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The impact of this phenomenon was such that, people whom we adore today were once ridiculed by their contemporaries, in their life time.

            Subramania Barathi, adored by us as Mahakavi, was ridiculed by his relatives as a madcap. Columbus was threatened by his own co mariners to be murdered and thrown in the sea, had they not discovered land by the next dawn. These people were visionaries in their own command and amidst simple people like many of us; unwilling to sacrifice even trivial pleasures. However, since they remained unsubmissive to collective peer pressure; deriving strength from their inner conscience, they emerged successful.

They were intellectually bold in implementing their ideologies and their actions were explicit. This kind of open and truthful execution was due to the fact that they did only what they felt right; driven by conviction. Some other interesting aspects about them were that they were broad minded, expansive; not carried away by trivial pleasures; in steep contrast to many of us.

“Simplicity arises out of profound thought!”

Al Ries and Jack Trout in “The power of simplicity”

Quite a point! On analyzing the factors in exclusion method, that could be the probable substratum of a thought that is actually profound; we are forced to exclude most of the factors that we consider very important. Some of the factors excluded worth mentioning would be education, wealth, social status and authority.

The lack of profound thought that could not be cultivated by any of the above mentioned excluded aspects could be attributed to the existence of an escapist attitude in many of us. We thrive and derive happiness by dwelling in a world of fantasy and fun that is dictated by us, collectively. This is actually the substratum that deludes us from rational thinking and is cashed upon jealously by companies.

Consumerism is the point of debate that is proposed here. Any activity that is being performed today would have emerged from its rudimentary predecessor of early times. The barter system of trade could be attributed as the rudimentary form of today’s consumerism. The principle of barter trade rests on the need to survive. The exchange of goods was intended to ensure survival; hence the trade was generous; and the surplus was also given away in charity.

In contrast, today’s consumerism rests on wealth accumulation and hoarding. The three prime factors that propel the modern consumerism is the intent to convert every possible luxury into necessity; hence the existing product is outdated; and advertising is a necessity even for products of basic consumption.

The foundation of barter trade was mutual coincidence of needs!

The foundation of modern consumerism is avarice!!

“Poverty wants something, luxury many, avarice all things!”

May we describe today’s consumerism as a deliberate deferral of disbelief in the value of material goods? It may be appropriate in trade that focuses on fun and enjoyment as the end product – like watching a movie or a theatrical performance; where the intention is fun, driven by common sense. However, applying this to every trade is the fatal trend witnessed today.

The emergence of shopping malls and the rapid proliferation of advertisements that flashes on us through different media stand testimony to the fact that the consumers are easily carried away by the fun factors than real need. Advertising, how much ever it is pleaded to be factual or true to purpose; spreads a lie that the product or service advertised is necessary.

It is a lie due to the fact that a product or service that is essential for sustenance of life would need no advertising! Also, these advertisements are pregnant with the only idea conceived that the product is intrinsically necessary. If that be appropriate there would be no justification to our prospective customer being alive, witnessing the advertisement to get carried away by the fun factor and eventually become a prey to the company offering the product by purchasing it; thereby adding positively to the treasury of the company.

The evidence of the above statement is carried in the purchase basket of every modern citizen; wherein the percentage of essential commodities has shrunk to a minimum, creating ample space to the ever proliferating non essential items. An interesting twist to our story and allegation is created by the fact that companies have also started accepting our stand by way of releasing advertisements that suggest the consumers the basic need a product satisfies.

In the cool drink sector, the rudimentary purpose of consuming a cool drink is side-tracked by various advertisements, depicting a swarm of aspects that another company’s advertisement differentiates itself proposing basic need the product satisfies!

“Sprite – Pyaas Bhujayae; Bhaaki All Bhakwas!”

Again, does one need an aerated bottled drink to quench thirst else could choose water or buttermilk! The existence of this phenomenon is because, we human beings – social animals, distrust our direct experience and look at others for our decision making. The result is long term dissonance. So, one must accept only what is essential and discard the rest.

We should introspect to be very clear in understanding what we really require and choose the best; irrespective of what others possess.

Above all, desires can never be quenched by satisfying them. When one gets satisfied, a new set of desires arise, ultimately leading to constant dissatisfaction and dissidence!

The secret is,

“Be simple and keep it simple!”



© Sabari Ganesh; “All Rights Reserved”


Ever wondered which single factor propels the activities of every person? Education, Employment, Earnings, Yearning for name, fame, authority, popularity – anything for that matter is propelled by one’s earnest search of happiness. Every person runs around with the sole ultimate objective of remaining happy. All our activity becomes complete only when we are able to remain happy.

