» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots, Mistress_ Red [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Mistress_ Red

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of me moving faster, breath coming quicker, that hand trailed down to rub furiously at my clit.


There he was, demanding I cum for him. I did so in an explosion, moaning his name as my body bowed off the bed, fireworks bursting behind my eyes. Exhausted, I slumped down against the bed, after a much longer time than I'd expected. I'd never cum quite that hard before. My body was flushed with pleasure, breathing heavy and quick, and I could in that moment admit that it was because I knew what his hands felt like on me.


Too tired to contemplate my emotions anymore, I wrapped myself around my pillow and promptly passed out.




It was so dark. Always so dark. And then the pain came. A burning ache that spread over everything, that overwhelmed and tore the world apart. Oh, fuck, the pain. It shredded the mind. Tore chunks from the flesh.


And then red. Pooling and slithering across the skin. Blinding as it trickled from above. Dripping and splattering, specks landing on lips. Oh, god, what was this? Why did it taste like blood?


Limbs flailing, nails scratching at the walls, tearing up fingertips, burning as the red turned to flames. And the screaming, rattling the brain, echoing around until everything was consumed by it, breaking the throat, shredding vocal chords.


And then... pounding?




The screaming cut off the moment my eyes opened. My throat was raw, my body lead against the bed, unable to move. There was that pounding again, my name being yelled. I forced my body to roll from the bed, collapsing to the floor as my shaky legs refused to hold me up. My blanket came with me, wrapped around as if it could shield me from myself.


Slowly, oh so slowly, I made it to my door and dragged myself to my feet. Thank god my house was one story. Stairs would have been an insurmountable challenge. The pounding came again and I realized finally that it was someone at the door, demanding entrance. With shaky hands I managed to unlock it and pull it open mid knock.


It was Alicia standing there, a wild look in her eyes. The second the door was open she shot forward, wrapping her arms tight around me.


"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice sounding rough, broken to my ears.


"You never showed up to walk to school. I came over to get you and I heard you screaming," she said, her cheek pressed to my hair, sounding as if she was holding back tears. "Was it the nightmares?"


I nodded, body shaking and nearly collapsing to the floor as they flashed through my head again. She caught me, barely, and slowly lowered us down until I was cradled in her lap.


"Dad, dad I need you to come over here," she said shakily, into what I assumed was her phone. It was dropped to the floor a moment later and I felt her arm wrap back around me. "Leah, god, Leah why are you home alone?"


"Parents out of town," I murmured tiredly, tucking my face into her chest. "Business meeting." She murmured comforting words into my ear, too low to make out, for a long moment. Finally I heard footsteps, and then a soft curse, and a new body was dropping beside us.


"What happened?" He asked, taking me carefully from Alicia's arms.


"I came to get her and she was screaming in her sleep," she said, her voice shaking.


He nodded and told her to go on to school, that he'd take care of me. Reluctantly, she left, leaving me curled comfortably in Daniel's arms. He hefted me up and stood, closing the door behind him as he carried me back to his house. The walk was a blur, my mind focused on him, trying to ease the ache in my head.

n o n c o n s e n s u a l ( iii )

The next thing I was aware of was us curled up on his couch, my body pressed tight to his, one of his hands stroking my hip through the blanket while the other was sliding through my hair. As I shifted, slowly opening my eyes, he looked down at me, face tight with worry.


"Leah, love, what happened?" He asked, hand squeezing my hip lightly. "And why the hell weren't your parents there?"


My voice was dry as I tried to get out the words I needed. "Nightmare. Business trip." He frowned but nodded, shifting me so that I was sitting up in his lap, head tucked into his chest.


"Do you want to talk about it?"


I shook my head hard, a soft whimper escaping as red flashed through my mind, and he made soft comforting noises, hands stroking lightly.


"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Is there anything I can do to help?"


"Distract me?" I asked softly, pulling back just enough to look at him through teary eyes. "Music, tv, anything."


He nodded, running his fingers through my hair. "I'll have to set you down to put on a movie. Is that okay?" I nodded slightly, clutching my blanket tighter around myself. He shifted me carefully off his lap and stood, my eyes following him across the room as he set up a movie. Within moments I was scooped back up and trembling in his arms. He started to shift the blanket to a more comfortable position and then suddenly cleared his throat.


