» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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wet because of the constant stimulation and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

Before I realised it we reached the next speed bump, the driver barely slowed and we hit it hard. I jolted up and forwards again and as the bus sped on the momentum drove me back, I tried to reach out and grab someone to stop myself falling back but I missed and my swollen wet pussy lips were roughly parted as my dad's hard bulbous cock head pushed through my tight wet opening.

I stifled a yelp as my pussy was forcefully and painfully stretched open. His cock was only a couple of inches inside me so I try to squirm around to dislodge it but I immediately stopped as all it did was push him deeper.

I couldn't believe this was happening! From behind me I heard a suppressed grunt through clenched teeth and then nothing. I was so embarrassed and scared of what might happen next. My dad's cock was huge and it was only half way inside me!

All too soon we hit the next speed bump, I was thrown up again, my dad's cock sliding almost all of the way out of me before I was thrown back again. I clenched up, preparing for what was to come but it made no difference as every hard pulsing inch of my dad's cock was forcefully plunged inside my tight gripping pussy walls until the head must have been up near my stomach. It was so thick and hard, I gasped, my eyes wide, staring straight ahead as every nerve set on fire in my stretched throbbing pussy. There was a stifled groan behind me.

I knew we'd hit the next speed bump any second and quickly grabbed my dad's bare thighs. We hit the speed bump hard and I was thrust up again, my dad's cock sliding all the way out of my pussy. I dug my fingers into his thighs trying to break my fall and move myself at the same time.

I fell back to his lap and to my relief I felt his hard cock head jab at my opening but then slide along my exposed pussy so it was horizontal between my pussy lips. I no longer had my dad's cock in my pussy but instead it was rubbing insistently at my clit each time the bus moved, the vibrations from the engine taking my arousal to a new level.

When was this ever going to end! My pussy was dripping wet and my swollen lips were gripping the length of my dad's horizontal throbbing cock. I was so aroused but felt disgusted with myself at the same time, this was so wrong, I couldn't think of anything worse.

I was still gripping my dad's thighs and as the bus hit another speed bump I was thrown up again, I tried to control my fall as I did before but the lady stood in front of me lost her balance for a second. My instinct took over and I raised my hands to steady her so she wouldn't fall and crush me.

I immediately realised my mistake as I was thrust back onto my dad's fully erect thick cock, my swollen wet pussy lips giving way to him as he penetrated my sore tight wet hole once again. I felt him stretch me, fill me as I shuddered, letting out a moan. I dropped my head in embarrassment.

With each sway of the bus my body was being moved backwards, forwards, and side to side effectively making me grind down on my dad's throbbing cock buried deep in my overstretched wet hole.

We stopped at a set of lights and I thought this would bring some relief to the constant swaying and jolting of the bus but the idling engine under where we sat caused a new sensation and our tense bodies hummed and vibrated causing further stimulation to my full aching pussy. I didn't know how much more I could take. I was flushed and sweating and so wet between my legs and the underside of my thighs where my dad's cock had spread my juices.

As each speed bump came and went we were thrust apart and thrown back together, my dad's hard cock deeply penetrating my silky wet pussy and stretching my smooth inner walls as we both quietly gasped and grunted.

I was so turned on but didn't want to be, I tried to think of other things to take my mind off what was happening but it was impossible, I couldn't ignore the hard 8 inch cock that was stretching my pussy walls and setting my nerves on fire.

I felt a slow tingle come over my body and desperately tried to hold off the inevitable, what sort of person orgasms on their dad's cock!? It was no good, as the momentum caused my dad's cock to repeatedly force into me, I tipped over the edge, my toes curled, I dug my fingernails into my dad's bare thighs, dropped my head so no one would see the look of ecstasy on my face and my whole body shuddered as I clenched tight around his cock.

A wave of pure pleasure washed through me as my body spasmed. I immediately felt my pussy being stretched further as my dad's pulsing cock engorged, I heard him grunt 'no, no, NO', then there was a sudden warm gush deep inside me as his swollen cock pumped his hot fertile seed into me, my pussy spasming and milking every last drop of cum from his thick twitching cock.

