» Education » MY SCHOOL, Dr .Nilesh Gopal das Joshi [best free ebook reader for pc txt] 📗

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well as oneself. Also, physical education activities strengthen friendship, loyalty, fair play, tolerance, team spirit etc. Economic Efficiency: Many persons decide upon a professional career in one of the areas of physical education. Apart from that, we can easily recognise the significance of physical education in matters of general occupational efficiency, stamina, hard work, endurance, speed and occupational adjustment. Civic Responsibility: Social justice is indirectly related to providing equitable health services and recreational activities for every citizen. Objective of physical education in primary stage (class I to V) To develop in the student proper regular habits and attitudes to meet the needs of the body. To train how to keep their hands feet, eyes, nose and hair clean. To develop awareness and sensitivity towards the immediate environment and understand the inter-dependence between human and the environment. To develop respect for physical work, dignity of labour and hard work. To develop values such as cooperation, teamwork and tolerance. To develop physical mental and emotional well-being through ‘yoga’ and games. To develop an attitude of living in clean environment. To be able to naturally accept failure and success.


Objective of physical education at the upper stage (class VI to VIII) To enable the students to understand the meaning and importance of physical education To enable the students, acquire healthy practices relating to exercise, rest, recreation, relaxation, posture, safety. To develop skills in providing first-aid in athletic and other common childhoods injuries that occurs in the home, school and outside the home and school. To develop organic fitness To cultivate habits of engaging in appropriate exercises so that immediate and future health needs are met. To develop neuromuscular skill and promote the ability to perform the work with ease and grace. To develop spirit of self-sacrifice and tolerance. To develop attitudes of cooperation, good sportsmanship and fair play. Objective of physical education at the secondary stage (Class IX and X) To bring overall awareness of values and inculcate among students the desired habits and attitudes towards physical fitness and to raise their physical fitness status. To develop scientific point of view regarding physical education. To identify personal, family and community physical fitness problems and acquire scientific knowledge and information to control these problems to stay physically fit. To develop awareness regarding transfer of fundamental processes to physical activities to one’s choice. To develop interest in exercise, sports and games for self-satisfaction and making it a part of life. To develop an awareness of good postures and to strive for them. To enable the students to develop an active and sturdy life. To enable students to develop sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice. To enable the students to practice socially behavioural patterns in an impressive manner. Objective of physical educationfor Elementary Teachers Training To enable the students to appreciate the need for physical education in the total curriculum. To enable the students, identify common postural defects among the students and suggest remedial treatment. To enable the students to provide First-Aid for minor accidents and injuries. To enable the students to plan, organise and conduct activities and practices directly related to children’s games and sports. To enable the students to organise various indigenous and modern games, combative, drill marching and calisthenics display.

The aims of physical education are:

Development of physical well-being: This implies providing physical education to students for normal physical growth and development, in developing endurance and strength to do normal task of life as well as to meet the demand of the stress of life, without feeling undue strain and in maintaining and developing proper and sound functioning of organs and organic systems. Development of motor qualities: Physical education aims at developing motor qualities such as endurance, strength, speed, coordinative abilities, flexibility and power, etc. Development of neuro-muscular coordination: Neuro-muscular coordination is essential in order to accomplish a work gracefully.  Such activities are developed only through physical exercise and that too at the younger age to a considerable extent. Maintenance of health and fitness: physical activities aim at helping in a large measure to slow down the degenerative process. Development of functional knowledge: Physical education aim at providing opportunities to acquire knowledge of first-aid and proper health procedures related to physical exercises. Cultural pursuits: As observed by cozens and stempt, sports and physical activities belong to the ‘arts’ of humanity.  Such activities have formed a basic part of all cultures, including all racial groups and historical ages, because they are as fundamental form of human experience as music, poetry wars, systems of government, plagues and famines, have come and gone in the long record of mankind, these fundamental things have always been present, in greater or lesser degree. Sublimation of emotions: Gregarious instinct in the adolescent is very predominant.  This expresses the desire of the growing boys to form groups.  If no opportunity is provided to the students, they may form gangs.  Physical activities enable them to work in appropriate groups. Social and civic training aim: By participating in a variety of physical activities, students learn valuable lessons of cooperative and team work. Vocational aim of physical education: physical education aims at developing skills which prepare students for a vocation. Spiritual development aims of physical education: physical education being an integral part of the total educational processes, should help in the spiritual development of the student. Aim of development of sentiment of Loyalty: physical education aims at developing the sense of loyalty among the students. Tournaments foster this sentiment.

Principles of Physical Education programme as Given by Indian Education Commission

Indian Education Commission (1964-66) recommended the introduction of physical education as a compulsory school subject and emphasized that a satisfactory programme should be developed on the basis of the following principles:

Interests and capacities: The physical education programme should be planned for desirable outcomes keeping in mind the interests and capacities of the participants. Emphasis on traditional forms of play: The traditional forms of play and physical activities that have developed in our country should receive due emphasis in the programme. Sense of personal worth and pride: The activities promoted should develop in each child a sense of personal worth and pride. Sense of sharing responsibility: A sense of sharing responsibility in a spirit of democratic co-operation should grow from experience on playground and in the gymnasium. Supplement other programmes: The programmes offered should supplement other programmes of education and not duplicate them. Financial means: The programmes offered should be within our financial means. Programmes for all: The physical education programme should reach and benefit all rather than a selected few. Special coaching: Special instructions and coaching should be provided for students with talent and special aptitude.


