» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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growly, making little shivers run up and down my spine. "But every time I hear the word 'Sir' come from those pretty little lips, it does things to me." His hand tightened on my shoulder, startling a whimper from me. The sound seemed to shake him and he quickly cleared his throat and stepped back. I exhaled, only just realizing that I'd been holding my breath since his voice had dropped.


"Get your water and go back upstairs Leah," he ordered as he turned and strode quickly from the room. The moment he was out of sight I collapsed to the floor, legs trembling too much to hold me up. What the fuck was that?




The rest of my night was uneventful, and I managed to leave in the morning without running into Daniel again. My whole next week was spent agonizing over it, until I finally decided to put it from my mind. It had to have been a fluke, or even a dream. There was no way it had actually happened. Either way, I spent the next couple of weeks avidly avoiding him.


Nearly a month later, only a week before our last day of senior year, I found myself staying the night with Alicia again. I'd worried that things would be awkward between her dad and I, but he seemed not to remember our encounter in the kitchen, relieving my mind and allowing me to relax and enjoy the evening. We ate dinner together, reminiscing about the all the mischief Alicia had gotten into, and subsequently dragged me into, throughout high school. More than once, her dad bemoaned the fact that I hadn't been his daughter instead, since I was the good girl, until Alicia pointed out that she would have corrupted me either way.


I'd moved into the house next to hers almost 2 years ago exactly. She must have seen me move in, because she was over the next day, demanding that I come swimming with her. We'd basically been inseparable ever since.


Our night ended with a cheesy romantic comedy that had us both giggling endlessly while her dad escaped to his office, saying that he needed to keep his masculinity intact. Somewhere towards the end of the movie, I started to drift off, body melting into the couch, and within moments I was passed out.


I woke up with a cry a couple hours later, body covered in a sheen of sweat, blankets tangled around my legs. The palms of my hands were pressed to my eyes, both to keep tears from flowing and to rub away the images from my nightmares. I trembled, knees coming up towards my chest, struggling to calm down, when a sudden noise made me cry out again.


"Shh shh shh, Leah, what's wrong?" The voice was familiar, calming me enough that I could lower my hands, though tears still threatened to fall. "I heard you yell, what's wrong sweetie?" Strong hands gathered me up gently, shifting me around until I was settled on his lap, head tucked into his chest.


"I-I had a n-nightmare," I whimpered, hands clutching desperately at his shirt. Long fingers stroked through my hair, slowly calming me down until I was no longer trembling.


"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, to which I simply shook my head. He didn't press the issue, instead continuing to stroke my hair soothingly, his other hand wrapped around my hip. After a while, the horror of my nightmare passed enough that I could relax, and I started to grow aware of something hard pressing into me from below. It took me a moment, but when I finally realized what it was my face flushed, and my body shifted awkwardly.


"Th-thank you for calming me down. I should probably head off to bed." I started to shift around to get up, but his arms tightened, holding me in place.


"Shhh, sweetie, no need to thank me, that's what I do. But if you go back to sleep now, the nightmare could come back." His big hand squeezed my hip, making me aware of how tiny I was compared to him. "I wanna make sure you're aaaalllll better first." His fingers threaded through my short hair before tightening, not enough to hurt but enough to limit my ability to move. My head was slowly pulled backwards, forcing my eyes to meet his, and as his breath hit my face for the first time, I had a realization.


"You're drunk," I accused, eyes narrowing slightly.


He grinned, a big dopey grin. "A little bit. And you're beautiful." A flush spread across my cheeks at the compliment. I didn't get many of them. I mean, I suppose I'm an attractive girl, in a waifish sort of way. I'm about five foot two and very slender, with chin length blonde hair and big green eyes and skin that refuses to hold a tan. However, as attractive as I may or may not be, Alicia was my best friend. She was bright and vivacious, curvy and stunning and flirty, while I was her pale, shy shadow. This didn't lead to much in the way of male attention.


"S-sir, you should really let me go. This isn't appro-"


"Mmm, say that again," he murmured, pressing his lips to my ear.


"Wh-what?" My voice was weak, his touch making butterflies flit in my stomach.


"Sir. I love the way it sounds coming from your lips." He shifted me around so that I was straddling him, my hands pressed to his chest, trying to push away. His grip was too firm though, hands tight on my hips.


