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many clues for imparting health education to individuals and groups. Safety First

The school has the responsibility for providing an environment that ensures safe living at school. It is necessary that safety is promoted in the classrooms, playgrounds, laboratories, workshops etc.

Lectures and Talks

The headmaster, teachers, school medical officer, local health authorities and the physical education instructor may deliver special lectures on various requisites of health and hygiene from time to time. After these talks students should be given opportunities to ask questions concerning these topics of health and hygiene to remove their doubts and to bring in their individual health problems. The impact of these lectures and talks on the students should also be evaluated from time to time.

Printed Material

The school can accumulate a lot of printed material on health and hygiene, such as books, booklets, charts, posters, pamphlets, leaflets etc. The health department, hospitals, red cross and other social welfare organizations can be contacted for relevant health literature. The teachers can themselves prepare charts, posters and leaflets on simple topics like food, exercise, personal cleanliness, healthy habits, prevention, diseases etc. The students can also be encouraged to prepare and display such materials.

Health Weeks

Health week may be celebrated in the school every year, in which special emphasis may be placed on personal hygiene, school cleanliness, community health etc. The students may engage in the thorough cleanliness of the school campus. They may also go to the village and do social service for its cleanliness. Various student committees may be formed regarding different aspects of personal cleanliness. Different committees may arrange competitions in their areas and award prizes to students having a better grasp of health education and its activities.

Health projects

Apart from health weeks, some specific health projects may also be undertaken by the school to promote health education. A campaign may be launched to combat dengue and reduce its incidence. The uneducated adults may be educated about personal hygiene. The eradication of mosquitoes can be another campaign Some exercise, drills, games and entertainments may also be introduced to serve some of the aspects of health education.

Health Clubs

Health clubs like other student clubs and societies can be organized in schools. These clubs can arrange debates, plays etc. on health matters in co-operation with Red Cross Society and Health Department. The members of these clubs should be duty bound to practice health rules in their daily lives.

Films and Film Strips

These are the latest devices for imparting health education. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and also the Public Relations departments prepare from time to time certain documentary films to acquaint the public with the causes, precautions and remedial measures of important diseases. These films also discouragebad habits like smoking, drinking, addiction, overeating, gambling etc. Importance of personal and social hygiene can be explained very effectively with the help of these films which have really done much service in making people health-minded. The films or film-strips on various aspects of health can be shown in the school from time to time. Film strips depicting various aspects of health can also be prepared in the school at a very low cost.


Radio talks are popular and effective medium for giving health education to the pupils and the public in general. Health rules, healthy habits, health standards, health requirements, health hazards etc. can be presented to the listeners through talks, poems, songs, plays etc. over the radio. The students not only get entertainment from radio programmes, but useful health instructions also.


Television provides a much better device to telecast features on healthful living. It is a most potent instrument in raising the health standards of the community.

Educational Trips

Seeing is believing. Field trips provide actual learning situations for the pupils and they get a first-hand experience. Such trips can be organized to visit red cross, clinics, exhibitions, yoga centres, public health centres, water supply centres etc. After the visit there should be further discussion to clarify any doubt or to supplement the material.

Incidental Teaching

At the school stage there are always many opportunities of giving incidental health education to the students. There may be an incident of a communicable disease, the teacher has to educate the students to prevent against it. By frequent checking, personal cleanliness habits may be emphasized among the pupils.


The school health education programme revolves around three aspects:

Health Instruction Health Services and Health Supervision Health Instruction

It is one of the important responsibilities and functions of the school to ascertain that every student is made familiar with the need for maintaining excellent health. They need to know about their own physical health, what good health is, how to acquire good health, how to acquire good health, how to avoid illness and accidents, how to protect health of others, facts about sex, value of improved nutrition, value of exercise, recreation, rest, sleep, sanitation, regular elimination, cleanliness, safety etc.

Scope of Health Instruction

Health instruction would includes areas like:

Elementary knowledge of physiology and anatomy including those influences which are injurious to physical health as well as physiological system of the individual. Hygiene and sanitation which includes: Food, its importance and requirements, its characteristics and nutritive aspects, its source, its preparation and contamination, its digestion, its assimilation and its excretion. Water and air, their importance, source, contamination etc. Rest and sleep, their importance and manner. Exercise, importance, manner and duration. Work and play, recreational activities etc. Dress and dwelling. Healthful surroundings, home environment, lighting and ventilation. Healthful habits like brushing, bathing, exercise, eating etc. Influence of bad habits like spitting, smoking, drinking, addiction etc. Causes of diseases and our defences against them. First aid and home nursing. Special hygiene like domestic hygiene, sex hygiene, mental hygiene, community hygiene, industrial hygiene etc. School Health Services

Besides imparting health instruction to the pupils, it is important for the school to provide practical health services.

