» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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was. I liked the sound of it too much, my mind at war with itself, torn between continuing to fight and surrendering everything to him.


"I'm going to move my hand now, okay?" He said, interrupting my train of thought. "You're going to be a good girl, and not start arguing again, right?" When I didn't answer, his eyes and voice hardened slightly. "Right?"


With a soft whimper I nodded. He stared at me for a moment, as if to decide whether or not I'd actually keep to that, before slowly removing his hand from my mouth. I sucked in a deep breath of air, my eyes slipping shut as I started to breathe normally again. They flickered open again at the feel of his thumb down my nose and across my cheek, his warm smile making my heart thrill.


"Why?" I asked after a moment, my voice a whisper.


"You said to distract you." His grin was brilliant and made my cheeks flush.


"N-no, I mean, all of it. Why? Why me? W-why are you so... insistent that this is right?" I covered my face with my hands as I asked, not entirely sure I wanted to know the answer.


He gently tugged my hands away and held them against his chest. "I think that's probably a conversation for another time angel," he said, making me frown. His fingers caught my chin, tilting my head back, our faces so close together now that I could feel his breath hitting my face.


His eyes flicked down to my lips and I knew that he was going to kiss me. Rather than fighting it, I leaned up, meeting his lips halfway. His mouth was so gentle on mine, his kiss light and comforting, taking and demanding nothing. It was over sooner than I liked, and I just barely resisted following as he pulled back.


"I think we should probably get some food into you now," he murmured, wrapping me back in my blanket and setting me carefully onto the couch next to him. "Is oatmeal alright?" I nodded and watched him make his way off to the kitchen. My mind was muddled, fingers coming up to touch my lips, missing the feel of his on them.


My mind must have drifted off, because a warm bowl was being pressed into my hands sooner than I expected. His hand ran through my hair as I pulled it against my chest, simply enjoying the warmth for a moment.


"I'm going to head back to your house to grab you some clothes and lock up. Is that alright? Will you be okay here?" He asked, tilting my face up again. I nodded, smiling shyly at him. "Good girl. Are your keys in your backpack?" I nodded again and returned to my food, listening to his footsteps as he left the house.


The moment I was sure he was gone I sighed and let my head drop back against the couch. What was I doing? I may have resisted there at the beginning, but by the time he released me I probably wouldn't have protested had he stripped off my panties and-


"No." I pressed my hands to my eyes, verbally stopping that train of thought. Determined to resist harder, both against myself and against him, I dug into my food.


As I finished, wondering idly why it was taking Daniel so long over at my house, the red flashed through my head again, making me cry out and surge forward, bowl flung across the room. I trembled there on the floor for a long moment, arms wrapped around myself, tears flowing down my face.


I felt myself sinking, sinking, the red overtaking my mind, filling my ears, covering my sight, smothering my breath. I flailed, drowning in it, losing myself again, skin beginning to burn everywhere it touched. A sob burst from my chest and I thought the pain would tear me apart, until a voice broke through the haze.


It murmured, one word, indecipherable through the red. I caught hold of it, pulled it closer. The closer it came, the more the red receded, until I could hear his voice whispering 'angel' in my ear. I clung to it, clung to the meaning behind it. There were so many reasons things couldn't work between us, but I brushed past them for the moment. He saw something in me, something that made him pursue me, want to capture me.


I may not be sure if I wanted to be captured by him, but at the very least I could prove myself worth the effort.


Using that thought, and the sound of his voice in my ear, I pushed until the red began to evaporate. Until I could open my eyes again, could take in a lungful of fresh air, could climb up off the floor.


My legs shook, but I stood, wrapping my blanket back around myself as I did. As I looked around, all traces of red had gone, and I sobbed with relief, pressing my hands to face. I'd done it.


The sobs turned to laughter and I brushed the tears from my face with the corner of my blanket. I hear the front door open, and then Daniel came back into the room, a thoughtful look on his face. It became worried as he saw me standing, my eyes red from crying.


"Oh, angel, are you okay?" He asked, dropping my backpack by the couch.


I laughed again, and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay."