"Please, this isn't appropriate, you need to let go," I said desperately, pushing harder on his chest as one of his hands slid up to wrap around the back of my neck.


"Who cares? I know you want this." Those blue eyes that I so loved were hooded, and I barely recognized the look on his face. "I've seen the way you look at me." He drew me closer until our noses touched. "Like there's nothing you want more than for me to pick you up and ravish you."


His words lit a fire in my stomach and my body trembled. I couldn't deny what he said. I'd fantasized about him taking me, many times, even gotten off to it. There was a difference between fantasy and reality though, and some things were better left to fantasy.


"I can see the gears turning in your head Leah," he murmured, lips brushing against my ear again. "Stop thinking so much and just enjoy. I know you want to."


I shook my head back and forth fiercely in denial. The hand on the back of my neck slid into my hair and tightened until a pained noise escaped my lips.


"We don't lie in this house Leah." His voice was stern, eyes hard as he forced me to look at him.


"I-I'm sorry Sir," I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes. His face softened, the grip of my hair loosening, and he slowly kissed the tears away.


"Good girl. You've fantasized about me fucking you, haven't you?" The coarse term made my face flush, bright enough that it could be seen even in the low light.


"Y-yes sir." The words just barely dragged themselves out, my eyes squeezing shut.


"Mmm, that's a good girl. Now, I don't think we need this anymore."


My eyes opened as he released me, but before I could scramble out of his lap my shirt had been stripped, leaving me topless in front of a man for the first time in my life. A squeak escaped me and I quickly covered my breasts with my arms.


He frowned, wrapping his hands around my wrists and jerking my arms away. "Now now, none of that." His eyes widened as he took in the sight of my pale chest, my breasts barely a B cup, though perky, with small pink nipples. They tightened into little peaks under his gaze. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy."


Blush spreading down my chest, I struggled to free my wrists, but he very easily maneuvered me so that they were pinned with one hand behind my back. This left his other hand to cup my breast, the touch making me gasp. That dopey grin split his face again, hand gently squeezing my breast, almost massaging it. The sensation made me squirm on his lap, which only served to push my hips closer to his, and once again I felt the evidence of his arousal, thankfully separated by multiple layers of clothing.


"Please, please, stop," I pleaded, shaking my head back and forth. "Please, I can't- I haven't- I've never-"


His hand stilled, confusion in his eyes as they met mine. "Have you ever been topless in front of a man before?"


I shook my head, fighting back tears. His eyes widened and he sputtered for a moment in apparent shock, before finally grinning. "I'm assuming that means you're untouched everywhere." I nodded, body slumping, hoping now he'd finally get the idea that it was wrong for him to be touching me like this.

n o n c o n s e n s u a l ( ii )

Calloused fingers tweaked my nipples, drawing a startled moan from my lips. "That means I'll be your first. Fuck that's hot."


My eyes widened and I began to struggle again as I realized what he intended. "No!" I yelled, arching and twisting my body helplessly, knowing that I was nowhere near strong enough to escape until he let me. Which he didn't seem inclined to do. I opened my mouth to yell again but the sound was swallowed by his lips, pressing hard to mine as his free hand curled into my hair, preventing me from pulling away.


And then we heard a noise from upstairs, the sound of feet hitting the floor. We stared at each other, wide eyed, listening to the soft thumping, the sound of a door being opened, and then all of a sudden we were a flurry of movement. My shirt was pulled quickly back over my head, tangling me as I attempted to get my arms in. By the time we heard the stairs creak he had me re situated so that I was curled up in his arms again.


"Is everything okay down here?" Alicia asked as she stumbled into the room, rubbing her eyes. "I heard a yell." Seeing us, she frowned. "Another nightmare?"


I glanced nervously up at Daniel before pushing out of his lap. "Y-Yeah. Sorry I woke you up."


She wrapped her arms around me for a moment before tugging me towards the stairs. "No problem. Let's go back to bed."


My eyes found Daniel again, catching the frustrated look on his face, before we were out of sight again. Moments later I found myself curled in a pile of blankets and pillows with my friend, sleep blurring the edges of my vision. My last thoughts were of him, of that awed look on his face when he'd stripped my shirt off. I'd never felt so desirable before in my life, and despite my reservations, a big part of me wanted to feel it again.




The next morning I woke up early, scrambling to get myself ready and off to school before I could run into Daniel. His darling wonderful daughter however complained repeatedly about me waking

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