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in-service teachers of physical education and supervisors. Special coaching camps may also be arranged for them. All teachers below the age of 40 should actively participate in games and physical education activities. The existing facilities for the training of teachers of physical education should be expanded both in quantity and quality. Full records of the student’s participation in these activities may be maintained and they should get credits for their achievements in these fields. The physical education programmes should be within our financial means. Special instruction and coaching should be provided to students with talent, special aptitude and exceptional skill. Sports festivals should be frequently organised and sports and sports events encouraged on the occasion of fairs and other festivals. There is a vast talent potential in the country which should be exploited by intensive and planned coaching. Health, power of endurance, physical well-being, energy and stamina of young people should be developed by nutrition and suitable exercises. Standard equipment should be manufactured in the country so as to be available at cheap rates to all. The rules of amateurism laid down by the International Federations and the International Olympic Committee should be strictly followed in schools. A sense of sharing responsibility in a spirit of democratic co-operation should grow from experience on the playground as well as the gymnasium.




Health is the greatest blessing of all. But it is a matter of regret that many of us do not know what it means. We know it only by its reverse as disease, ill-health and misery. Health is not just the absence of disease. No doctor can prescribe health, no government can ordain health by statute and no international agency can administer health. All that a community can do for a healthy life is to provide the means and services like, social conditions, public health measures, sanitation, better treatment of diseases etc., so as to enable individuals to lead a life of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Meaning of Health

The word “health” has different meanings and interpretations for different people.

To a man on the street, health may mean that he is not sick. A child may see it as washing his hands and feet or brushing his teeth. To a young girl it may refer to the way she looks and the enjoyment she gets. A teacher may opine a sound mind in a sound body. Health according to psychologists is the product of the normal functioning of cells, organs and systems. To a family physician health means constant supervisions and periodical examinations. An unhealthy person considers health as the most priceless possession of all.

Therefore, it is difficult to describe health in a true manner. Historically, the term ‘health’ is derived from an old Anglo-Saxon word “HEALTH” meaning the condition of being safe and sound or whole.

Health Defined

We can define health as the quality resulting from the total functioning of the individual that empowers him to achieve a personality satisfying and socially useful life.

The World Health Organization defined health as “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

Health has been defined by the modern medical science as a state of the organism in which the biophysical, biochemical and structural aspects function satisfactorily and which enables him/her to adjust to the environment.

In a physiological sense, good health may be defined as a state of the perfect operation of all the bodily functions, freedom from bodily pains and also freedom from mental and physical discomfort.

According to J. F. William, “health is the quality of life that enables the individual to live most and serve best.”

Importance and Improvement of Individual, Family and Community Health

Health means complete physical, mental and social well-being. Normal physical health means that the whole body functions in such a way that a person is free of pain, discomfort and disease. Health also refers to a sound efficient mind and wholesome emotions. A healthy person has good relations with his family and associates.

The health of an individual depends on what he does, not on what he knows. Most of us are with a sound body and mind which must be maintained by healthy living and by practicing safe and sound health habits every day.

Knowledge of health and its constant purposeful application to everyday life should bring vigour, satisfaction and happiness. People can attain health by:

Practicing good health habits Making health one of their goals for teaching and action and Working in close co-operation with the health team in their area.

Factors affecting Health

The six major factors that affect a person’s health are heredity, environment, social habits, nutrition, professional health service and freedom from disease and accidents.


The colour of the eyes, the shape of the nose, one’s stature and general body form etc. are inherited through the reproductive cells of parents. A few diseases are also hereditary. There are two genes in each cell for every inherited trait. This is why people are different.


The world we live consists of:

Factors and conditions such as soil, forests, rivers, plants, animals, insects, house, wells, ponds, trains, newspaper, books and countless other things, and People and their behaviour as expressed by custom, habit, tradition, prejudice, superstition and institutions.

We are healthy, sick or disabled depending on our physical environment and on our health habits. Therefore, the combined efforts of the individual, community, government and the system of education are necessary to create a safe physical environment where individuals can work and live a healthy and happy life.

Social Habits

Our habits of eating, cleanliness, clothing, home remedies for illnesses and most of the thinking about health are the direct outcomes of the influence of parents, teachers, members of the family and trends. Many people believe that sickness is a curse that must be endured. People can be taught scientific truths about the cause and prevention of sickness.