We both sat still, not daring to move as our sweaty bodies remained pressed together at the hips and we panted, trying to regain our composure. I was so mortified, I'd effectively just ridden my dad's cock until we'd both cum together and his now softening member was still wedged deep inside me!

I squirmed a little and felt it move, I squirmed some more and it slowly slid out through my wetness causing me to shudder from the sensitivity of my used pussy. His cock remained there, the softened hot length of it pressed horizontal between my pussy lips as his cum slowly dripped from my aching tight hole onto him.

The bus stopped and some people in front of us got off leaving a small gap. I struggled up on shaky legs, pulling my dress down as I stood. I turned around, my dad was pulling down his shorts which were crumpled and wet with my juices and his cum.

I stood panting for a moment then reluctantly looked up and looked him in the eye. He stared back at me, his face unreadable, eyes dilated black. n o n c o n s e n s u a l ( i )




With a strangled cry, I shot straight up, knocking my blanket onto the floor and causing my friend to grumble in her sleep. My body trembled, hunching into a ball as I fought off the nightmare that had woken me. It was a couple minutes before I finally calmed down enough to stretch my legs out, forcing myself to take slow deep breaths. My hands rubbed at my eyes, trying to ease the slight burn of tears unshed. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and stood up shakily, propelled towards the door in search of water for my dry throat.


"Everything is okay," I muttered to myself as my still sleepy eyes searched the dark hallway for monsters. Smothering a yawn, I slipped quietly down the stairs, feeling the last vestiges of my nightmare shake off now that I was up and moving. Curiosity drew me towards the sound of the tv in the living room, wondering why Alicia's dad would be up so late. I poked my head in, spying him sprawled across the couch, holding a beer in one hand, the other hand on his-


"Oh!" A startled cry escaped me as my brain finally registered what was happening, and my body quickly propelled itself backwards and down the hall towards the kitchen. Once safely away, I leaned on the counter, taking shaky breaths as the scene rolled over and over in my head. I'd had a crush on Alicia's dad for a long time. He was in good shape for an older man, or for a younger man honestly, with laugh lines around his mouth and the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. His head was covered in thick black hair, only just starting to grey, showing mostly in the nearly silver wings above his ears.


Being the best friend of his daughter, I'd never even entertained the idea of anything actually happening between us, as he seemed to think of me as a second child. He had, however, ruined me for guys my age. They lacked the maturity, the caring nature, even the authority that I've come to desire because of him.


"Leah? What the hell are you doing up?"


The sound of his voice knocked me from my musings and my eyes found him blocking the doorway. Unable to help myself, I glanced quickly down at his crotch, but his jeans were back where they should be.


"I-I, um, I was getting some water?" The statement came out sounding like a question, as my eyes glued themselves to the floor tiles to avoid looking at him. There was a long silence before he spoke again.


"How much did you see?" He asked with a sigh.


"Nothing!" The word came out too forcefully to sound believable.


"Leah." His voice was hard, that tone that made me tremble, made my heart race, and my eyes found themselves unwillingly meeting his. "We do not lie in this house, do we?"


"No, sir," I whispered, eyes dipping back to the ground. He sighed again, before moving towards me until his legs appeared in my line of sight. A rough finger hooked under my chin and tugged it up, forcing me to meet his gaze. This close to him, I remembered finally that I was standing there in only a pair of panties and a t-shirt that barely covered my ass. A blush spread across my pale cheeks, bright enough that I'm sure it could be seen even with the lights off.


"Leah, how many times have I told you to call me Daniel?" His hand cupped my jaw, thumb brushing across my red cheek. I only barely resisted the urge to nuzzle into his touch.


"I-I'm sorry, but it's hard. My parents drilled 'Ma'am' and 'Sir' into my head," I murmured, shifting from foot to foot, hoping to escape this uncomfortable situation soon.


The hand on my jaw slid down slowly, fingers trailing across my throat, tracing my collarbone and rubbing across the shoulder exposed by the looseness of my shirt. A small step brought him closer, until I was practically pinned to the counter, having to crane my head back to meet his eyes.


"I love how respectful you are," he says, voice dropping to a tone I'd never heard before. It was low, raspy,

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