"Leah, darling, would you like more clothing?" He asked softly, making me look back up at him in confusion. It took a moment to realize that I'd fallen asleep in just my panties last night, and hadn't put anything else back on this morning. I thought about it for a moment, weighing my desire for a t-shirt with the fact that he'd have to leave me for a couple minutes to get clothes.


Finally I shook my head, though my face flushed, and said, "No, I'm okay with the blanket. I-I don't want you to leave me." He smiled softly, but neither of us said anything else, turning to watch the movie he'd put on. It was cute and funny, and helped a little bit, but red kept flashing through my head, making me shake.


It wasn't until I felt his hand on my bare hip that I realized he'd been slowly shifting the blanket around so that he was under it with me. I didn't say anything, allowing myself to enjoy the feel of his hand on my skin, his other arm wrapped around my shoulders, holding me up and against his chest.


His hand slowly drifted across my stomach, fingers tracing along the edge of my panties. My stomach tensed and his fingers stilled for a moment before sliding back to my hip. I was almost sad, until he started tracing patterns up my side, up over my rib cage, lightly brushing across the side of my breast. I shifted then, at the edge of what I could reasonably allow, only to feel his grip tightening.


"I know what you're thinking Leah. I know what's going through your mind. But I want you to be quiet and let me distract you," he murmured into my ear, fingers trailing up and down my rib cage.


"But I-" Before I could get anything more out he shushed me, the hand on my shoulder sliding around to cover my mouth.


"No. No arguments," he ordered, voice firm but not forceful. "If you're going to argue, I'm going to keep my hand here. Do you understand?" I shook my head forcefully, both trying to argue and to shake his hand off. It tightened down and he sighed, lightly pulling so I was facing the tv again. "Watch the movie Leah."


I don't know how he expected me to watch the movie with his fingers drawing maddening designs across my side. When they kept to a, slightly, more appropriate area, I slowly got back into the movie, despite his hand still firmly over my mouth. It was only when I relaxed against him again that his fingers began to move, knuckles brushing against the underside of my breast.


My breath came quicker and my nipples started to harden, but his hand never moved higher, stroking the sides and undersides of my breasts for a couple minutes until I was starting to tremble. His fingertips finally began to draw circles around and around, inching closer to my nipples until they were aching. And then his thumb brushed across one and I inhaled quickly, body arching against my will to thrust into his hand.


He chuckled, warm hand cupping my breast and squeezing gently while his rough thumb slid back and forth across my nipple. It was impossible now to watch the movie, especially since my eyes had drifted shut, mind and body focused solely on the heat of his touch.


My breathing was a little rougher through my nose, but I no longer minded his hand over my mouth. It allowed me to more easily accept what was happening, knowing that I couldn't fight it, couldn't even protest. If I was being honest with myself, and honesty was required in his house, I also liked how vulnerable it made me, in an entirely unrelated way.


Another sharp inhale as his fingers started to roll my nipple between them, tugging lightly. I squirmed and whimpered, my thighs rubbing together. He chuckled again, squeezing and tugging slightly harder.


"Put your hand on my wrist," he murmured in my ear. When I didn't move he repeated it, more command in his voice. My hand shook as I curled it around his wrist, feeling it tense at my tentative touch. "Good girl." My heart thrilled at the praise. "Now I want you to tap two times when it becomes too much, okay?" I nodded a bit, briefly considering tapping now. I didn't think that was what he meant though.


"Good girl," he murmured again, his fingers endlessly teasing my nipple, making me squirm in his lap. It took a moment, but I realized that his grip was slowly getting tighter, the squeezing and tugging getting rougher until it began to hurt. My hand tightened on his wrist and he paused briefly, but I didn't tap. Instead I arched my back, pushing my breast up more firmly into his hand, begging for more.


His growl rumbled in my ear and his hand squeezed my breast almost painfully, fingers abusing my nipple. The pain grew and shot down through my body, centering on the heat between my legs and making my already wet pussy drip. The harder he squeezed and pulled the wetter I grew, my thighs rubbing together restlessly, breathing so hard and quick through my nose that I thought I might faint.


Slowly his fingers eased up, drawing a needy whimper from my throat, until they were simply brushing across my breast with soft strokes.


"Well that was unexpected," he said, voice tinged with amusement. When I glanced up at him there was a grin on his face. "I wanted to see what your pain limit was, and I'll be honest, I really expected you to tap out fairly quickly. But you are just full of surprises, angel."


The pet name set butterflies flitting around in my stomach, my face flushing redder than it already

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