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When Mya Harson sees Brandon for the first time since he moved her and her friends get notes and threats from a man named Jack who kidnapped her and them a couple of months ago. Amber, Mya, Jenna, Ally, and Nicole get phone calls, and even get hurt when Jack gets to them. They get an amazing opportunity and they take it, hopefully they'll get to do it before they die. When Mya realizes that something amazing, the thing she never dreamed of happens.

this time a new lover has came in to play in the argument with gal and yuuki to make kazuto to fall in love with her but has a problem since gal is there.

April Haze finds the love of her life, Alex. A popular girl, that befriends April after she get's picked on for how she looks. April and alex become bestfriends then something happens to Alex.

Nagato Honda is an orphan and she lives in a tent on a property that belongs to a rich family, but when they find her living in the tent, they let her live with them, when a landslide happens and smashes into the tent, she goes into histeria! What will happen to Nagato?

What the soul may think, when the body is dead already.

I wrote this book at school thinking it will never go anywhere. Until my sister told me about this it would just be on my computer screeen!!

"Gang first family second" was all he heard his brother Jaydan say as a kid. Ever since Jaydan brought Zaylin in the gang life, he promise his self that he would over throw his brother empire. With his new friend Trey to help, but one wrong move can sacrifice there life. Will you live by the code or choose family over all?

Way far in the forbinned place in the USA there is a place calleds HowlVille. That is where the Werewolves live and other monsters, but they all have to stay in their part. One day someone did not; or did they.