» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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hand began to move again, gently stroking and squeezing, stirring the heat to life inside of me. I sunk my teeth into my lower lip to keep from whimpering, and my hips began to rock slowly against his hand, getting lost in his touch. When his hand pulled back, leaving my shorts, I slumped against him, unsure if I was relieved or unhappy about it.


And then his hand was sliding back down, this time inside of my panties. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped as his fingers touched the hot flesh between my legs for the first time. My hands curled back around his wrists, tugging hard as I shook my head back and forth fiercely against his chest. I felt more than heard his chuckle, my small hands doing nothing to impede his slow exploration.


Rough fingers slid along my outer lips, parting them and sliding through the wetness that had begun to leak out. They played along my flesh, teasing my hole, lightly brushing across my clit, as I desperately tried to stay still on his lap.


He wasn't making it easy, grinding his palm against my clit, one of his thick fingers finally seeking and pressing into my hole. My teeth sunk so hard into my lip to keep from squealing that it almost bled, as I was stretched for the first time by something other than my own fingers.


Again, once positioned, he seemed content to leave his hand where it was, not moving or applying any more pressure. It was maddening, having him inside of me without actually doing anything.


My hips started moving of their own accord, grinding almost desperately against his hand until, with another chuckle, it started moving again. As slowly as he'd done everything else so far, he began to grind his palm against my clit again, hand shifting so that his finger slid out and back in.


He stroked me inside and out, building a slow, pleasant heat in my stomach. After a while it was no longer enough. My mind had shut down and I was running on pure need. I needed his finger to move faster, harder, more, I didn't even care at this point, just anything but this maddeningly slow pace that seemed designed to drive me insane.


As if he could read my mind, or I suppose my body rather, his finger picked up the pace, moving faster and sinking deeper, at least as much as it could within the confines of my panties. I pressed my fist to my mouth, sinking my teeth into it to keep from making any noise that could draw Alicia's attention, the fact that she was sitting only feet away making my body hotter.


Another finger slid carefully inside of me and I stiffened against him, stretched more than I'd ever been before. Thankfully he didn't immediately resume thrusting, wiggling and rubbing his fingers around inside me instead, letting me get used to the new fullness. When I began to relax against him he started to move again, and the added finger made my hips rock even harder, made my thighs tremble and squeeze together.


Right before I reached the point where I'd no longer be able to hold back my moans, we heard a yawn from the couch. His hand stilled as I glanced over, seeing Alicia stretch and sit up.


"I'm gonna head upstairs and read for a bit before bed," she said, meandering towards the stairs. "Enjoy the rest of the movie."


We stayed completely still until we heard her door shut, and then suddenly we were a flurry of movement. I was tossed onto my back on the couch and before I could react, my shorts and panties were being yanked to my knees and my legs were levered up and pressed against my chest.


"Wait, what-" I started, only to lose all power of speech as his fingers slammed back into me, thrusting mercilessly. With my legs in this position it felt so much tighter, and within moments I was riding the edge of an orgasm.


"Cum for me angel," he growled. That was all I needed to send me toppling over the edge, a ragged cry tearing from my throat as my body writhed on the couch, the pleasure almost more than I could handle. His fingers began to slow then, allowing me to slip back into my body, to relax again.


"Fuck you're beautiful." My face flushed at his compliment, and doubt began to slip in again. He'd just finger fucked me with his daughter in the room, and I had allowed it. Well, I say allow. I'm pretty sure there was no amount of protest I could put forward that would have made him stop.


I pressed my hands to my face, as if I could blot out the memory of what we'd done. With my eyes covered, I didn't notice him moving until my shorts and panties were being yanked off my legs. I gasped and tried to sit up, to pull my legs together. He wasn't having any of that, and I was quickly spun so that my ass was on the edge of the couch, my thighs thrown over his shoulders.


"St-stop, you have to stop. Please w-we can't do thi- ahhhh." Any following thought was drowned out as his tongue swiped up the length of my slit. My head fell back with a groan, the sound echoed by his chuckle. There was another slow swipe of his tongue, and another groan. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. It was broader and softer than his fingers, and sent little pleasant ripples of pleasure across my skin.


His tongue dipped delicately between my lips, lapping up the fluids he found there, leftover from my orgasm. The harder and deeper he delved, the more my hips began to rock, my hands gripping the cushions on either side of my head. Oh, god, then he was stiffening his tongue, pushing it inside of me like he had his fingers, and my muscles clamped down, trying to grip it as it thrust in and out.