Reasons for providing health services:

To enable the students to realize their educational aims. To minimize the hazards of school attendance. To organize school programmes according to individual capacities and needs. To ensure normal and sound health among the pupils.

Agencies of Health Service

The school health service is looked after by the following agencies:

School Medical department Dispensary Red Cross Unit Sports Department

Programme of Health Service

It consists of:

Medical inspection of pupils. Records of medical inspection and health. Information to parents about the physical health of the pupils. Clinical treatment of needy students. Vaccination Special attention to the health conditions of the pupils eg. Posture, skin, ears, heart, lungs, eyes, chest, throat, nervous disorders etc. History of special or chronic cases. Follow-up of medical inspection. First-aid Mid-day meals and looking into the nutritional aspects Attending to healthy and clean school conditions.


Health Supervision

The school authorities also have to supervise various health services regularly. It has to be ensured that the school functions under sound hygienic conditions. Important aspects which come under health supervision are:

The site of the school:

The school should be situated in a healthy, attractive, clean, congenial and pleasant environment. It should have a natural surrounding with a touch of beauty. It should be at a safe distance from unhealthy things. The site should be free from noise, dust, smoke, dampness and other unhygienic conditions.

The building:

The building as a whole, classrooms, playgrounds etc. should be clean, neat, spacious and beautiful to a reasonable extent. There should be arrangement for its annual white-washing and repairs.

Light and air:

There should be adequate light and ventilation. The sunlight should not enter the rooms directly during the summer. The purpose is to have maximum sunlight in winter and minimum sunlight in summer. There should be provision for both natural and artificial light and ventilation.


The furniture and seats should be comfortable for the students. There should be provision for its annual repairs and polishing.


Regular supervision of the school canteen is very important from the point of view of hygiene, cleanliness, nutrition and health.

Drinking water:

An adequate provision of fresh and clean drinking water has to be ensured.


This facility should not only be adequate, but its regular cleanliness and disinfection has to be ensured.

Sanitation and hygiene:

The plan of the entire school campus should be commensurate with the rules and requirements of sanitation and hygiene. Disinfectants should be regularly used at all places whenever necessary.


Dustbins should be provided at suitable spots to help everyone keep the campus clean by throwing pieces of waste paper and such other materials in them.

Healthy postures:

Suitable postures of sitting, standing, reading, writing, walking, running, working and lying should be emphasized because they are a very essential part of any health education. A wrong posture is very dangerous from the health point of view and it may lead to deformities and stunted growth.

Games and exercises:

Games and exercises are essential if we want children to enjoy reasonably good health.

Mid-day meals:

Proper arrangement of nutritive mid-day meals should be made. The school should supplement and enrich the lunch of the students. A clean and comfortable seating arrangement should also be provided for the students to take their lunch.

School programme:

The school programme and time table should be so organized that it may not cause fatigue to the teachers and students. The school hours should be adjusted to the age-level of the students and seasonal changes.

Teacher’s role:

The teacher should have a proper emotional balance and a sense of humour to create and maintain a healthy classroom environment. They should respect every student’s individuality. Teacher should be fair, honest, impartial and free from prejudice.

Medical Examination:

In order to judge the level of health of students, there will be need for medical examination at regular intervals. Students have to be protected from infectious diseases and treated for ailments,if any.







Chapter: 20 Aims and objectives of physical education

Aims and objectives of physical education

In the educational process the statement of objectives is essential to give direction to the selection of instructional activities and methods of teaching.  It is also the first step to be kept in view by the teacher for helping children effectively to grow and develop in desirable ways.  This is also true of physical education.  In the words of Mohiyuddin, “the object of physical education and training is to help in the production and maintenance of health in body and mind.  The condition of modern civilization, involving crowded localities, sedentary occupation, increase of study and mental work, restricted opportunities for natural physical growth- all these require that children and young people should receive physical education, they must be encouraged to devote special attention for maintaining the health of the mind and the body.”


Development of well-built and strong bodies. Conservation of health. To keep children fit and in trim form during school lie and ultimately make them into well-developed, full-fledged, wholesome personalities. To develop in them the sense of personal hygiene, social hygiene. Mental hygiene, moral hygiene and sex hygiene. Development of regular habits of exercise, cleanliness and play and of healthful living. Development of personal qualities like, self-reliance, endurance, self-control, courage, initiative, steadiness of purpose and resourcefulness. Development of social qualities like obedience, co-operation, fellowship, fairmindedness, selfless service, leadership, followership, sportsman spirit etc. Development of character and personality and the whole man.


As suggested by American Educational Policies Commission. There are four objectives of physical education:

Self Realisation: The realisation of the self is achieved best through interaction of the self with the social group. Opportunities for this interaction are available in abundance in physical education. A student understands the basic facts concerning health and disease. He strives to improve the health of the community. Human Relationship: The individual learns that his own healthcare affects others also. He/she understands that safety applies to protecting others as
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