Physical education forms an important part of modern education.  Almost every school can boast of a playground and one or two teams.  In every modern school and colleges, after class work, students in various sports and games.  The students generally take to all kinds of physical activities and show a great deal of interest in them.

Physical education is of special importance to students.

They are great sources of pleasure to them. They build the body and refresh their mind. They train the mind in many virtues. They teach the players discipline and team spirit. In school sports, the players have to obey certain rules.  They have to submit to the ruling of the referee or the umpire.  Thus, they learn discipline and obedience. Physical education creates in students ‘the sporting spirit’. The students learn to play fair and honourably and to keep the rules of the game. They learn to be fair to their opponents. They develop pluck and patience. School sports teach them to take a defeat in a good spirit. Physical education aims at bringing best in the students. Physical education develops the alertness of mind. Physical education provides knowledge about health and its hazards and communicable and non-communicable disease. Through physical education human body can be developed in good proportion. The physical beauty also improves. A good sports man is a good citizen. He knows how to adjust with others. Physical education helps in developing and maintaining of good relations among human beings. It develops social traits, like cooperation, sympathy, loyalty, fraternity, courtesy and other traits of leadership. Aggressiveness can be eliminated through physical activities. By participating physical activities, we can overcome stress tension and sensitiveness. Physical education helps in creating discipline through games and sports. Physical education provides a number of opportunities to enhance the power of tolerance. Physical education enhances all essential traits required for development of the personality. Physical education leads to happiness efficiency and character building. Physical education helps the people to become fit to develop their spiritual and more forces. It increases the scope of human abilities and enriches the life of the individual and that of the society as a whole.

Contribution of Physical Education to General Education

True education of the intellect can come only through a proper exercise and training of the bodily organs, e.g. hands, feet, eyes, nose, etc. An intelligent use of the bodily organs in a child provides the best and the quickest way of developing his intellect. The proper and harmonious development of all the four- intellect, body, heart and soul- is needed to make a full man.

As the poet Kalidasa says, “The body is indeed the principal instrument of duty”. Physical education is instrumental in developing strength and stamina for the laborious and strenuous work in life. It works as a great educational force, providing opportunities for the wholesome satisfaction of inherent drives and urges of individuals and groups.

Through its well-organised programmes of cleanliness and orderliness, it develops aesthetic sense of children. It also centres around nutrition with attention to sufficient food and balanced diet, growth etc. It also concerns with rest and sleep in a very practical way. Often these programmes emphasize styles and postures suited to work, rest and sleep.

Physical education is a great factor in the mental hygiene of the students. It also makes contribution towards social hygiene. Children learn to play together in harmony, appreciating the rights of others and abiding by the rules prescribed for the activity. It inculcates a spirit of healthy rivalry and competition, sportsmanship, qualities of initiative, steadiness, firm resolve, confidence and poise, courage and perseverance in the face of odds.

It inculcates in them self-control and temperance by emphasising the harmful effects of drugs. It makes significant contributions to education for leisure and recreation. Through an intensive and systematic programme of physical education, the students are acquainted with physiology and human anatomy and all about the fundamental laws of physical growth and development.

Principles and suggestions for the Improvement of Physical Education in Schools

Various commissions, committees and Seminars on Education for Physical Education have made valuable suggestions for the improvement of physical education programmes in schools. A gist of these recommendations are:

Incentives in the form of credit for achievements in sports should be provided. Health, power of endurance, physical well-being of young people should be developed by improvement in nutrition. Planned coaching at all stages is essential. There is a vast talent potential in the country which should be exploited by intensive and planned coaching. Sports and games should also be organised in rural areas and in co-operation with the community. Sports festival should be organised and sports events encouraged on the occasion of fairs. Indigenous sports like Kabbadi and indigenous style of wrestling should be encouraged. Physical education should be made a curricular subject in the school at all levels and should be on par with other subjects. Similarly, schools should provide a period for it in the timetable. The programme of physical education and recreation should cater to the needs, interests and capacities of the pupils. It should promote normal growth and development, maintenance of health, acquisition of skills and desirable social attitudes and behaviour. Playgrounds of adequate dimensions should be provided by schools. Where separate playgrounds cannot be made available for each educational institution, a common playground for a group of institutions should be created. The physical education programme offered should supplement other programmes of education and not duplicate them. The physical education programme should reach all rather than a selected few. The traditional forms of play and physical activities that have developed in our own country should receive due emphasis in the programme. Greater facilities should be provided in educational institutions in the form of funds, equipment and trained teachers. For the supervision of physical education activities, qualified persons should be appointed as District Physical Education Officers. Periodical refresher courses should be organised for
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