We curled up and watched movies for the rest of the day, after he promised to keep his hands to himself. I was able to relax, to keep my thoughts at bay and simply enjoy. When Alicia got home from school I was swept up in a whirlwind of hugs and tearful exclamations of love and what was her version of comforting words. I laughed and allowed her to fret, reassuring her over and over that I was alright now.


She fretted over me for the next couple of hours, practically feeding me herself when we sat down for dinner. I was bundled carefully into her bed not long after, and fell into a blessedly dreamless sleep the moment my head hit the pillow.


The next day when I woke up, I felt more refreshed than I had in a long time. There were no hazy, half remembered nightmares plaguing me, only a strange lightness and enough energy that Alicia shoved me out of bed for waking her up. That energy was curbed slightly when I bounced downstairs to see that Daniel had already left, but I shook myself. No, it was for the best.

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I reinforced that thought as I paced restlessly through the house until Alicia finally stumbled downstairs, still not fully awake.


"I hate that you're a morning person," she grumbled, dragging me out of the house.


My good, almost bubbly mood persisted through the day, drawing a number of surprised eyes. I guess people weren't used to seeing me talkative. Which made sense, considering that I avoided it like the plague during school.


"Leah, are you sure you're alright?" Alicia asked finally during our last period. I looked up at her over my book, startled.


"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be?"


"I mean, after your nightmare the other night? I've never seen you have one that bad," she said, worrying her lip with her teeth. Red flashed through my mind but I shoved it down.


"I'm okay, I promise," I tried to reassure her. "I've had them that bad before." She frowned more, making me think that that probably wasn't the right thing to say there.


"Have you told your parents how bad they get?" She asked, twisting completely around in her chair so she was facing me. "It might be a good idea to, I dunno, maybe talk to someone about them."


I shrugged, turning my eyes back down to my book. It quickly disappeared from my hands, and I sighed. "It's not that big a deal Alicia. I can handle them on my own. I always have."


She frowned at me fiercely. "Damn it Leah, you shouldn't have to. You need to talk to us. Let people help you for once."


It felt weird to have her glare turned on me for the first time. The thought had always terrified me, but I found myself strangely calm. "There's nothing to talk about. I can handle this myself." She made an angry noise and slammed my book back on my desk, spinning back around in her chair.


She didn't talk to me again until we were on our way home, and only then to inform me that I'd be coming over for dinner and staying the night. When I started to protest that glare was turned back on me, and this time I didn't quite have the nerve to argue.


Thus I found myself having a very uncomfortable dinner. Every time I asked for something, Alicia would make snide remarks about how I could handle things myself. Being an intelligent man, Daniel said very little throughout the meal. As we were cleaning up, he suggested we watch a movie. Maybe something funny, with very little drama.


Alicia hurried out ahead of us, presumably to get first pick for the movie. When we finally made our way into the living room though, she was stretched completely out across the couch, and refused to budge her legs.


Leaving Daniel and I to share the chair.


The only way it would comfortably fit both of us was if I curled up in his lap. Which I wasn't exactly thrilled about doing, after what had happened over the past couple of days. I stood for a long moment beside the chair as he settled in, until he finally sighed and dragged me into his lap, pulling my favorite blanket up and around me.


Glancing over as the movie started, I saw Alicia quickly look away from us, a sly smile on her face. That little rat had planned this. I tried to glare at her but she remained very focused on the tv. Slowly my frustration began to disappear, the movie drawing me in as Daniel's warmth melted me.


I didn't actually notice his hand move at first, relaxed as I was in his arms, up until he was very carefully undoing my shorts. My body stiffened, unsure if I was imagining things, or if he was going where I thought he was going. When his fingers began to slide slowly down into the front of my shorts, my eyes darted up to meet his.


He didn't look at me, gaze focused on the tv, but a decidedly mischievous grin split his face. I wrapped my hands around his wrist and tried to tug, but his hand didn't budge, continuing to inch down until his fingers were brushing against my pussy through my panties.


Just barely I managed to bite back a whimper as his hand cupped my pussy and stopped moving. His warmth radiated through me, and I could feel myself already starting to get wet. Once it was in place it stopped moving, seemingly content to grip me through my panties. I struggled to not squirm, to not make noise, eyes occasionally turning up to Daniel, but he never looked away from the movie.


Not even as his

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