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Promise's relationship goes down hill, but she meets someone that changes all of that. But problems happen when her exboyfriend finds out about her new relationship.

teenager who feels like she is trapped in this world with a drug addict and abusive father and nobody who really cares about her exept her two bestfriends and her boyfriend.

Alasha and Alicia are best friends, who are way past letting a guy get between them. Then Alicia meets Brandon and he isn't that bad, but Alasha is getting mixed vibes from him. Probably because he is her ex- boyfriend. Even though Alasha knows this is wrong, she has too big a heart to tell Alicia, but when Brandon confesses his feelings for Alasha, and Alicia finds out in the most ugliest ways. Can Alasha and Brandon be the bigger person and listen to their heads, for Alicia's sake, or will

:::THIS BOOK IS NOT FINISHED::: [Classified] one of the Survivors Of Project Z's Account on what happened

This Is About A 15 Year Old Who Gets Pregnant And Has No Were To Go And No One To Turn tO

kaycey knows about her twin kayley. the two girls are different. kayley is the cheer leader,where as kaycey is the girl that sits in the back of the class hood up ear phones in and hair a blazing red. when their parents meet again they fall in love and the mom gets pregnant. the girls have to get along, and get to know one another. their parents are getting married and they girls have to just get used to it.