This entire world is so dynamic with professionals from all walks of life. They are well educated, disciplined, intellectually strong; but emotionally weak! Such a combination in professionals – intellectually strong and emotionally weak are like an active mine; so very dangerous that they may explode any moment causing unimaginable and irreparable damage that effectively nullifies all their preceding good efforts and positive results.

A careful analysis of the elemental substratum that underlies the emotional weakness of every successful person displays a very interesting and striking similarity – non-receipt of the much chased after happiness or emotional contentment. It is quite surprising to witness these professionals who are very successful in their chosen area of specialization, actually in the top of the knowledge pyramid; desperately yearn for happiness and contentment.

It is actually surprising to think, what could be so difficult for these professionals, who are intellectually very strong, exponents in their field of activity, opinion leaders actually, that make happiness so elusive! A close scrutiny of this issue throws light on a very crucial aspect – Focus. Though exponents in their chosen area of activity, these professionals have miserably failed in studying and understanding “Life”. Influenced by the ‘mass approval phenomenon’ and compelled by collective opinion, we as professionals were running after so many things blindly without knowing the intrinsic value and ultimate benefit that could be derived from such pursuits.

“A cynic is a person, who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing!”

-       Oscar wilde.

A mention of those factors that influence our behaviour and activities reminds me that we are actually cynical in our approach towards ‘Life’. Also our folly lies in our expecting happiness from external sources that are actually not controlled by us. To understand this, we must analyse ‘happiness’ in its intrinsic nature.

Happiness is a derivative of the materialization of our desires. In the event of non-materialization of our desires, and upon identification of the cause; the reaction would be either anger – if we are more powerful than the cause; or sorrow – if the cause is more powerful than us. In other words, desire is the substratum of our emotions. As long as we desire, we fluctuate between happiness, and sorrow or anger. However, any of these emotions are not consistent or sustainable; because the object of desire is external to us and we may be deprived of it any moment; because change is certain. Even otherwise, we may not continue to like the object of our desire, due to changes in our temperament and/ or outlook.

The reason being, we are actually so self-centered in the materialistic sense that anything that opposes us or our ideology would be hated by us. The only solution to this so seemingly never ending game is to be self-centered again, but in the spiritual sense. Spiritual wisdom was and is never elusive! It has always been so simple. When we wear a shirt, knowing well that it is either already torn or would get torn, then its wisdom; because, in the event of the shirt getting torn, we would remain in peace. Also, we are very clear that we are not the ‘shirt’ we wear.

Similarly, indulging in worldly duties, realizing well the inherent impermanency is wisdom. Also, trying to understand the real self is the ultimate level of wisdom! For anything to keep changing, and also to appear real, it should rest on a relatively unchanging substratum. Only if the slate is stable, can the letters be written and rewritten repeatedly; and would also look real. Similarly, the body, mind and intellect that we possess have always been changing; which makes the existence of an unchanging substratum a necessity?! Being ‘that’ is wisdom. It cannot be known for the simple reason that, if it is known, then the knower is different from it; hence we need to start again!

This reminds me of a story of a beautiful girl. Her parents decided that she would marry a guy, one of their very close relative. The girl in her aspiration to marry the best of all, decided to marry the King, whom she thought was ranked the highest. When she followed the king, she saw him bowing down to a saint! Naturally, our heroine started to follow the saint; who saluted a Ganesha idol beneath a tree, in the river bank. Our girl just sat beside Ganesha to propose him, waiting for him to wake up! It was when a dog came by and graciously decorated our Ganesha with its pee.

The girl was so very astonished to see Ganesha sitting unmoved; and hence she started following the dog! The dog that entered the village was chased by a small kid. Now, our girl started following the kid, wondering if she would be able to marry him! The mischievous kid was intimidated by a guy, whom the girl decided to marry finally. Alas, to her surprise, it was the same person to whom she was engaged.

She had been running around expecting the best everywhere, when the best was actually so close to her! Similarly, we are running around seeking happiness in our external pursuits, when the eternal happiness is within us. When we are able to focus our mind on that which is eternal, we would succeed in securing eternal happiness. To achieve this, the only way is to minimize our indulgence in all other activities to the barest essential. The belief that desires can be extinguished by satisfying them is a mirage. It is similar to pouring fuel on fire to extinguish it.

In a sentence, the path

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