Proper Nutrition

Eating a balanced diet is an essential life activity. A balanced diet provides the cells of the body the essential nutrients for:

Growth and repair Regulation of body processes To yield energy

The right kind of food, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits, meat or fish, cereal and whole grain in proper balance provide the nutritional needs of the body.

Proper nutrition is a health problem in India. This is because of lack of food and a large proportion of our population is undernourished because the food eaten is not of proper quality and is not in proper balance. Much improvement should be made in the field of nutrition.

Professional Health Service

This essential factor contributing to effective living consists of adequate medical and dental care and health education. Health services range from preventive to curative measures including health guidance, periodic health examination, recording of health histories and clinical, surgical and hospital care. Health education should enable one to

Understand the role of professional services in effective living Select competent health advisors Discover how to secure continuous medical supervision and care and Determine ways and means to pay for professional services.

Great strides in solving the nationwide problem of providing competent professional health services for the individual and the group can be made in the near future.

Freedom from Disease and Accident

This vital factor of health is no longer considered as total health, but as merely one aspect of health. Modern control of communicable disease is one of man’s greatest achievements and has done much to increase effective living and longevity. Several diseases like pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza and other general diseases, still remain to be completely eliminated and there is much yet to be accomplished in disease prevention and control.

The chronic degenerative diseases, heart disease, cancer and others are still unconquered. Examples of intelligent health practices which increase effective living include building resistance to disease through a balanced programme of physical activity, adequate sleep and rest, proper diet, scientifically proved immunizations, avoiding sources of infection, seeking prompt medical and dental care, including regular medical and dental examinations and taking plenty of time to recover when disease strikes.

Accidents in the home or in the highways and in industry constitute one of today’s major problems. Learning to live effectively, yet safely is a difficult art in present-day society.

There is a great opportunity for improvement, personally and in the community with respect to freedom from disease and accidents through better health education.

Qualities of a Healthy Person

A healthy person should havecertain qualities like:

Absence of physical and mental disease. A busy, active and disciplined life, having full control on time. Normal and balanced weight. A healthy person should be neither very thin nor very fat. A healthy person should take a balanced diet, rich in all vitamins, particularly B and D. Calcium should also be taken in good quantity. A healthy person should be away from tension of any sort. A healthy person enjoys to live. For him living is a pleasure, not a burden. A healthy person always feels young because age is not a physiological or psychological concern. A healthy person should have a normal heart beat, proper elimination and happy disposition. A healthy person should have a strong constitution. A healthy person maintains a cheerful and positive attitude of mind. A healthy person has sound sleep. Sound sleep indicates sound health. Sound sleep is refreshing and health giving.


Every living being is provided by nature, physical machinery to express itself, to live and perform its natural functions.  Right from amoeba to the human organism, there is a physical body provided, and the complexity of the body increases as we go up from the lower organism to the higher one, human organism being the culmination.  A human body also has innumerable organs and each organ has its special functions.  The smooth functioning of each organism, in accordance with its specified tasks, is health.

According to an English term, health is a condition of being ‘safe and sound’.  The dictionary meaning of health is ‘the state of being hale and sound in body, mind or soul, especially from physical disease or pain’.  It is also defined as the state in which the mental and physical activities of the body are adjusted satisfactorily to the environment.  To be in health means much more than freedom from disease and discomfort.  It includes normal functioning of all parts of human organism, resulting in physical strength and vigour, mental stability and satisfaction with life.

In the word of J.F. Williams, “Health is the quality of life that enables the individual to live most and to serve best.”  According to world health organisation, “health is a complete physical mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”  Health implies a sufficient reserve of physical strength, ability and endurance as well as equilibrium to meet the demands of everyday life.

Most people think that health is merely freedom from illness.   But this is only a narrow concept of health.  This narrow concept of health is responsible for general ill-health and misery.  So a wider and comprehensive view is needed which may lead to positive health, with desirable growth and social values.  This positive health goes beyond the mere elimination of illness includes help and guidance in the upbringing of children, especially in respect of nutrition, growth and development, immunity and maintenance, knowledge and care of body, mental hygiene, rest and movements, recreation and emotional satisfaction.

Health is, thus, the basis of life.  It is not only important but also essential to make one’s life happy.  As long as a person is not healthy, he cannot happy. He cannot serve his society.  He

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