» Fairy Tale » Colorful World, E.S. [books like harry potter txt] 📗

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the time. Yet, I think he had a soft spot for Ceto, some one who just might put a brake on his flirting, Atalanta looked at me “I know what your thinking, Ceto is not the girl who had serious relationships with, to pretty for that”, she said. “and your not?”, I asked,
“Well let’s just say some body put a stop to my flirting, or at least flirting with more than one guy”, she explained. Atalanta and her pack were full of mystery, and I’m not sure I liked it.

When Ceto came back, I decided it was time to ask her some questions, I know she hadn’t warmed up to me fully, but still it was worth the shot. “Hi Ceto, I’m Sarah, I was just wondering where you were gone to”, I said, Ceto looked at me, Serious face “is that a statement or a question?”, she asked, I probably had a very confused sad, mad, weird, messed up look on my face, Ceto started laughing “just kidding, I was in England”, she said smiling, “oh, that sounds nice, have you been in Atalantas pack long?”, I asked, I wondered if she was 22 two or may be just 17, they way she looked,
“Five years, long enough to know every body well”, she said,
“So you joined when you were...?”, I asked,
“Oh, your full of questions aren’t you, I joined when I was twelve”,
“Just to let you know, I know about the whole Wolf thing”, I said, just making sure she wasn’t lying because I was human.
“I know, Jed told me”, she said, I needed to get to the point I was always looking for,
“do you know Athena well?”, when I said her name Ceto had a look on her face like it stung,
“Well enough”, she said,
“Could you tell me about her?”, I asked,
“No, sorry, this is not my place, you’d have to ask her your self, but I don’t even know where she is”, she said,
“But I thought she was in Africa”,
“She was, but I can’t find her now, she’s always out”,
“Why don’t you have a phone?”,
“Not Athena thing I guess, I’m lucky I got to keep my lap top”,
“Why can’t you keep a phone”,
“Ask Athena”, no answers out of her, well about Athena any ways, accept she moves a lot. She was about to walk away, but she turned back, “Sarah, that isn’t your name, it’s what your called, your called Sarah”, she said, unusual. I didn’t know what she meant by that. Atalanta had asked me what I’m called, but she said she was named Atalanta. Interesting.

Today I was at my house. My mother kept on asking why I slept at Jeds place, I kept saying that I wanted to get to know his roommates better, which was the truth, but she didn’t believe me. I walked to see my sister. My sister didn’t go out and see my family much, she hadn’t since her seventh birthday. She always stayed in her room, and layed outside. She’s always be outside, in her bathing suit, on a towel, she’s soak up the sun, she was always smiling when she did that, while she layed there she would sing, I never heard what though. Some times she’d be gone for a whole day, but she’d always be back at night. She was quiet mysterious, like Atalanta, and that worried me. I thought this would have effected her grades, (not that it really mattered I really just wanted my happy little sister back) but it didn’t, she had been getting A’s which really surprised me. I walked into her room. My little sister, Diana, was nine now. She looked up at me, she was drawing on her walls, a giant moon. Mom would have to deal with that. “Hey Diana, what you up to?”. She looked at me “so, I heard you like Goddesses”, she said, she did this a lot, she changed the subject like she didn’t hear what you said first. “I do”, I said,
“you like Roman Goddesses?”, she asked, her head tilted,
“I find the Greek goddesses interesting”, I said, no use lying, Diana always knows when you lie.
“Really, who’s your favorite?”, this was one of the longest conversations I had with my little sister since she turned seven, so I went with it, “Athena”, I said,
Diana smiled a sly smiled, “tell me about her”,
“Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. She also has a Roman Goddesses, who is a lot like her, Minerva”, I said, Diana frowned,
“Oh, that’s interesting, I didn’t know she was a Goddess of so many things”, she stated, Diana soon kicked me out and began with her drawing again.

My mom had always wanted to take Diana to a doctor, but Diana always said no, and that no doctor would find a cure, or understand. Weird thing was that my mother never told Diana why she wanted to take her to the doctor. Diana didn’t look different than any body else, as far as I know. She had long and a lot of orange curly hair, her eyes were blue, yet she was taller than most people her age.

I walked down stairs, my mother was making breakfast. “Hi honey, how was your sleep?”, she said it like she said every morning, “fine”, I said, “I visited Diana, she wanted to learn about the goddesses”, I told her, my mother always wanted to know more about Diana, now that I told her this, she’ll probably go out and by books about Goddesses, for her and Diana. Today was in fact a school day, luckily I got ready early, because I had a bad sleep. I had my breakfast then left for school.

I walked into the doors of my high school, Kenzwic Heights. I passed the blue and red lockers, one of the boys I had known since kindergarten came up to me “how’s your boyfriend”, then made a kissy face, he ran away laughing at the lame attempt to make me feel bad about me and my choices. He was Keegan, the boy who was my weird-not-so-much-friend-but-not-enemy. Unusual relations ship we have. I met up with my best friend Nora. “Hey”, I said, “hey”, she said, the normal meeting word we say. We were passed in the halls by the words “freak”, “loser”, “dork”, and so on. The way Nora and I met up was because I got pushed down by some bully and Nora standing up for me by punching the kid in the face then getting to not go to school the next day. We were usual out casts. I got A’s and Nora got C’s, I got crushes, Nora got people to crush. We were ying and yang. Another reason why I like Nora was because she got along with my sister, not only that but my sister would actually talk to her, and Nora would get my sister to do things, like talk to us, or eat. Today my sister is going to the doctor, but only because Nora was coming with us.


Nora came home with me that day. We were taking Diana to the doctors today, Nora actually named Diana too, well she told my parents that name and they could only say yes. Diana said only Nora and I could take her to the doctors, so my mom had to beg us, we finally said yes. Nora didn’t mind, but I had better things to do then watch my sister throw a tantrum and run out of the room, (by the way, my sister is really hard to catch).

We were at the Doctors, Diana went in the check up room. I keep telling mom that she will not find any thing wrong with Diana, she is some thing new. We only waited ten minutes until Diana came out running. Nora went to run and catch her, then the doctor came out holding his hand, crap. “She bit me!”, he muttered, I went to run and catch Diana and Nora, “sorry!”, I yelled back at him and ran for my life. Soon I had caught up to my unusual family, Diana was frowning and Nora was holding her shoulders. “I already took care of it”, Nora said panting. “Thanks”, I told her, while we walked to the car. Nora might be a C average, fighter, who has a bad tempter, but say all you want, She can drive. She turned on the radio to Katy Perry singing “Part of me”.

When I got home I went to my room, skipped dinner and went to bed. I was to tired to do any thing. My sister did that. My sleep didn’t last long. I was awoken by my sister, “what do you know about Atalanta?”, she asked me, I answered once again, I felt like a had too “I really don’t know much”, I blurted, Diana frowned, “tell me what you do know”, I thought for a minute, “she was a hunter, one of the best, may be even the best, she could do a man’s job easily, I don’t know about you, but I would never want to be in a fight with her”, even the Atalanta that wasn’t a god, she scared me to death, “oh! and she was raised by she-bears”, I said, Diana scattered away. I
went to bed with my pillow covering my head.

I woke up that morning and checked on Diana, she wasn’t there. I walked down stairs, “Diana isn’t home!”, I yelled to mom then finished getting ready. When I got to school Nora wasn’t there. Some times she skipped school, part of the reason she gets Cs.

The week went by for me just waiting to get to see Jed again, I don’t see him much because he has Wolf things to do, but on the week end he’s all mine. I always wonder what he does with all his free time, being a

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