her who she really is and to discover something she never had known. Will Abby ever find out what in the worl is going on?

Karina Petrolia has been through alot and she's trying to forget all of it by living with her slightly college-educated brother. She's been getting through life fine until she meets the mysterious and kinda bipolar Ryan. She falls for him at first sight, but does her new lifestyle agree to her new found crus or does it want to break off any ties between the two students?