Without thinking, my hands found my breasts through my shirt, fingers rubbing across my hard nipples. I looked down at him to see him watching me hungrily, and then he did something that made me cry out and arch nearly off of the couch. It took a moment for me to realize that he'd captured my clit in his mouth. His tongue flicked back and forth across it quickly, sending sparks shooting up and down my body.


My whole being became centered on that one spot. I'd never felt anything like it. I felt like I was drowning in pleasure, like my body was melting. He tormented it until it became almost too intense, until I was whimpering, my hips squirming, before finally returning to licking and nibbling my inner lips, sending smaller, more manageable shockwaves across my skin.


When I started to nearly hum with pleasure, my hips rocking and grinding languidly against his face, his mouth latched back onto my clit, sucking it between his teeth. A soft pained noise escaped me, and my body arched, trying to escape his mouth, to ease the pressure on my over sensitive organ.


Instead of giving me the relief I needed, he slid two fingers back inside of me, the fit still tight despite how soaked I was. Before I was ready, he started to thrust them hard, bringing tears to my eyes. I sobbed and writhed before him, the pleasure becoming pain as the pain became pleasure.


Just when I thought I would explode, when I thought there was no farther I could climb, no more I could take, he twisted his hand and stopped thrusting, fingers aggressively making what felt like a come hither motion against my upper wall. Whatever spot he hit made fireworks explode behind my eyes, electricity racing across my skin, and I came so hard that it hurt, a scream torn from my throat.


Everything stopped very quickly, fingers and mouth removed, as a hand slapped down across my own mouth, cutting off the sound as I quivered and shook on the couch. As I slowly regained sense he moved his hand, and I caught sight of his grin.


"I think next time maybe we should gag you," he laughed, wiping my juices from his face. I glared at him weakly, though the effect of it was further weakened by the fact that I could barely move. Still chuckling, he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to my lips, his tongue tracing them, seeking entrance.


My lips parted and I tentatively touched my tongue to his. At that first contact, he groaned, a hand sinking into my hair and tilting our heads so that he could deepen the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth. I could taste myself on his lips, and I couldn't say that I entirely minded it.


He pulled away after a long moment, as breathless now as I was. "Fuck, angel, I think I could become addicted to you."


And just like that the spell was broken. My eyes widened and my hands flew up to push at his shoulders until he backed away. What was I doing? Where were all of my reasonable arguments? Why couldn't I keep my head when he started touching me?


I felt something fall into my lap and realized after a moment that it was my discarded shorts and panties. Without looking up at him I struggled to pull them on, my shaky limbs impeding my progress. With a sigh, he knocked my hands away and gently tugged them up into place. It was only then that I looked up at him, the gentle smile on his face making me tremble almost as much as his mouth had.


"Try not to think too much, okay?" He said, kissing my forehead before turning and lightly pushing me towards the stairs. I took a couple of deep breaths once he was out of sight, my mind still spinning and unable to concentrate. Looking forward to passing out and dealing with this in the morning, I attempted to open the door to Alicia's room.




I stared at it in shock for a moment. Why the hell was her door locked? She knew I'd be coming to bed at some point, so why would she- Oh.


My head dropped forward onto the door as I thought about the implications behind it being locked, considering some of the conversations we'd had recently. I stood there for a long time, silently hating my best friend, until I heard Daniel come up the stairs behind me.


"Leah? What are you still doing out here?"


I turned a weak glare on him. "She locked the door."


He looked confused for a moment. "She locked the-" I knew the moment it finally sank in, because all of a sudden it seemed he was doing all he could to not bust out laughing. "She's going to be the death of me one day. Well, nothing to do about it now."


Before I could process or react to his words, I was being scooped up in his arms and carried down the hall to his room. "Hey, w-what are you doing?" I asked nervously as he dropped me onto his bed.


"My bed is infinitely more comfortable than the couch, and after everything that's happened, it seems silly for one of us to go sleep down there." He smiled pleasantly as I glowered, thinking that after everything that had happened, sleeping down there seemed like the best idea. Before I could get up to do so, he'd scooped me up again, depositing me on my back and dropping down beside me.


I tried to turn away, to roll to the other side of the bed, but his arm snaked around my waist, drawing me against him until my back was flush with his chest. A sheet was pulled up over us and a soft goodnight was whispered in my ear. Sooner than I expected, I was drifting off, the heat from his body more potent than

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